'I, Frankenstein' Concept Art

Shock Till You Drop along with three other websites revealed some exclusive concept art for the upcoming film "I, Frankenstein". Head over to IESB, Bloody Disgusting, and Aint It Cool News for the rest of the lot.
Here is what director Kevin Grevioux of "Underworld" fame had to say to Sci Fi Wire back in April when asked about translating the comic to film:
Like with Underworld, my inspiration has always been the classic horror movies, in particular House of Frankenstein, which had Frankenstein, the Wolf Man and Dracula all in one film. Looking at stuff like that, I conceived building a world where all of the classic ... monsters of literature lived in the same city, called Dark Haven. So I thought it would be cool to put them in a modern film-noir kind of setting, where the public is completely unaware that these creatures of legend actually exist. I thought that would be interesting, and have Frankenstein as the star, so it was kind of cool, it was kind of fun. Like, one of the things that I've always wanted to see is Frankenstein versus the Mummy, so in a sense we'll get a little bit of that, things like that: pairings of different monsters, how they would interact in this city.
Read the rest of the interview HERE.