Exclusive Interview With Johann Urb

If you didn't remember Johann Urb from CW's television drama "The Mountain" you certainly should know who he is now. He was born in Estonia, and grew up in Finland, but Johann is now taking Hollywood by storm. The young actor has enjoyed a more than solid 2009, playing the role of nice guy extraordinaire in the form of Will St. David on television series "Eastwick" and stalwart pilot Sasha in the blockbuster film "2012". The former model, has the looks and acting chops to further an already successful career in film and television. Like everybody else, ThinkMcflyThink.com has taken notice. Johann took the time to answer some of our questions in a TMT exclusive interview.
Loved your character on “Eastwick”, Will St. David. You had the whole “Clark Kent” thing down. What will you miss most about working with that particular cast and crew?
I really enjoyed my cast mates and the crew. It was a really fun set and there were very talented people.
Will St. David, is the nicest guy you could ever meet. Did you ever find yourself wanting some magical powers to play with so you could unleash some evil?
Yes! I would have loved to have had some magical stuff going for me, but I guess my magic was in being the nicest dude alive, ever.
First spotted you on the CW’s “The Mountain”, but you have had a good amount of television experience, did you feel like a veteran on the set of “Eastwick”?
Yes, it definitely feels like home being on set. I love it. I hope I get to do it all the time! I was very green when doing “The Mountain”.
In “Eastwick” you were on the set of a faux New England town. Have you experienced the real New England?
Yes, I love New England in the summer.
“2012” blew my hair back. What was it like being involved in such a big budget film when compared to television?
Amazing! I love big action movies and it was an incredible experience from beginning to end. If I only got to do big action movies from now on, I’d be a happy dude.
You acted as producer and were an actor in “Pornstar”, what is the status of this film?
It should hit the shelves pretty soon. There are some minor finishing touches and changes that need to be tended to.
I already alluded to it above, you have a very heroic look to you. Would you be interested in playing a superhero on the big screen?
Hell yes! I can’t wait!
You’re on a plane heading out of the country to shoot a film, how would you pass the time?
I’d be reading a book, hopefully one of those that you can’t put down, like “Altered Carbon” or “The Electric Church”. I’d also catch up on some movies.
I know your uncle is a famous actor in Estonia. Did he share any tricks of the trade with you
Nope. He’s kept all the tricks to himself. I’ve had to learn it the hard way.
If I were to head to Eastern Europe, what tips would you give me so I could make an attempt to fit in?
Fit in? You can’t unless you learn the language and that changes every couple of hundred miles. Every country is very difference and rich in culture so don’t blend, absorb.
Any upcoming projects you want to share with your fans?
I’m working on an episode of “100 Questions”, a new sitcom on NBC, right now. I don’t know when that is going to air but it’s very funny stuff! And keep your eyes peeled for “Pornstar” and if you haven’t seen it yet, “Strictly Sexual” is an amazing powerful-beautiful-funny-touching film that I’m very proud of.
Johann seems geeked up about possibly playing a superhero on the big screen. I can see him playing a number of different characters from the pages of DC or Marvel but the obvious connection at this point would be Superman and his alter ego Clark Kent. I had one of our resident TMT artists, who goes by the name of Dark B, construct a quick photo manipulation of what Johann might look like as mild mannered reporter Clark Kent.
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