Movie Moan TV Is Back - 'One Hour Photo' (2002)

Oh yes folks, we are happy to announce that Movie Moan has broken free of the painful restrictions afforded by Youtube and moved to the merrier shores of Blip.TV.
Provided the studios don't mind and consider these pieces 'fair use', we're gearing up to provide a plethora of special video content over the coming months. This week we start with the Movie Moan podcast crew's passionate discussion of the superb 2002 film 'One Hour Photo'.
Technically, this show belongs to Jamie and Ed since, as you'll see, when I open my mouth things immediately go to hell.
Would you like to see more of these? What films would you like us to tackle? Should I leave all the talking to Ed & Jamie in future? As always, we appreciate your feedback.
Reader Comments (2)
Nice job Phil. Congrats!
Is it possible to bring back some of you original ones like The Dark Knight, Spider-man 3 and Pirates. If not you guys should talk about hmm let's say Transformers movies and why the suck. I would love to see you guys talk about the Friday the 13th franchise if it's possible.
PS: Phil you should always have a saying on the matter. Always!