Will Paramount Say "Yo Joe!" to Sequel?

I'm sorry, what now?My Movie Moan partner-in-crime Phil and I were proven wrong. G.I. Joe didn't suck. In fact, the film was quiet retardedly awesome. A number of moments during my screening this past Friday night I laughed out loud saying, "This is retarded!" Yet, the film never pretended to be anything but that and I enjoyed the Hell out of it for doing so. Take note, Transformers franchise.
Now comes the inevitable question being asked: "How long till we hear about the sequel?" Paramount vice-chairman Rob Moore has confirmed to the LA Times they will "soon" be moving forward on G.I. Joe 2 after it managed to pull in $56 million this past weekend.
However what some are looking past and/or not noticing is the studio's own box-office estimates had Joe breaking past $60 million+ after it made $22 million on its opening day. Instead the film earned $54 million. AKA: It went down on Saturday (when a film like this would usually get a bump) and the word-of-mouth among the general public might be not as strong as it is with us nerds of the Internet.
It also doesn't help matters that District 9 hits cinemas this coming Friday, and the advanced word (or "buzz" for you douchebags) is the film plays great. Then again, Joe might do well enough at the end of the day for Paramount to give the thumbs-up for a sequel. We'll see.
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