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    'Green Lantern' Screen Test

    TMT Writer For A Day: Dan Scaglione

    The whispers floating around throughout the fan boy community point to "Green Lantern" having its share of difficulties when it comes to casting their lead, Hal Jordan. Many names have been rumored from the likes of Chris Pine, Bradley Cooper, Sam Worthington, to the virtually unknown Shawn Roberts. What about the films supporting cast, how much progress had been made on that front?

    With that question having been asked comes the report of a screen test from stage & screen actor Kenneth Moraldea for the part of Tom Kalmaku. For those who don't know of Tom Kalmaku, the character was a mechanic for Ferris Air crafts and Hal Jordan's best friend. During the Silver Age he was known better by the politically incorrect nickname 'pie face' -- due to his Eskimo heritage. Thankfully the film will omit the offensive nickname.

    Moraleda is the 2008 Cinemanila International Film Festival's best actor award winner for the independent Australian comedy/drama "Lucky Miles". He is currently busy filming a supporting part for the upcoming 'Point Break Indo', a direct-to-video sequel to the 1991's "Point Break".

    In the first draft of The Green Lantern script, which was leaked last year, the character served as comic relief. In this screen test footage Moraleda gives us two takes of Tom Kalmaku, one serious, the other comedic. The video was submitted to Green Lantern's casting director Pam Dixon.

    Reader Comments (1)

    Wow, I think he'd be a great Tom. I hope he gets it.

    07-5-2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

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