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    Jennifer Aniston goes to Prison!


    I like Jennifer Aniston, sure she has a rather dull filmography with waaaay too many "safe" rom coms on it, but she is always a likeable presence whatever she is in and can lift her game on occasion when the material requires it, which could well be the case with her new project as revealed by Variety.

    "Grey Gardens" helmer Michael Sucsy will make his feature directorial debut on "Goree Girls," with Jennifer Aniston headlining the true story of an all-female country band in a Texas prison in the 1940s.

    The project will begin production in January, financed by Overnight Prods. Overnight's Rick Schwartz and Aaron Kaufman have joined Aniston and her Echo Films partner Kristin Hahn as producers.

    Now I am sure the saucier among you had naughty thoughts of Jennifer Aniston in a women's prison movie and no doubt the still sexy as ever 40 year old could deliver on that, but all jokes aside this is easily the most interesting project she has been attached to in some time and I look forward to seeing how it develops.


    Liam Neeson is an 'Unknown White Male'


    Liam Neeson -- from a Jedi to a pissed off father with special ops training, he never fails to deliver. He is one of those actors who raises the quality of any movie he is in with his class and presence.

    After the success of "Taken," he is venturing back into the high-concept, low-budget action thriller genre with his next project, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    Liam Neeson has signed to star in "Unknown White Male," a thriller from Dark Castle and Warner Bros.

    Jaume Collet-Serra, who helmed Dark Castle's latest production, "Orphan," is directing; Joel Silver is producing.

    The script, by Karl Gajdusek, centers on a doctor (Neeson) who, while visiting Berlin with his wife, is in a car accident that leaves him in a coma. He awakens to find that he seemingly has been replaced by another man, one with sinister intentions, leading the good doctor on a frantic quest to uncover the truth.

    Shooting is due to begin in January in Berlin.

    Sounds like a pretty cool concept to me and will rely heavily on the aforementioned presence of Neeson to drive it along. Hopefully, the concept can deliver beyond the intriguing premise -- as that is half the battle with these kinds of movies.


    "The Lovely Bones" Trailer

    Peter Jackson has been away from our screens since his version of King Kong, a film that recieved a mixed reception both critically and at the box office. However he is back and with a piece less relient on big set pieces and visual effects, although the trailer does show that the film will feature some stunning visuals.

    The trailer has really amped up my personal level of anticipation for this one, I'd read the synopsis' for it and was unsure if it would translate to the screen in a positive manner, however any fears were washed away with this stunningly grand trailer, showcasing a movie that promises to weave a gripping blend of visually beautiful fantasy with human drama and a murder mystery.

    "The Lovely Bones" opens December 11th and you can check the trailer out below.



    No Country For Two Bens

    They got the memo.It's official. Gene Siskel stopped rolling in his grave.

    Of course, I'm referring to the announcement that At the Movies has shown "the two Bens" (Lyons and Mankiewicz) the door. Their replacements come in the form of New York Times film-critic A.O. Scott and Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune. You may remember them from such roles as previous fill-in guests during the two year period when Richard Roeper was all by his lonesome.

    I'm not one who usually jumps on bandwagons. But Lyons is a hack. On the most recent Movie Moan podcast, Phil, Ed and I were airing our disgust in how he hogged stage-time at this year's San Diego Comic-Con during the public Q&A session at the Twilight panel. This despite the fact that he was already going to get his chance to have one-on-one interviews with the actors back-stage afterwards. Fuck letting the fans ask questions!

    On the other hand, I actually like Mankiewicz and feel bad that he's (unfairly) being lumped in the same category as Lyons. And even though he knows what he's talking about, I was just never nuts about Scott to be honest. But it's a price we're all willing to pay to see Lyons gone.

    But for me, this is also a sign that it's only a matter of time before the Mouse pulls the plug on the series altogether. There's just no need for a weekly movie-review show in the market anymore. And with the Internet, everyone can be a critic and do reviews on YouTube or their own website. But at the same time, that speaks to just how influential the greats Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert were.

    Hell, I used to stay up til 2:30 A.M. on Saturday mornings just to see what they thought of the latest releases. And if you haven't noticed, we use the theme from Siskel & Ebert & the Movies (which you check out for yourself here) anytime we review a film on Movie Moan. What I'm basically trying to say is I really miss Siskel and Ebert.


    The Vampire's Assistant Trailer 

    Who hasn't thought about escaping the pitfalls of life by running away and joining the circus at one time or another? Well, what if that circus was run by vampires?This is the case of the upcoming Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant.

     The film is based on the young adult 12 book series 'The Saga of Darren Shan'. It centers on ringmaster/vampire Larten Crepsley (played by the always great John C. Reilly) who persuades young Darren Shan (Chris Massoglia) into becoming his assistant, introducing the teen to a world of new found abilities, freaky friends, and supernatural foes.

    Set to be released on October 23rd, The Vampire's Assistant co-stars Salma Hayek, Ken Watanabe, Willem Dafoe and a character named Evra the Snake Boy. 'Snake Boy'? How can this fantasy-adventure movie be anything but fun?                                                                         




    Bryan Singer Goes Back To SyFy

    Bryan Singer has finally selected his next project and it doesn't involve an alien wearing blue tights and sporting a red flowing cape. The Trades are reporting that the director is reuniting with the SyFy channel for a new six-hour series that is being described as a cross between "National Treasure" and "The Da Vinci Code". The adventure project involves the hot topic of the Mayan calendar's seemingly cryptic prediction of when the world will end.

    "I have always been fascinated by the various myths and conspiracy theories surrounding the Mayan calendar," Singer said. "Our story will explore whether we are truly alone in the universe and other related mysteries, all of which are set against the backdrop of an incredibly exciting and fast-paced adventure."

    Singer's first joint venture with SyFy resulted in the 2005 mini series, "The Triangle". The director still hasn't publicly acknowledged what his next studio film might be although is name was attached to The Prisoners earlier in the year. One film that seems to have flown away from his grasp is another Superman. WB is reportedly fastracking another Superman movie and James McTiegue has been mentioned as a possible directing choice. Although Bryan Singer is going to walk away from the aftermath with a really heavy wallet.


    Channing Tatum is The Darkness

    Our friends over at have learned that Channing Tatum has nabbed the lead role in a comic book adaptation.  I'm sure many of his detractors will be thrilled to learn that it's not Captain America.  Instead he'll be playing the lead role of Jackie Estacado in "The Darkness". 

    For those of you unfamiliar with the comic, The Drakness is an ancient power that predates human history.  It is always passed down from father to son, and the poweer manifests on the new hosts 21st birthday.  The Darkness can more or less create anything, but any creation will turn to dust in the light.

    Jackie Estacado was/is aconnected man and is a hitman for the mob.  He's also a big time playboy.  I should mention however, that one of the drawbacks to being "The Drakness" is that should he impregnate somebody, he'll die.  Crud.

    Many people, including myself, thought this role would wind up going to Milo Ventimiglia.  Tatum, IMO has talent, and I believe a future in movies as an action star.  This however, seems like trying to put a square peg in a round hole.  Though, if the late Heath Ledger taught us anything, it's that someone who might not seem right at first glance, could absolutely be the perfect choice.

    The Darkness could be a fantastic movie, and is a combination of a many genre's that appeal to me.  It could be part horror, part mob flick, and part not so "super"hero.  Despite my apprehensiveness towards the lead, I'm quite looking forward to the film.


    Machete Cast Confirmed

    In an otherwise average piece detailing Overnight Productions, the trades have officially confirmed the cast for the Robert Rodriguez co-directed and Danny Trejo-staring Machete.

    As originally broken by Bloody Disgusting, Robert De Niro and Michelle Rodriguez are a part of the production as well as the previously rumored Lindsay Lohan and Steven Segal (via Movie Hole). Both of whom I'm sure are just as happy getting a sandwich - no less being a part of a film that will be released in theaters! And seeing Cheech Marin and Jeff Fahey doesn't send shockwaves due to their involvement with the original fake-trailer attached to Rodriguez's Planet Terror.

    A surprise however comes in the form of Jessica Alba and Don Johnson. Neither of whom I recall being mentioned recently. Also Jonah Hill (who was listed along side De Niro and Rodriguez in the Bloody-Disgusting piece) is nowhere to be seen.

    Production started up this week and will wrap in short-order knowing Rodrgiuez's manner of shooting fast.


    Quote McTeigue "Nevermore"

    Every couple of years, there comes up rumblings that a film on the life of poet Edgar Allan Poe is in the works. The most recent examples that come to mind are from Sylvester Stallone and (I shit you not) Michael Jackson. Damn would that have been something to watch for 90 minutes.

    The latest is from director James McTeigue whose Ninja Assassins opens this November and just last week was mentioned as a candidate to helm the next Superman film. Albeit this version isn't exactly a biopic on Allan per say and is already in the casting phase(!)

    As per /film (who got the word straight from the horse's mouth), the project is entitled The Raven and will center around the closing days of Allan's life as he helps the local authorities track-down a serial killer whose murders are "inspired" by his work. Or as McTeigue himself described to /film, “It’s like the poem, The Raven, itself, crossed with Se7en."

    And now, ladies and gentlemen, we will begin the speculation on just who will play Poe himself. I'm already having visions of Johnny Depp being name-dropped despite the fact that he played a similiar character in From Hell.


    Another Non-Apatow Project for Segel

    With the Judd Apatow backlash in full swing after the box-office under-performance of Funny People and the over-exposure of Seth Rogen in the market (saying this 100% as someone whose a huge fan of both), one person whose yet to feel any of its sting is Jason Segel.

    I Love You, Man (which contrary to popular belief didn't involve Apatow in any capacity) wound up making more money than his first headlining film, last year's great Forgetting Sarah Marshall. That, and of course How I Met Your Mother is still going strong on telly.

    Now the trades report Segel is set to co-star in The Adventurer's Handbook along with fellow Apatow-alumni Jonah Hill and Jason Schwartzman. Said project centers around life-long friends who go on a global adventure based on the book of the same name.

    It's good to see the gang branching out and trying to cross genres with Handbook as well as the forthcoming Green Hornet with Michel Gondry. Speaking of which, what the Hell is going on with that new Muppet movie Segel and Marshall director Nick Stoller are working on?