Quote McTeigue "Nevermore"

Every couple of years, there comes up rumblings that a film on the life of poet Edgar Allan Poe is in the works. The most recent examples that come to mind are from Sylvester Stallone and (I shit you not) Michael Jackson. Damn would that have been something to watch for 90 minutes.
The latest is from director James McTeigue whose Ninja Assassins opens this November and just last week was mentioned as a candidate to helm the next Superman film. Albeit this version isn't exactly a biopic on Allan per say and is already in the casting phase(!)
As per /film (who got the word straight from the horse's mouth), the project is entitled The Raven and will center around the closing days of Allan's life as he helps the local authorities track-down a serial killer whose murders are "inspired" by his work. Or as McTeigue himself described to /film, “It’s like the poem, The Raven, itself, crossed with Se7en."
And now, ladies and gentlemen, we will begin the speculation on just who will play Poe himself. I'm already having visions of Johnny Depp being name-dropped despite the fact that he played a similiar character in From Hell.
Reader Comments (3)
Michael Sheen
A film about Edgar Allen Poe would be awesome.
Poe looks like Dennis Franz.