'Reno 911' Star Announces Cancellation Via Twitter

While many people like to disparage Twitter, the truth is that the service offers many benefits. One of those is the direct access stars have with their fans (and vice versa).
Granted, some of those stars are, in fact, imposters. However, many of them are the genuine deal.
One of those celebrities on Twitter is Thomas Lennon, best known for his stints on "Reno 911!" and "The State."
Today, Lennon sent two messages via Twitter.
The first (which was funny, but ironic):
I now have 13k followers on August 13th. Must be my lucky day... Hey, dropped my iPhone in the toilet, and it still wrk123342133s ###xxDR10
And the second (which is the reason for this story) came an hour later:
Reno 911! was cancelled at 1:30 pm today. Won't be wearing the shorts again.
Reno 911! completed its sixth season on Comedy Central on July 8.
The benefit to using Twitter for Lennon, who is a co-creator and star of the show, was that he was allowed to announce the show's demise on his own terms. There was no studio press release and no blurb in Variety.
Lennon isn't the first celebrity to announce news via Twitter. For example, Paula Abdul recently announced she was leaving "American Idol" via Twitter.
Some people feel Twitter is a fad, with the end a foregone conclusion. And while that is certainly possible, one thing is for sure: we can expect more celebrities to take advantage of the service while it is available.
Reader Comments (11)
Hmmm, interesting article. I have to admit I never heard of Reno911. Is it on a pay station like HBO? Now I am going to have to go see what it ...was. Looks like it might have been funny. At least those shorts are. Was it a 70s show? Hmmmm
Thanks for the info. His first tweet was funny. I think twitter is here to stay. I'm hooked.
It was on Comedy Central (which is on basic cable). They also had a movie in 2007. I have yet to see the show or the movie, but I probably will catch it at some point.
I thought this show was canceled about three years ago. It was canceled from my tv after the 1st episode.
Is it not funny, Pete? I thought the first trailer for the movie didn't look too bad, but then subsequent trailers did nothing for me.
The show looked stupid to me. So I never watched it!
@ Sean
I didn't think it was all that funny. Might not be my kind of humor. It seemed to have a following though.
Looks like a character you would see in a porno movie. Not that I would know that though. Honest! Just guessing.;)
If anyone needs Vanna, you can probably find her at a "videostore" trying to buy Reno 911.
Naw, but I do miss the old style Basketball shorts. Not as small and tight as that guys but at least something that fits. What is with the big baggy pants and shorts anyway? Do guys really think that looks good?
Ironically, these comments are funnier than the show was. ;)
Based on that picture, he could always get work in "Cliff Clavin: The Early Years."