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Entries by Jamie Williams (2045)


New Captain America: The Winter Solider Trailer Is Pretty Damn Good

In the middle of the Super Bowl, Marvel (being Marvel) decides to drop the new trailer for Captain America: The Winter Solider.

Pretty sneaky! But that's how you do it, kids. Not just from a "Steal the thunder" marketing perspective, this is an all around solid piece of trailer-cutting, and I'm not a guy to praise Marvel at the drop of a dime. Their slate of films is spottier than most of my fellow online pundits want to admit.

Side-note: Phil has a cool theory of how they are gonna reintroduce the Red Skull into the modern times and spoilers, it's not Robert Redford. I'm not so sure but we'll know in a few short months.


The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Super Bowl TV Spots & Villain-Heavy Trailer

"Let's go catch a spider!"

Sony released a two-part Super Bowl spot (one on Friday and the other just now during the Big Game as the Seattle beats down on Denver) for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and an Electro-Green Goblin focused sizzle called "Enemies Unite." Only it's really an extended trailer. So why not call it a trailer?

It may be three months away but they aren't holding back. So much plot, dialogue and CG action on display, you wonder if you didn't just watch the whole film. Still laying it thick on Gwen Stacy's death; so much so it feels like misdirection and Emma Stone will be green-screening it again for The Amazing Spider-Man 3.


Transformers: Age of Extinction Super Bowl TV Spot

The masturbatory reaction to the Transformers: Age of Extinction Super Bowl spot reiterates what some of us, including our pal Jack Giroux, know. Our community has the shittiest memory.

The reactions to the Super Bowl ads for Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon were glowing with proclamations that "Michael Bay finally got it right." Then the respective films opened and everyone conveniently forgot how they reduced themselves to blubbing idiots due to 30 seconds of sizzle-reel footage and bashed Bay.

Oh but Optimus Prime is riding a Dinobot. It must be good this time, right?


7 New Seconds of X-Men: Days of Future Past Footage to Cream the Internet's Pants

New X-Men: Days of Future Past footage is up on Instagram with the promise of "something BIG" from Bryan Singer himself this Monday. Probably a new trailer to shut fans up on the lack of scope in last fall’s teaser trailer; not exactly an unfair argument.

Pal to TMT, Caleb Williams of Super Hero Movies News grabbed the embed and nabbed it on his YouTube account for you to enjoy.


BREAKING: There MAY Be a Wonder Woman Movie - Eventually

Headline ran yesterday about Gal Gadot inking a multi-picture deal as Wonder Woman. Unfortunately that ain't news. Signing actors down for several films is standard operating procedure. It's only been that way since forever.

The real news comes from Variety. They say they know exactly what films her deal is for – the Batman/Superman Team-Up, Justice League and a solo Wonder Woman film.

That doesn't mean Diana Prince will fly in the invisible jet by her lonesome. Gadot might not be embraced in the role. Warner Brothers might not go through with a female superhero flick (By the time they get to this, Marvel probably will have beaten them to that punch). Knowing them, they will find some way of fucking this up and keep DC on film exclusively as Batman & His Amazing Friends.


Time For Another Michael Caine Smackdown Between Rob Brydon & Steve Coogan

The Trip was a nice BBC sitcom recut as a feature-length film. But you know it as an Internet sensation thanks to the scene where stars Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan one-up each other in their Michael Caine impressions (Both have their strengths but for the record Brydon was superior).

There is another one coming called The Trip to Italy and it wouldn't be the same without another Michael Caine showdown. This time it's their voice-recreations of The Dark Knight Rises including (intentionally?) bad bits on Caine, Christian Bale and Tom Hardy.

Second time is not the charm here. I'm sure the film itself is fine.


Batman/Superman Movie Pushed Back to May 2016

Three weeks into the New Year and its time for a bombshell. Warner Brothers just announced the untitled Batman/Superman film has been delayed from July 17, 2015 to May 6, 2016.

Production was scheduled to begin on the Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck-in-spandex headliner next month primarily in Detroit. It has been officially stalled till the second quarter of this year. The blame, according to the press release the studio released, places the move on giving "the filmmakers time to realize fully their vision, given the complex visual nature of the story."

Not sure what the real reason is though an odd rumor of Affleck breaking his leg and delaying production surfaced on the Super Hero Hype forum yesterday (Batman-News stole it and claimed as their own exclusive this afternoon). If there is any truth to that, nobody from Affleck, Zack Snyder or the Brothers Warners' camp is talking

Don't expect tears from us. This production was sounding more and more like a clusterfuck; hijacking a solo-Man of Steel sequel and morphing into Justice League in all but name to take on The Avengers: Age of Ultron that summer. If an extra year is required for wiser heads to prevail, so be it.


The Force Might Be Strong with Jesse Plemons

Casual viewers don't know Jesse Plemons by name, but they recognize his face from Breaking Bad, Friday Night Lights or maybe even Battleship or PTA's The Master. Expect that to change, if this goes down.

The Wrap reports he is up for a lead role in Star Wars: Episode VII. He passed the first round, taping an audition for casting directors and will meet with helmer J.J. Abrams next week.

The assumption game suggests he would be Luke Skywalker's son. No, he doesn't have a passing resemblance to Mark Hamill (who, by the time, is still not confirmed to return). Unless Hamill was played by Matt Damon. But they have both have sandy, blonde hair. And that's all you need to pass for movie logic.


Quicksilver Looks "Different" in X-Men: Days of Future Past - Fanboys Fudge Their Huggies

If Quicksilver had lightning bolts in his hair or as a belt, or most importantly if this was exactly how Aaron Taylor-Johnson appeared in The Avengers: The Age of Ultron, no fanboy freak-outs.

Instead it's Evan Peters (AKA: the future Mr. Emma Roberts) for X-Men: Days of Future Past. Bryan Singer is a more polarizing figure in the dweeb-o-sphere than Joss Whedon. They can't help but bitch. It is all they know, and they conveniently forget the seizures induced when Singer opted out of blue-and-yellow spandex for the black leather suits. He looks fine.

Grow up, fanboys. At least, try to.


Kevin James Will Blart Harder in Mall Cop Sequel

Kevin James screamed and fell on his ass to box-office glory with Paul Blart: Mall Cop this time five years ago. Whether it was the weak carryover business from the Christmas '08 slate, the likeability of its star (The King of Queens was on the air for nine years; shows don't last that long just because network heads like it) or maybe audiences genuinely were intrigued by the notion of "Fat Die Hard in a Mall," it made big bank.

James must have kept a sequel in his back-pocket when his "Fatty Make Funny" glory days dried. Save for Grown-Ups and the Criterion-worthy Grown-Ups 2 (a sequel brilliant in its awfulness), it's been a miss at the box-office.

So yes, as THR reports, here comes Paul Blart 2. Andy Fickman is in talks to direct and he's reportedly the only new addition. Everyone else who made the 2009 original the benchmark for comedy stays in place. The rumor will be bursting with developments on if Bryan Cranston plays the villain or whether Blart is secretly a descendent from Krypton.