August is a popular month for vacations and this past weekend Movie Moan decided to take some time off. To keep your appetite wet for future installments, we're reposting the very first episode on TMT. Enjoy.
TMT's Movie Moan Podcast: Opening Night
I'm proud to debut the first edition of TMT's Movie Moan podcast hosted by Jamie Williams and Phill Gee. When Jamie and I first thought about opening up a website one of the first moves we wanted to make was securing Phil Gee's Movie Moan to add to our site. I'm happy that Phil and Jamie have decided to move from the Now Live Network to Think Mcfy Think.
Jamie and Phil discuss the Fox & WB Watchmen settlement, the troubled production of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Terminator Salvation, Sherlock Holmes, Iron Man 2, Marvel, The Avengers...and more!
One of the great untapped markets for movies is the romantic comedy for people over the age of 40.
They don't come around too often, so it's worth noting when they do. It's especially worth noting when the movie features a love triangle made up of Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin.
"It's Complicated" has been building some solid word-of-mouth and the new trailer shows why:
Written and directed by Nancy Meyers, "It's Complicated" arrives in theaters on Dec. 25. In addition to the actors already listed, the movie also features John Krasinski, Zoe Kazan, Lake Bell, Hunter Parrish, Pat Finn and Rita Wilson.
The last work of the late Heath Ledger was not, as some assume, his electrifying role as The Joker in last year's smash hit "The Dark Knight."
It was, in fact, in the Terry Gilliam film "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus." Unfortunately, Heath did not finish the movie, but due to the fantastical nature of the story and a certain plot point involving a magical mirror, Gilliam was able to finish it using three other actors (Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law).
This first trailer really took me by surprise. I wasn't sure what to expect, but what we've got looks to be a visually-stunning piece of fantasy, full of imagination and dark mystery.
I get the same sort of magical vibe from this as I did when I first saw the trailer for "Pan's Labyrinth." That was one of the freshest pieces of fantasy to come along in some time, and with any luck, "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" will deliver the same level of quality.
"The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" opens Oct. 16 and you can check the trailer out below:
According to Variety, the movie finally has a state-side buyer.
Variety is reporting: "Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions Group is in advanced talks to pick up 'The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus,' with plans for it to go out theatrically, likely this year, via Sony Pictures Classics."
Comingsoon.Net via Myspace has the new poster for Kate Beckinsale starrer "Whiteout." The film is one I am looking forward to as I enjoyed the books a lot, however this poster, while a nice piece of art, does not really represent the movie all that well as it seems more like a fanasty/horror poster.
After a guilty verdict from fanboys, McG will be put down in a public execution by this Terminator.The worst thing to happen to Terminator: Salvation was: 1) J.J. Abrams' Star Trek clickingwith the general public as much as it did and basically stealing its thunder weeks prior to release and 2) McG's mouth.
Sure I liked the film, and thought he did an acceptably decent job. But the fact that he openly compared it to Batman Begins and The Dark Knight was just plain dumb. And I won't get into the multiple times he's lied his ass off and then flat out caught doing so because I've gone through that before.
Now the director reveals to IESB that he's currently prepping Terminator 5 along with 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo which is expected to begin production this fall in Australia.
Granted this is 100% coming from McG, people. So I'll wait to hear from the trades or sites like IESB, Latino Review, etc. (i.e. people with legit track-records in the scoop department) backing-up these claims until I believe it. That said, I'm not holding my breath on this one. Nor should you.
Right now, J.J. Abrams must be walking around the Paramount lot acting like the Pope. Waving his hands, blessing executives and suddenly a project is fast-tracked.
Case in point, the trades report the previously announced Abrams and Tom Cruise produced Mission: Impossible IV is in fact happening. Screenwriters have been hired in the form of Josh Applebaum and Andre Nemec. Both are Abrams alumni having served as executive producers on Alias.
Considering the film is still aiming to hit cinemas by 2011 (same year Paramount plans to release the Star Trek sequel), things should be moving quickly. Wouldn't be surprised to hear that a director has been hired within the next two weeks or so. Knowing Abrams, I'd expect to see another of his underlings getting the job.
And just to show that "everything is cool" between Cruise and the studio, the actor will appear in an "onscreen capacity." By that, one can only assume that Ethan Hunt will serve as more of a mentor figure this time and a new lead character is introduced.
Hollywood is at it again with yet another reboot of an '80's property. This time it's ABC and their new television series, 'Eastwick'.
'Eastwick' is of course based upon the 1987 hit film 'The Witches Of Eastwick'. The hour long fantasy-drama series will tell the tale of three women from the sleepy New England town of Eastwick who get charmed by a devilish stranger named Darryl Van Horne (Paul Gross). The three female lead witches will be portrayed by Rebecca Romijn (as Roxie), Lindsay Price (as Joanna), and Jamie Ray Newman (as Kat).
In the seaside village of Eastwick, three very different women are about to discover some bewitching talents they never knew they had. And once they get together-- watch out. Something wicked is coming their way.
There was a time when Roxanne, Kat and Joanna didn't get along because of their preconceived notions of each other. Roxie was the extroverted artist, Kat the overworked wife and mom, and Joanna the wallflower local reporter. But after a weird encounter in the park, coupled with a few martinis, these three women have suddenly become fast friends.
When the mysterious Daryl Van Horne arrives in town, he manages to bring the women even closer. His wealth, charisma and bad boy sex appeal are an irresistible combination for the three ladies. What's even more dangerous is that he unleashes their unique powers in ways they never could have imagined. But by igniting their hearts' desires, he might just be opening Pandora's Box.
Eastwick will be turned upside down as these enchanting women come into their own. Although bad for a few locals, it's still the best thing to happen to this small New England town in centuries.
Based on John Updike's celebrated best-seller and the popular movie, Eastwick is brimming with romance, mystery and dangerous charm, offering a tempting vision of the ultimate wish-fulfillment fantasy.
The promo for this show makes it look like a cross between Desperate Housewives, Sex In The City, and Charmed... Not really most guys' cup of tea, but I'm sure our girlfriends/wives will probably love it.
Eastwick can be seen this fall on Wednesdays @ 10/9c on ABC.
After a lot of discussion, a couple of well-received posters and a teaser trailer, we have the full trailer for "Where the Wild Things Are":
As my friend, who walked by when I was watching it, said: "Wow. It's crazy to see it come to life. I hope it doesn't suck. It was such a good book."
And that certainly sums up the feelings of a lot of people.
"Where The Wild Things Are" is an adaptation of Maurice Sendak's classic children's story. It is the story of Max -- a disobedient little boy sent to bed without his supper. Max creates his own world inhabited by ferocious wild creatures that crown Max as their ruler.
Max will be played by the aptly-named Max Records. In various ways, the movie also will make use of the talents of Forest Whitaker, Catherine Keener, Mark Ruffalo, James Gandolfini and Catherine O'Hara.
"Where The Wild Things Are" is scheduled to be released Oct. 16.
Hey folks, this not news per se but Jamie thought I should tell you about it anyway.
In preperation for the release of 'G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra' (my written review of which can be found in the reviews section of the site just a click away), I put together this little video of what happened when some of my countrymen tried to make 'a real American hero' a little less Amercian and just took it too far.
So if you're about to head into the new film fearing the worst, just watch this and realise that it can't possibly insult the G.I.Joe you know and love as much as..........ugh, 'Action Force'.
TMZ has breaking news that John Hughes has died from a heart attack. What was my first reaction to hearing this a few minutes ago? "Shit..."
I'm 25 years old and played a number of his films in heavy rotation during my adolescent years. For anyone of my generation, you know what I'm talking about. Hughes was the screenwriter-turned-director/producer responsible for such films as The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Sixteen Candles.
My favorite of his work (and among my Top 10 favorite films) was Planes, Trains & Automobiles. Playing our VHS copy of the Steve Martin/John Candy comedy (taped off its Thanksgiving Day 1996 broadcast on the USA Network with commercials, no less) has become an annual tradition over the years now.
I realize the man hasn't directed a film since the 1991 bomb Curly Sue. But his influence is felt all over the place - especially in the "teen comedy" market. In fact, an old teacher of mine regards 1999's 10 Things I Hate About You as the best John Hughes movie he never made.
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