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    Randall Wallace Boards the Nautilus

    It's weird to imagine that six months ago, McG was one of the "golden boys" of Hollywood. Terminator: Salvation was building up to be one of 2009's biggest releases headlined by Christian Bale (who himself was coming off The Dark Knight) and a prime Memorial Day weekend release. Everyone wanted the guy to helm one of their properties, and it seems Disney wanted him the most by hiring him for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo.

    Cut to now with Salvation turning out to be a huge box-office misfire in the U.S. ($122 million gross vs. $200+ million budget = ouch) while the film does solid numbers overseas which was to be expected. But it's still not enough to ensure that any additional Terminator installments will get the greenlight.

    With that in mind, I assumed that we wouldn't be seeing much from McG or Captain Nemo anytime soon. Much to my surprise, Disney still appears to be serious about getting Nemo on screens and with McG still sitting in the director's chair.

    The trades report that Randall Wallace (who most of us like to remember for Braveheart and We Were Soldiers, and forget for Pearl Harbor and The Man in the Iron Mask) has been brought on-board for further rewrites on the project. This is now months after the studio acquired then "It boy" screenwriter Justin Marks for his own set of touch-ups for a few weeks.

    I still won't hold my breath waiting for this to happen. Production is said to commence in the fall for a Christmas 2010 release. But we're still in the dark towards who will play the title character. Yes, I know that McG foamed at the mouth about nabbing down Will Smith. But those rumors of Dwayne Johnson sound more plausible - especially considering his already-successful relationship with the Mouse and the fact that his paycheck wouldn't cost a couple of vital organs like Smith will.


    Jack Ryan Returns...Eventually...

    "Son, I told you to lay off that 'Bennifer' crap."As the "Bond v. Bourne" debate rages on, Paramount has been trying like Hell to get their own secret-agent back on the silver screen to join the fight. We're of course talking about Tom Clancy's CIA hero Jack Ryan whose gone through about as many face-lifts as Cher. Well, maybe not that much.

    Thompson on Hollywood reports the current hold-up appears to be everyone waiting for a script - in this case, from Killshot screenwriter Hossein Amini. The studio (Paramount) along with former WB big-cheese and current Transformers and G.I. Joe producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura are rubbing their palms in anticipation for the first draft of Untitled Tom Clany Project. Nice title - simple and to the point.

    Although the details remain sketchy, Thompson noted (via Twitter) that the project looks to be a second reboot to the franchise. The first being the 2002 Ben Affleck/Morgan Freeman/Liev Schreiber headlined Sum of All Fears which despite being profitable never resulted in a sequel. If memory serves me correctly, the plan was to adapt Red Rabbit for Affleck until the studio heads opted out - i.e. "Bennifer" backlash.

    And what of those recent "George Clooney as Jack Ryan" rumors? He's certainly eyeing the property, but (like everyone else) is waiting to read said script and see what filmmaker the studio lines up for the project.

    Sounds like they're trying to make the character "age ambiguous" until they find their new Jack Ryan.


    Competition Looking Up To 'Transformers'

    Weekend Actuals (July 3rd - July 5th)

    1 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen $42,320,877
    2 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs $41,690,382
    3 Public Enemies $25,271,675
    4 The Proposal $12,857,482
    5 The Hangover $11,268,413
    6 Up $6,521,389
    7 My Sister's Keeper $5,788,327
    8 The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 $2,534,228
    9 Year One $2,323,843
    10 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian $2,043,288


    'Dead Of Night" Enjoying Omnilab's Riches

    Rodney Appleyard of Inside Film had a chance to toss some questions at "Dead of Night" producer Gilbert Adler and Omnilab's The Lab Sydney general manager Lewis Pullen regarding investors, special effects, and filmmakers.

    Gil Adler:

    On Investors:

    “The way movies are pieced together these days, in regards to the financing, is not like the old days when you used to visit four dentists in Michigan or Sydney and ask them to write you a cheque,” he told IF FX from the set in New Orleans last month."

    “It's far more sophisticated because of the interest in the picture from around the world. We found out about Omnilab – they loved the script, had the right attitude, were very clued up about making sure the quality would be of a certain standard and have been great partners all the way.”

    On The Storyline:

    “In our movie, Dylan Dog is retired but decides to come back to work because something bad has happened to a person he cares about a great deal. His friend Marcus works alongside him on the investigations, making it a terrific buddy movie.”

    On Special Effects:

    “It features plenty of great make-up effects created by DRAC Studios, who won an Oscar for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. They have created some really cool transformations for some of the characters – the likes of which we haven't ever seen in movies before. I always like to do something a bit different on each movie and to push the envelop a little bit because nobody wants to see the same old thing all the time.”

    “I don't think any movie can sustain itself just by using one type of effect. We basically look at the character and allow everything to grow from there. For instance, a certain effect will be needed to create an emotional connection with the audience – so we think about how we can accomplish this in the best way.

    “But we won't be using any fully CGI creatures because that kind of effect is used too much in the world of commercials and I think it is more than a turn off than an enhancement to the movie. You really have to make sure the quality is there in all areas to make it feel like its real. Once the audience does not feel like it's real, it all over.”

    Lewis Pullen:

    On Filmmakers:

    “We are interested in filmmakers with credibility who have done a good job in securing finance for a movie. One of the ways in which we help local filmmakers get their project off the ground is by cash flowing the Tax Offset.

    “I'm also happy to work with local filmmakers in the domestic market on lower level budget movies too. We are definitely planning to lift our involvement in this area too. Supporting filmmakers to get their films up is as good as it gets and we want to continue to work hard in this area.”

    On Past & Future Projects:

    Bran Nue Dae is another movie we helped to get off the ground. Without our help it would never have got up and running. It's also great to be working in a joint venture with George Miller on Happy Feet 2 because we do actually see a chance of building a world class film industry here.”

    Omnilab Revives 'Dead Of Night'

    Omnilab Website

    'Dead Of Night' Production Blog


    The Next Sure Thing.

    The trades report that Jeremy Garelick (who performed script doctor duties recently on The Hangover as well as producing/co-writing The Break-Up) has been pegged to helm a feature-length theatrical version of...wait for it...Baywatch. Yes, God has heard your prayers for more shitty movies based on shitty television shows. Praise be the Lord!

    Actually the project will be less straight-faced (which made the series a big slice of cheese back in the day) and more of a comedy and a "plot" involving less-than-likely lifeguards blending in with the pretty boys and big chests on the beach. Or to be more specific, the leads will be fugly as Hell or if Michael Bay had developed this, black stereotypes.

    I'd frankly be shocked if we didn't see cameos from the Hoff or Pamela Anderson considering this tongue-in-cheek approach.

    Meanwhile, still no confirmation on Baywatch Nights: The Movie.


    Get your first look at Megan Fox's 'Body'!

    "WHAT?" I hear you cry. "Ive already seen Megan's body, I worship her Maxim shoots daily." No people! what sort of site do you think this is? *wags imaginary e-finger*. I am talking about getting a look at the first footage from Megan Fox's new movie, the Diablo 'Juno' Cody scripted 'Jennifer's Body'.

    This first trailer is pretty solid in my view. Ive heard people liken it to "Ginger Snaps" but since Ive never seen that I am going to have to take their word for it, my view is that it comes off like a darker teen comedy filtered through a horror movie. It does look reasonably entertaining and of course for all you horndog scallywags, Miss Fox is looking smokalicous as usual. Check the trailer out below and for you sensitive types beware, there is a naughty word and some blood because this a red band trailer.



    Is This the Face of the Next Jack Ryan?

    I'm of course not referring to the pig on the right, but his (former) owner George Clooney.

    According to the Daily Beast, Clooney has "expressed interest" in being the fourth actor to portray Tom Clancy's CIA do-gooder once Paramount gets off their collective asses and decides to make another installment - which you damn-well know they will. Say what you will about the quality of the previous films or the performances from their perspective Ryans, but that franchise has always been a consistent money-maker.

    And that's exactly what Clooney needs at this juncture in his career, folks. You see as much as the press loves to kiss Clooney's ass, the guy just isn't a movie-star. That is to say the general movie-going public doesn't flock to see his films - at least not like they did at the start of the decade with The Perfect Storm or the Ocean's series. And to be fair, this role seems like a good fit for him.

    The bigger question is will Paramount get gears moving again? It seems to be the most on-again, off-again franchise this side of Superman with the constant rumors of actors, directors, etc circling the property.


    Truth, Justice & the Japanese Way

    Awhile back, we reported on a series of Japanese commercials for the 2009 Toyota Prius featuring actor Matthew Bomer (whose most notable for the series Chuck and will soon headline the forthcoming White Collar for USA Network) as Superman/Clark Kent.

    Well now a TMT reader has sent us a nice picture of Bomer (who had previously auditioned and screen-tested for the role years back and was said to be then-director Brett Ratner's top-choice) in the red-and-blue suit that is to be used in local Japanese publications to promote the Prius. Notice again, they're using the suit used in Bryan Singer's Superman Returns.

    He certainly looks the part. But I wouldn't be jumping to conclusions like I'm sure some have already done so. The film franchise is in hibernation at this time with the news of current Man of Steel Brandon Routh's contrast just recently expiring. The truth of the matter is if Routh doesn't return to the role, then his successor will be another unknown actor. Sorry, Tom Welling fans!

    In other "What the fuck?" related news, a Japanese Tim Burton fan-site got a hold of the director's designs for Brainiac during the time he was working on Superman Lives back in 1997. Said site also provided a video presentation of sketches and models for how Kal-El's alien adversary would have looked had Lives seen the light of day. You can thank your lucky stars it fell apart, folks.


    Somewhere Right Now Adrian Zmed Weeps Tears of Joy.

    Even though it lacked William Shatner which plenty of folks bitched about last year, Star Trek currently sits as the third highest grossing film of 2009 with everyone (Paramount, the general public, fanboys, etc.) chomping at the bits for its sequel.

    So using the oh-so logical thinking of Hollywood, plans are now underway to adapt "that other popular Shatner television series" for the silver screen. No, not Rescue 911 or Boston Legal. I'm talking about T.J. Hooker, of course.

    As per the trades, no actors are currently attached to the project. Cut to 100% Grade-A Internet bullshit rumors of Chris Pine's participation. Just you wait. On the other hand, Chuck Russell (whose directorial filmography includes Eraser, The Mask and A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors) is currently "in talks" for directing duties. The film will apparently be in the "action-comedy" vein not unlike Starsky & Hutch - which means it'll be "frat boy" humor and stuffed up the ass with celebrity cameos.

    Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather see a CHiPs movie instead.


    Movie Moan - How Phil Was Moved by Borat

    Even though its the July 4th weekend which would give us the perfect excuse, we're happy to present another edition of Movie Moan here at Think McFly Think.

    On this week's show, Ed gives his take on The Hurt Locker while Phil and Jamie finally go all Siskel & Ebert with opposing views on Public Enemies.

    Also on docket is the group's thoughts on Bruno as well as go into the news of this past week. Among the items discussed are the prospects of a 300 sequel, a View-Master movie, An American Werewolf in London getting remade (May God have mercy on our souls), the status of the Superman film franchise with the news of current Man of Steel Brandon Routh's contract just recently expiring, the ending to Collateral and exactly how and why Phil was the film Borat.

    Movie Moan - How Phil Was Moved by Borat