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    Yet Another Screenwriter Pens Spider-Man 4

    You just know that's a great sign - especially given all the "We'll have the first draft by June" remarks Sam Raimi's been giving to the press since...forever. Mind you, the previous screenwriter assigned to Webhead's latest exploits (David Lindsay-Abaire) was hired last November back during my Screen Rant days.

    Now the trades report that Gary Ross (who incidentally directed Tobey Maguire in Pleasantville and Seabiscuit) has been assigned penning duties making him the fourth screenwriter involved with Spider-Man 4. For those keeping score, the previous inductees were David Koepp (which might not count since he was merely "in negotiations" with Sony not too terribly long after Spider-Man 3 was released), Zodiac's James Vanderbilt (who was hired mere weeks before the WGA Strike hit back in 2007 and then never heard from again) and the afore-mentioned Abaire.

    Not a strike against Ross (who to be fair, has written some damn good films in the past and would frankly be better suited to pen the next Superman film instead imo), but does anyone give a flying fuck about another Spider-Man movie?

    Also there's no word regarding whether or not Ross is starting from scratch or will be working from the most recent script. Previous reports indicated that Vanderbilt's material was pretty much thrown out and one wonders if the same has been done with what Abaire cooked up.

    Reader Comments (4)

    I do. Did Spider-Man 3 really piss that many fans off to where they just don't care for a Spider-Man 4 or even 5. So what if Chris Nolan does Batman 3 and it dissappoints. Is everyone going to scream for a reboot again? And say that Chris Nolan sucks?

    07-8-2009 | Unregistered Commenterrocco2216

    Dude, there have already been "Fuck Nolan!" remarks from idiots just because he might not helm BATMAN 3. Stupid? God yes. But fanboys will turn their backs against anyone the moment they're even remotely "let down."

    There is such a thing as being grateful for what you've received.

    07-8-2009 | Unregistered CommenterJamie.

    Really, Jamie?! Damn, you're right, fanboys are ungrateful basterds in general that is.

    07-9-2009 | Unregistered Commenterrocco2216

    I say bring on The Lizard and let Raimi do what he wants, no interference *coughvenomcough*

    07-9-2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

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