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    Hiring Writers Not An Impossible Mission

    Right now, J.J. Abrams must be walking around the Paramount lot acting like the Pope. Waving his hands, blessing executives and suddenly a project is fast-tracked.

    Case in point, the trades report the previously announced Abrams and Tom Cruise produced Mission: Impossible IV is in fact happening. Screenwriters have been hired in the form of Josh Applebaum and Andre Nemec. Both are Abrams alumni having served as executive producers on Alias.

    Considering the film is still aiming to hit cinemas by 2011 (same year Paramount plans to release the Star Trek sequel), things should be moving quickly. Wouldn't be surprised to hear that a director has been hired within the next two weeks or so. Knowing Abrams, I'd expect to see another of his underlings getting the job.

    And just to show that "everything is cool" between Cruise and the studio, the actor will appear in an "onscreen capacity." By that, one can only assume that Ethan Hunt will serve as more of a mentor figure this time and a new lead character is introduced.

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