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Mystery Cameron/Salerno Project Is Fantastic Voyage Remake

The jury is still out on Avatar until it opens next weekend. Well if you don't count embargo-breaking British websites or nerdgasming Twitter remarks proclaiming its awesomeness. I fully acknowledge the movie could be great. People forget how good a story-teller James Cameron is. But I'm trying to keep it real here, folks.

While we're on the subject of its writer/producer/director, you remember that Production Weekly posting from earlier this week? That was the one about Cameron working on a "sci-fi action" film with screenwriter Shane Salerno.

MTV has the word straight from Cameron himself (along with producer Jon Landau) that the phantom project is a remake of Fantastic Voyage. Now don't start freaking out. This is not going to be Cameron's post Avatar endeavor - directorially speaking at least. The filmmaker will merely serve as a producer - most likely with Landau at his side. And yes, the plan is make this for 3-D.

Correct me if I'm wrong. But I could have sworn I heard that Roland Emmerich was going to remake Voyage back in the late 90s. Could be mistaken on that one.

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