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    'Reno 911' Star Announces Cancellation Via Twitter

    While many people like to disparage Twitter, the truth is that the service offers many benefits. One of those is the direct access stars have with their fans (and vice versa).

    Granted, some of those stars are, in fact, imposters. However, many of them are the genuine deal.

    One of those celebrities on Twitter is Thomas Lennon, best known for his stints on "Reno 911!" and "The State."

    Today, Lennon sent two messages via Twitter.

    The first (which was funny, but ironic):

    I now have 13k followers on August 13th. Must be my lucky day... Hey, dropped my iPhone in the toilet, and it still wrk123342133s ###xxDR10

    And the second (which is the reason for this story) came an hour later:

    Reno 911! was cancelled at 1:30 pm today. Won't be wearing the shorts again.

    Reno 911! completed its sixth season on Comedy Central on July 8.

    The benefit to using Twitter for Lennon, who is a co-creator and star of the show, was that he was allowed to announce the show's demise on his own terms. There was no studio press release and no blurb in Variety.

    Lennon isn't the first celebrity to announce news via Twitter. For example, Paula Abdul recently announced she was leaving "American Idol" via Twitter.

    Some people feel Twitter is a fad, with the end a foregone conclusion. And while that is certainly possible, one thing is for sure: we can expect more celebrities to take advantage of the service while it is available.


    Encounter The Trailer For 'The Fourth Kind'

    If you're a fan of suspense, sci-fi, or the very beautiful Milla Jovovich, then you'll love The Fourth Kind which is due to hit theaters on November 6th.

    The Fourth Kind isn’t the first film about alien abduction to be based on true events, however it is the first to feature footage of the real abduction survivors' therapy sessions. And judging from the trailer, that archive footage (real or not) helps to deliver a biting sense of terror to the story.


     Below is Universal Studios’ official description for The Fourth Kind:

    In 1972, a scale of measurement was established for alien encounters. When a UFO is sighted, it is called an encounter of the first kind. When evidence is collected, it is known as an encounter of the second kind. When contact is made with extraterrestrials, it is the third kind. The next level, abduction, is the fourth kind. This encounter has been the most difficult to document ... until now.

    Structured unlike any film before it, The Fourth Kind is a provocative thriller set in modern-day Nome, Alaska, where—mysteriously since the 1960s—a disproportionate number of the population has been reported missing every year. Despite multiple FBI investigations of the region, the truth has never been discovered.

    Here in this remote region, psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler (Milla Jovovich) began videotaping sessions with traumatized patients and unwittingly discovered some of the most disturbing evidence of alien abduction ever documented.

    Using never-before-seen archival footage that is integrated into the film, The Fourth Kind exposes the terrified revelations of multiple witnesses. Their accounts of being visited by alien figures all share disturbingly identical details, the validity of which is investigated throughout the film.




    When Good Writers Take the Money & Run: The Wolverine 2 Story

    It appears that Jackman's first reaction to a Wolverine sequel is the same as everyone else. Suicide by eye-poking.Makes you wonder just who needs X-Men more at this point: 20th Century Fox or Hugh Jackman.

    I mean that studio burns through franchises like my one-year-old niece burns through diapers. And I can't think of a single film of Jackman's that was deemed a commercial hit that didn't involve him sporting the adamantium claws outside of Christopher Nolan's The Prestige.

    Earlier this week, Jackman confirmed that a sequel to X-Men Origins: Wolverine was indeed moving forward with plans to adapt the popular "Logan in Japan" comic-book mini-series. Now comes official confirmation from the trades that Fox has hired a legitimately solid writer in the form of Chris McQuarrie.

    I don't know how to feel on this latest development. Is this a case where the big-cheeses at Fox like Tom Rothman realize they had better deliver a good film this time out and thus brought on McQuarrie? Or did the Oscar-winning Usual Suspects screenwriter just need the money that badly? You decide.


    This trailer does not abide by the Law!

    Whatever you do, do not turn this trailer off after 30 seconds! "Law Abiding Citizen" is a film that has went through some changes on it's way to the big screen and my expectations were lowered when Frank Darabont left the directing chair to be replaced by F. Gary Gray, director of solid thriller "The Negotiator" and the remake of "The Italian Job"

    However this trailer has really caught me off guard, the actual premise was always a little muddled as it was never made clear exactly what angle the story would take, but all I can say is that it looks like they took the right one! There are so many elements to this that it would be hard to sum them up so take a look for yourselves, surfice to say it is a film that should have the audience questioning who's side they are on and where the line lies when it comes to justice, all that wrapped up in a high concept action thriller.

    For Foxx this is just another movie, he is an established star with a degree of crediblity, however for Butler, who shot to fame in a leather skirt with the hyper stylized "300" this is a chance to cement some leading man status after a number of dull up rom coms.

    "Law Abiding Citizen" Opens October 9th and you can check the trailer out below.



    Superman Franchise - While We're Waiting...

    We're all waiting to see what develops from the rumors two weeks back (as per IESB) that Warner Brothers was fast-tracking the next Superman film. So during this down-time (or the "Wait and see" period), I thought it'd be interesting to revisit an item from not too terribly far back.

    For those wondering how actor Matthew Bomer might have fared as the Man of Steel back when Brett Ratner was involved with the franchise (he was said to be Ratner's top-choice for the role), you're in luck. An ad campaign for the 2010 Toyota Prius kicked off in Japan a few months back with Bomer in the red-and-blue suit suit (and glasses to boot) as Krypton's last son.

    At the moment, said campaign consists of newspaper ads as well as two television commercials - both of which you can enjoy below.

    I brought this up because A) it's been a slow news-day and B) I'm rather surprised this wasn't picked up more upon first arrival. Especially considering what passes as "news-items" like the recent fake PSA with Megan Fox that was nothing more than a plug for Jennifer's Body. That's not a strike against the film, Fox or said commercial, mind you.

    If you haven't already noticed, a number of us here at Think McFly Think are Superman nuts and looking forward to the (eventual) next cinematic outing of Supes, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olson & Co. Of course by the time things finally move forward, we'll move on to another franchise for us to obess over. Perhaps the Star Trek sequel?

    Will there be more ads? Possible. But a definitive answer on the matter remains to be seen.


    'The Blair Witch Project' Requeled

    I remember venturing into the theater to see "The Blair Witch Project". The buzz was immense for the picture due to some very inventive marketing at the time. I saw it with about eight people and the theater was packed. To tell you the truth I was already scared before the first trailer hit. By the end of the movie I was both thrilled with the freshness of the film but frightened to even pick up a camcorder. Cabins in the woods were also off limits for a short period, not to mention the woods in general.

    There was a sequel to "The Blair Witch Project" but I'm not even going to mention it nor talk about it any further. The creators of the original prefer it that way. In a discussion with BBC News, Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez are mulling over a direct sequel to the original. The idea would be to erase the dismal follow up and replace it with a new continuity. I wouldn't mind being able to visualize what the original writers/directors had in store for the follow up. That's why pencils always come with erasers.

    Head over to BBC & Latino Review for more on a possible sequel to "The Blair Witch Project".


    Amelia Poster

    Visionary. Lover. Dreamer. Fighter. Legend. Icon. AMELIA.

    An extraordinary life of adventure, celebrity and continuing mystery comes to light in AMELIA, a vast, thrilling account of legendary aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart (two time Academy Award® winner Hilary Swank).

    After becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, Amelia was thrust into a new role as America's sweetheart - the legendary "goddess of light," known for her bold, larger-than-life charisma. Yet, even with her global fame solidified, her belief in flirting with danger and standing up as her own, outspoken woman never changed. She was an inspiration to people everywhere, from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (Cherry Jones) to the men closest to her heart: her husband, promoter and publishing magnate George P. Putnam (Golden Globe® winner Richard Gere), and her long time friend and lover, pilot Gene Vidal (Ewan McGregor). In the summer of 1937, Amelia set off on her most daunting mission yet: a solo flight around the world that she and George both anxiously foresaw as destined, whatever the outcome, to become one of the most talked-about journeys in history.

    AMELIA is directed by Mira Nair (THE NAMESAKE, VANITY FAIR, MONSOON WEDDING) from a screenplay by Academy Award® winner Ron Bass (RAIN MAN) and Anna Hamilton Phelan. The film is produced by Ted Waitt, Kevin Hyman and Lydia Dean Pilcher with Ron Bass and Hilary Swank serving as executive producers and Don Carmody as co-producer. AMELIA opens Friday, October 23, 2009.


    DARE Gets Release Date

    Since it was first announced that the lovely and talented Emmy Rossum had signed on to "Dare" I became quite interested in the project.  Dare, being directed by Adam Salky is a small budget feature that will be hitting theater's in New York and L.A on November 13th.  In addition David Brind, Dare's writer has revealed via his twitter ( that the DVD will hit early 2010 and feature a LOT of bonuses, including Emmy Rossum's amazing audition video.

    Dare revolves around the good girl, the outsider, and the bad boy as you've never seen them before.  In addition to Rossum, the talented cast also includes Zack Gilford of Friday Night Lights fame, Alan Cumming, Ana Gasteyer, Ashley Springer and Sandra Bernhard.

    David Brind also revealed via Twitter (ain't it a wonderful thing?) that if/when @darethemovie reached 500 followers, he will put up exclusive behind the scenes pics from the set.

    Dare is one I've been looking forward to for quite some time.  Interesting story and a very talented cast makes this one a must see for me.

    I'd like to see some behind the scenes pics, wouldn't you?  Click the above link and just hit follow.

    When the tailer for Dare hits I'll be sure to post it.


    Godzilla Returns?

    Roland Emmerich must be rolling in his grave.

    The good folks over at Bloody-Disgusting have learned exclusively that Legendary Pictures (the production company behind the recent wave of Batman and Superman films as well as the forthcoming Where the Wild Things Are and Ninja Assassins) are trying to get a new Godzilla reboot off the ground. Apparently, there's still a market for $200 million monster movies.

    It was the first time I can remember being let down by an "event" film as a kid. Sony spent a year and a half playing the Hell outta the teasers for their Emmerich-directed Dean Devlin-produced Godzilla. Once the film finally hit during its Memorial Day 1998 opening weekend, the toxic word-of-mouth spread and it wound up being quiet the box-office under-performer for its day.

    At the moment, no other details are known on the potential reboot. But let's hope that whomever ends up in calling the shots on this doesn't try to "Americanize" it (i.e. setting it in New York like the '98 turkey!)


    Wonder Woman Writer Talks

    The long gestating Wonder Woman film has had it's share of troubles. Writers and directors, on and off the project, the one time decree of "No more female lead action movies" (which was quite absurd if you ask me), etc.

    Brent Strickland, writer of the most recent draft (that we know about) with writing partner Matthew Jennison talks a bit about his work on Wonder Woman in an interview with Cinefools. Here's just a small piece where he confirms what had been rumored on line

    CF: There was word through the interweb that a spec script you wrote featuring Wonder Woman in World War II was bought and then you were both hired to work on a script in present day what is the progress of Wonder Woman, and are you approaching the war story (it's a shame if you can't)?

    BS: That is correct, they bought the spec script and then hired us to make it modern day. Since we turned that in, Silver Pictures has gone through some changes and we're waiting to see how they decide to proceed.

    I've been lucky enough to have read the spec, and it was quite good.  The opening in particular would be spectacular to see in live action.  Though I'd doubt they'd ever admit to it, the opening to the recent Wonder Woman DVD was clearly inspired by it IMO.  I do think the spec had a nice base to work off, but needed a fair bit of polishing.  As Wonder Woman is a drem project of mine, I admit to being hyper-critical.

    There's been no shortage of actresses clamoring for the role, with big names like Anne Hathaway and Jessica Biel expressing interest to up and comers like Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Julia Voth whom I recently spoke with.

    The project as it stands, has no director, or actress attached, but Silver Pictures is producing.

    I thought I'd throw a few names out as possible directors who I think would fit, and give us a highly entertainign Wonder Woman movie.  Matthew Vaughn (Stardust, Kick-Ass), Karyn Kusama (Aeon Flux, Jennifer's Body), and Jonathan Frakes (The Librarian, Star Trek-Insurrection).

    As for who should star, I'd be happy with Bridget Regan, Julia Voth, or Missy Peregrym.

    Click the Cinefools link in the article to read Brent's full interview where he also discusses his latest project Villains.

    As a Wonder Woman fan, I can speak for all of us in saying that it's been a long wait, and we hope that when our favorite star-spangled superheroine does hits the silver screen, we'll be hoping for something that's was worth the wait.

    So weigh in and tell me, who should direct WW?  Who should star?