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Exclusive Interview With Natalie Morales

Some of you might remember Natalie Morales from her portrayal as the unflappable Wendy Watson in ABC Family's television series "The Middleman". Now you can catch her on USA Network's new hit series "White Collar" playing the sassy Agent Lauren Cruz. She just recently finished shooting for her role in "Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps". Natalie was nice enough to take some time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions for us.

There is an obvious spark between the characters you and Matthew Bomer play on "White Collar", Lauren Cruz and Neal Caffrey. What do you think is holding them back from getting together at this stage?

I think it might be way too soon. Neal is still a bit hung up on Kate. Also, there is a lot of trust issues going around for everybody. I don't think any of us REALLY trust Neal yet, and the same goes for Neal with us. Although, now that I mention it - that may be part of the attraction.

I saw you hauling ass while chasing down Ghovat in the 2nd episode of White Collar, "Threads". What do you do to stay in shape so you can make chasing down criminals look easy?

Interesting question. I should have some ridiculous workout regimen where I do yoga at 5am and only eat leeks. Really, I'm just a lazy 24 year old with a fast metabolism. Ask me again when I'm 30.

Matthew Bomer was close to playing Superman at one point, would you be interested in playing a superhero?

Well, playing Wendy Watson was a hell of a lot of fun. I'd love to do it again.

I want to hear more about "Quitters", which you not only starred in, but also took on the role of executive producer.

Quitters was a pilot that my brilliant friend, Dane Hanson, wrote and directed. We got a group of friends together and shot it in 2 days, just for fun. I look forward to working with him a lot more, the man's a machine.

“Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps” has just wrapped filming. Talk about that experience.

It was so much fun! Everyone was really cool and I got the chance to play a completely different character than I'm used to. I was completely honored to be working with those guys, and they made it very easy.

I heard that "Boldly Going Nowhere" has some new life, tell us about that project.

Boldly is a pilot I shot over a year ago that was written by the Always Sunny in Philadelphia guys (who completely and totally rule) and to be honest I have absolutely no idea what's happening with it.

You're certainly doing well for yourself in front of the camera any thoughts of getting behind the camera as a director?

Absolutely, and thanks, I would definitely love to direct someday. I need a hell of a lot more experience though. I would hate to be one of those people that just thinks she can direct because she's been around directors. There's so much more to it - I've learned a lot from some magnificent people I've worked with.... but I need to take a ton of classes first.

You're spending a quiet night at home watching movies, what's in Natalie's Netflix queue?

Let me look - okay, here's a few: Steamboat Bill Jr., Paper Heart, Big Love Season 1 & Joe Versus the Volcano.

Update your fans on any upcoming projects. What does Natalie's future hold?

I wish I knew. That's the tough/awesome thing about this business. I could be filming a movie in Yemin tomorrow night and not know it until tomorrow morning. Right now, however, I'm focusing on finishing this season of White Collar and then a script I've just written and getting that made. Keep your fingers crossed.

Can fans follow your Tweets via Twitter or poke you courtesy of Facebook?

Tweet! find me @nataliemorales

Don't miss the White Collar Fall Finale this Friday December 4th at 10PM Eastern. Then get reacquainted with Natalie Morales when White Collar returns on Tuesday, January 19th for all new episodes on it's new night.

Reader Comments (3)

I think she would make a great Cat Grant

12-3-2009 | Unregistered CommenterAdrian Brody Fan

Oh great, I loved "The Middleman". I was a big fan and this girl was my impossible love! Thank you for posting it, it brings to my memory wonderful times watching the show. Now I'm old and need generic viagra pills and specs!

09-8-2010 | Unregistered CommenterDan

White Collar is a pretty good show, this guy is pretty clever to solve all the situations he is placed in, as smart as to get really Cheap Viagra if he needs to.

10-15-2010 | Unregistered CommenterOliver

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