Movie Moan - Hot Wings Edition

Since it's Phil's birthday, we figured that we'd unveil a new Movie Moan logo (special thanks to our pal dark_b for providing the so-oh-awesome artwork) and have a special extended edition of the show this week. In other words, Phil, Jamie and Ed got really off-topic in between bitching about film franchises!
Among the items up for conversation, our heroes answer fan questions towards our hatred of all things Ben Lyons and give horror stories from past Comic-Con experiences. Regarding the week in news, the guys discuss "Avatar Day" now including the theatrical trailer (Footage being shown to the general public? *Gasp!*), Ridley Scott's return to the Alien franchise, Pirates 4 getting a new director in the form of Rob Marshall, the possiblity of two Star Trek sequels being filmed back-to-back and the next Superman film apparently being fast-tracked.
All of that plus Jamie and Ed review Funny People, first reactions to Steven Spielberg's next film being a remake of Harvey (said story broke in the middle of recording this podcast), their predictions for how G.I. Joe will next weekend and thoughts on the trailers for A Serious Man and The Fantastic Mr. Fox.
Reader Comments (6)
Happy B-day Phil. Great show, guys.
Yeah Happy B-day Phil. :) Although I disagree on Lex Luthor being Superman's only good villain. Brainiac, Doomsday, Darkseid, AND Lex Luthor are Superman's best villains that I think can work well. If WB is too afraid to use these villains then what's the point of making a Superman film in the first place ha ha. :)
Thanks guys.
Rocco, I just want a Superman film without Lex in it..........that isn't called Superman III.
Oh yeah, definitely Phil, I'm tired of Lex Luthor myself ha ha. Bring on Brainiac, Mongul, Doomsday, Metallo, and Darkseid! :)
Good show guys.
Although as long as Lex Luthor isn't the only villain and not the main villain then I don't care if he's in it. He's just as important to Superman the same as Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and Perry White are.