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    Will Smith involved with the worst plot in movie history!

    Will Smith, Mr. "can do no wrong" in the golden land of Hollywood. Ok so no one really liked Seven Pounds but other than that he's a hit machine. Well he is teaming back up with his "I Am Legend" director Francis Lawrence for the dopiest sounding film ever according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    Francis Lawrence may be reuniting with his "I Am Legend" star Will Smith for a fantastical drama titled "The City That Sailed" at Twentieth Century Fox.

    The director is developing the project, which is being produced by Smith's Overbrook banner, with an eye to direct.

    Written by Andrew Niccol, the story follows a New York City street magician whose daughter, because of family circumstances, lives in England. In exploring a lighthouse one day, the girl discovers a room with magic candles and wishes to be reunited with her father, causing the island of Manhattan to break away and drift across the Pond.

    I mean really? I'm sure there are those that are just glad it's not the proposed prequel to "I Am Legend" which I guess would have been called "I Am Nearly Legend" or "How To Become A Legend" but this just sounds dreadful, Still I guess there will be one SFX money shot for the trailer.

    Come on Will, give Michael Bay a call and make Bad Boys III, God knows Martin Lawrence could use the work and in a recession one should not be selfish, plus it will also spare the world "Big Momma's House 8."

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    Reader Comments (2)

    --I'm sure there are those that are just glad it's not the proposed prequel to "I Am Legend" which I guess would have been called "I Am Nearly Legend" or "How To Become A Legend"--

    That's hilarious ... but don't give them any ideas.

    07-9-2009 | Registered CommenterSean Gerski

    I received 1 st business loans when I was a teenager and it supported my relatives very much. But, I need the consolidation loans once more time.

    03-26-2010 | Unregistered CommenterMcfarland29Coleen

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