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    Movie Moan - How Phil Was Moved by Borat

    Even though its the July 4th weekend which would give us the perfect excuse, we're happy to present another edition of Movie Moan here at Think McFly Think.

    On this week's show, Ed gives his take on The Hurt Locker while Phil and Jamie finally go all Siskel & Ebert with opposing views on Public Enemies.

    Also on docket is the group's thoughts on Bruno as well as go into the news of this past week. Among the items discussed are the prospects of a 300 sequel, a View-Master movie, An American Werewolf in London getting remade (May God have mercy on our souls), the status of the Superman film franchise with the news of current Man of Steel Brandon Routh's contract just recently expiring, the ending to Collateral and exactly how and why Phil was the film Borat.

    Movie Moan - How Phil Was Moved by Borat

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