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    When Good Writers Take the Money & Run: The Wolverine 2 Story

    It appears that Jackman's first reaction to a Wolverine sequel is the same as everyone else. Suicide by eye-poking.Makes you wonder just who needs X-Men more at this point: 20th Century Fox or Hugh Jackman.

    I mean that studio burns through franchises like my one-year-old niece burns through diapers. And I can't think of a single film of Jackman's that was deemed a commercial hit that didn't involve him sporting the adamantium claws outside of Christopher Nolan's The Prestige.

    Earlier this week, Jackman confirmed that a sequel to X-Men Origins: Wolverine was indeed moving forward with plans to adapt the popular "Logan in Japan" comic-book mini-series. Now comes official confirmation from the trades that Fox has hired a legitimately solid writer in the form of Chris McQuarrie.

    I don't know how to feel on this latest development. Is this a case where the big-cheeses at Fox like Tom Rothman realize they had better deliver a good film this time out and thus brought on McQuarrie? Or did the Oscar-winning Usual Suspects screenwriter just need the money that badly? You decide.

    Reader Comments (4)

    He's just the first writer on the project. The first writer is never the last on these shows. I'm sure Skip Woods is waiting for his next rewrite assignment.

    08-13-2009 | Registered CommenterPhil Gee

    Agree with Phil, I'm sure somebody else will take a pass at it. However, if anybody can be the on and only, it's Chris.

    08-14-2009 | Registered CommenterPeter Georgiou

    who knows-it may be hiring Mcquarrie might also lure Singer.
    unless McQuarrie was also directing... (didn't he w/d The Way Of The gun?)

    08-15-2009 | Unregistered CommenterDarren J Seeley


    Singer was just hired to produce/direct Battlestar Galactica. That's going to take up all his time.

    08-15-2009 | Unregistered CommenterJamie.

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