Spielberg Meet Master Chief

I have a rather non-existent relationship with video-game systems outside of Nintendo. Thus I've only played Halo once and that was the last night of a semester at University. And I had my ass handed to me by the other three people playing the game. Granted two of the those three were rather attractive members of the female species. So I didn't mind.
The history of Halo getting to the silver screen is rather infamous with Peter Jackson hand picking then (and rather still, to to honest - at least until District 9 hits this coming weekend) unknown filmmaker Neil Blomkamp to direct the film version for 20th Century Fox. Said project since fell apart and it appeared that a cinematic under-taking of Master Chief & Co. would never happen.
"Not so fast!" says IESB who have received word that "King of the Blockbusters" himself Steven Spielberg is actively pursuing the property for him to produce under DreamWorks who are now aligned with the Mouse. The Beard is said to be impressed with a Halo script commissioned by Stuart "I wrote G.I. Joe, and didn't lose my dignity after all!" Beattie.
I remember Patrick Sauriol (the big cheese over at Corona Coming Attractions) saying recently on Twitter that Spielberg is trying to remind his new DreamWorks investers of his ability to deliver profitable commercial properties. Hence the Harvey remake being his next film and why he was briefly going after the directing job for Matt Helms. Meanwhile stuff like Lincoln or Trials of the Chicago Seven are collecting dust.
I won't argue with that logic because it makes sense. But hasn't the Beard proven that enough over the last oh-I-don't-know 30+ years?
Reader Comments (1)
I hope Spielberg directs and produces this film.