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    Are JT's Green Days Over Before They Began?

    Well, that's what Us Magazine is saying.

    According to their source, it is in fact Jared Leto (and not Justin Timberlake) who is the third candidate for the role of Hal Jordan in Green Lantern along with Bradley Cooper and Ryan Reynolds. If this is to be believed, the boyband singer-turned-solo artist-turned actor lost his shot at yielding the power ring at the preliminary phase of screen-tests.

    Furthermore, the favorite to headline the Martin Campbell-helmed superhero epic is...*drum-roll*....Ryan Reynolds. That's right, Deadpool is Green Lantern. At least, that's what US Magazine's source says:

    "He's as good as got the job. They are literally just waiting to sign contracts and get all the final details tied up, but the role is his."

    If this turns out to be the case, I'd say it's safe to assume we can kiss that solo Deadpool film good-bye!


    And Then There Were 3

    And the Green Lantern news is rolling in! A few hours ago, it was reported that Justin Timberlake was under consideration. Now, the Hollywood Reporter has given us a list of the final three candidates. Yes, JT is one of them, but the others are Bradley Cooper (should be no surprise there), and Ryan Reynolds, a choice I really like.

    Here's what the Hollywood Reporter had to say:

    This week, the race narrowed to Bradley Cooper, Ryan Reynolds and Justin Timberlake. The clock is ticking on the decision as the holding deal the studio had on the actors expired Monday, meaning the three are now free to accept other offers.


    The studio ordered up two rounds of screen tests with Cooper, Reynolds and Timberlake. Other actors in the early mix included Michael Fassbender, Henry Cavill and Jared Leto.

    It should also be worth noting that the article has the film scheduled for a Christmas 2010 release. If you'll remember, it was originally announced for that date until the beginning of the year where Warner Brothers pushed it back to Summer 2011. This raises the question, "Did the Hollywood Reporter make a mistake or has the studio in fact moved its release up yet again?"

    For the full article, click the link here

    Personally, I'm rooting for Reynolds.


    The Losers set to start filming soon!

    Mania has learned when and where "The Losers" will begin filming:

    THE LOSERS Set to Sack Puerto Rico

    In light of the recent news that 'The Losers' is set for an April 2010, Comics2Film at Mania checked in the sources close to the production to see what the status of the film is.
    We've learned that Sylvain White's adaptation of the DC Comics/Vertigo series is set to roll cameras in Puerto Rico on July 22nd for about eleven weeks of filming.
    The cast of Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Idris Elba, Chris Evans, Jason Patric, Zoe Saldana, Columbus Short and Oscar Jaenada are confirmed.

    The oft-heard manta of "tax incentives" makes the island Commonwealth and U.S. territory an increastingly attractive location for Hollywood, not to mention easy access to seasoned professionals from Miami and New York.

    'The Losers' was originally a classic DC Comics war title that was reinvented in 2004 by writer Andy Diggle and artist Jock. The updated version featured a squad of black ops professionals left for dead by the agency they work for. However, they survive and embark on a personal mission to get revenge on their handlers and topple the corrupt agency that sold them out.

    This has easily become one of my most anticipated movies to see. Talented cast, great story -- I can't wait!


    Green Lantern Brought Sexy back?

    According to Aint It Cool News, one of the contenders in serious considerattion for the lead role of Green lantern Hal Jordan is none other than...Justin Timberlake?  No, seriously.  Now from what I have seen of JT's acting he's not a complete disaster IMO.  However, in no way, shape, or form, can I see him headlining a HUGE potential franchise like this.  I suppose in the studios mind, he's a big star who will rake in the cash, and fits the age, and look they seemed to be going for. 

    But, if this is the look they want, why not go with Ryan Phillipe?  He has a similar look to Timberlake, and has proven time and again that he's a very capable actor, who could easily headline a film.

    Now, could JT surprise us all?  Sure, but he'd have to pull a "Ledger as Joker" type performance to win over fanboys who hate him for being young, successful, good looking, and dating Jessica Biel.


    District 9 Trailer

    The full trailer has been released for the Neill Blomkamp-directed, Peter Jackson-produced "District 9" and it's quite an eye catcher -- even if some of the CGI betrays the film's modest budget.

    There is more of the plot given away here and a better look at the Aliens and some of the action, but still no real sense of who the main protagonist is. And some may be put off by the pseudo documentary style. However, I think for those looking for a fresh and original piece of Sci Fi, this may well be the movie to deliver.

    "District 9" will be released on August 14th and you can check the trailer out below.


    Will Smith involved with the worst plot in movie history!

    Will Smith, Mr. "can do no wrong" in the golden land of Hollywood. Ok so no one really liked Seven Pounds but other than that he's a hit machine. Well he is teaming back up with his "I Am Legend" director Francis Lawrence for the dopiest sounding film ever according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    Francis Lawrence may be reuniting with his "I Am Legend" star Will Smith for a fantastical drama titled "The City That Sailed" at Twentieth Century Fox.

    The director is developing the project, which is being produced by Smith's Overbrook banner, with an eye to direct.

    Written by Andrew Niccol, the story follows a New York City street magician whose daughter, because of family circumstances, lives in England. In exploring a lighthouse one day, the girl discovers a room with magic candles and wishes to be reunited with her father, causing the island of Manhattan to break away and drift across the Pond.

    I mean really? I'm sure there are those that are just glad it's not the proposed prequel to "I Am Legend" which I guess would have been called "I Am Nearly Legend" or "How To Become A Legend" but this just sounds dreadful, Still I guess there will be one SFX money shot for the trailer.

    Come on Will, give Michael Bay a call and make Bad Boys III, God knows Martin Lawrence could use the work and in a recession one should not be selfish, plus it will also spare the world "Big Momma's House 8."


    "Whip it!" with Ellen Page

    USA TODAY has an exclusive first batch of stills from Drew Barrymore's directorial debut "Whip it!."

    "Whip it!" stars the diminutive Ellen Page as Bliss Cavender, a small town girl who loves indie music and is a bit of social misfit, she finds solace competing in a roller derby league in Austin Texas.

    The film is based on the book "Derby Girl" by Shauna Cross and seems to provide the mega talented Page with another quirky role in a similar moluld to her break out turn in cult favourite "Juno." (Yes I am aware she was in mega hit X3 but I think we can forgive her for that.)

    It will also be interesting to see how ET's buddy Drew does behind the camera, I've always dug her as an actress, I think she has a natural fun charm that makes her sexier than the dozens of stick insects with silicon jugs roaming around Hollywood, however can she turn her hand to the other side of the camera? I've got faith, especially with the material at hand and the awesome Page has her lead.

    Check one of the pics out below and go to the link to see a gallery.


    Lawsuit Sheds Light on Status of 'Superman' Franchise

    The United States District Court, Central District of California, released a finding today in the case of Joanne Siegel and Laura Siegel Larson vs. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., Time Warner Inc. and DC Comics Inc.

    According to the court document: "The question of 'whether the license fees paid' by Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. to its corporate sibling, DC Comics, for the audiovisual rights to the Superman copyright pursuant to various licensing agreements entered into during the 1999 to 2002 period 'represents the fair market value therefor, or whether the license for the works between the related entities was a sweetheart deal.’"

    After a 10-day trial, the court determined there is "insufficient evidence that the Superman film agreement between DC Comics and Warner Bros., whether judged by its direct economic terms or its indirect ones, was consummated at below its fair market value." The court also ruled that "the non-exclusive rights conveyed by DC Comics to Warner Bros. in the Smallville television agreement was not for below fair market value and, therefore, finds for the remaining defendants on this point as well."

    During the trial, several statements came up that shed some light on the staus of a potential sequel to "Superman Returns."

    Regarding the current development of the movie, the document says that Alan Horn -- referred to as "the head of Warner Bros." -- testified that "aside from his 'hopes' to develop the Superman character, at present the property is not under development at Warner Bros. No script has been written, filming has not commenced, and the earliest a Superman film could be theatrically released would be 2012. As Mr Horn explains 'we had hopes to keep the [superman] character alive and to once again reinvent Superman. We are -- our hope is to develop a Superman property and to try again. What hurt us is that the reviews and so on for the Superman movie ... did not get the critical acclaim that Batman got, and we have other issues with superman that concern us.'"

    However, the lawsuit also details why it is in the company's interest to get moving on another Superman movie:

    "Given that Mr. Horn testified that the release of a sequel to Superman Returns movie could occur in 2012, it is certainly now possible, based on the only competent evidence related to this issue introduced at trial, that filming of such a sequel could occur within the 2009 to 2011 time frame.
    "Unless and until it can be shown at that point in time that no filming of a sequel to Superman Returns has commenced, it cannot be said, with any degree of certainty, that the Superman film agreement’s failure to contain a reversion clause keyed to continued and regular development of the property in film has caused any harm.
    "In making this statement, the Court is certainly mindful of how close this market deficiency in the Superman film agreement is from shifting from speculation to concrete harm. Even under Mr. Horn's hopeful estimate, no filming of a Superman sequel will commence this year nor is it likely that it will commence next year. Without a script, and there is none at present, filming cannot be commenced. It is only the possibility that filming could begin on a Superman sequel in 2011 that has stayed the Court from making a finding on the reasonable certainty of harm having occurred.
    "Given that the potential for said commencement of filming exists at the present time, plaintiffs have not shown that the Superman film agreement, sans a reversion clause, is below the reasonable range for what a willing buyer would pay for the property from a willing seller. If, however, by 2011, no filming has commenced on a Superman sequel, plaintiffs could bring an accounting action at that time to recoup the damages then realized for the Superman film agreement's failure to contain a reversion clause."

    Click here to read the lawsuit in its entirety.


    Yet Another Screenwriter Pens Spider-Man 4

    You just know that's a great sign - especially given all the "We'll have the first draft by June" remarks Sam Raimi's been giving to the press since...forever. Mind you, the previous screenwriter assigned to Webhead's latest exploits (David Lindsay-Abaire) was hired last November back during my Screen Rant days.

    Now the trades report that Gary Ross (who incidentally directed Tobey Maguire in Pleasantville and Seabiscuit) has been assigned penning duties making him the fourth screenwriter involved with Spider-Man 4. For those keeping score, the previous inductees were David Koepp (which might not count since he was merely "in negotiations" with Sony not too terribly long after Spider-Man 3 was released), Zodiac's James Vanderbilt (who was hired mere weeks before the WGA Strike hit back in 2007 and then never heard from again) and the afore-mentioned Abaire.

    Not a strike against Ross (who to be fair, has written some damn good films in the past and would frankly be better suited to pen the next Superman film instead imo), but does anyone give a flying fuck about another Spider-Man movie?

    Also there's no word regarding whether or not Ross is starting from scratch or will be working from the most recent script. Previous reports indicated that Vanderbilt's material was pretty much thrown out and one wonders if the same has been done with what Abaire cooked up.


    Behind The Mask

    ~~Platinum Studios has announced that principal photography has wrapped for Kevin Munroe's "Dead of Night" in which Brandon Routh portrays paranormal investigator Dylan Dog~

    Sys Con via SuperHeroHype

    ~~Director Stephen Norrington is working on a prequel to the "Blade" series which will focus on Deacon Frost which means the return of Stephen Dorf~~

    Mania: Blade Spin-Off In The Works

    ~~Christian Bale, famous for his portrayal as Batman in "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight", is in Boston filming David O' Russells "The Fighter"~~

    Boston Magazine

    ~~Tobey Maguire's next film will not be a 4th Spiderman according to "The Trades". Maguire will join Elizabeth Banks in the Jacob Estes helmed "The Details"~~

    The Trades

    ~~Ryan Reynolds discusses a possible "Deadpool" film and how his character should be breaking the fourth wall, with or without a head~~
