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    Trailer Trifecta! 

    Another trailer blitz today, first up we have 'Couples Retreat' starring Vince Vaughn, Kristen Bell, Malin Akerman and Jason Bateman amongst others and looks like a tonne of fun.

    Great location ? check, sexy ladies ? check, funny actors ? check, relatable subject matter ? check, seems like a good time to me.

    Next up is 'The Informant' starring a chubby un-Bourne-like Matt Damon as a corporate informant in a satirical comedy from Steven Sodebergh. Personally I'm not a a fan of Sodebergh, I often find his movies drab and dull, but Damon shines in this role like never before and turns this into an instant must see for me, this is a real step out of his comfort zone.

    Last but not least we have Sundance Festival 2008 favourite 'Assassination of a High School President'.Now this movie garnered great festival reviews as a cross between popular TV show 'Veronica Mars' and Rian Johnson's acclaimed 'Brick. however Ive read this trailer does not do justice to the movie so watch it with that in mind, personally I feel it looks great from the trailer so my hopes are high if this is a badly cut job. Unfortunately due to a number of legal issues you can read about at /film, this may end up going straight to DVD.



    'Inglourious Basterds' Trailer Goes International

    If the previous trailers for Quentin Tarantino's "Inglorius Basterds" had not already enticed me into buying a ticket (and they certainly did), then most assuredly the new international trailer would have done the trick.

    This one is the most Tarantino-esque of the 'Basterds' trailers so far.

    For more on the movie, which is due in theaters Aug. 21, check out or follow the movie at, where they are sporadically giving away prizes, such as posters.


    TMT Exclusive: 'Dead of Night' Is Not Headed Straight to DVD

    You know how Internet rumors start these days. One site publishes something, a fan site picks it up. A few more sites attribute it to one of the places from which they heard it, and so forth.

    The current rumor has it that Brandon Routh's upcoming movie, "Dead of Night," is headed straight to DVD.

    Not so, says Plantinum Studios Vice President Dan Forcey.

    "We're contractually obligated and guaranteed a theatrical release of at least 1,100 screens," Forcey just told me. "We couldn't do direct-to-DVD if we wanted to."

    For a refresher on the movie, here is my previous interview with Forcey.


    What Is 'Paul'? -- Glad You Asked

    "Paul" is a comedy about "two sci-fi geeks who embark upon a pilgrimage in a RV to the center of America's UFO heartland: Nevada's infamous Area 51. While in the middle of that desert, the two friends encounter a fugitive alien by the name of Paul. Somewhat reluctantly, they embark upon an adventure that will change not just their lives forever, but also the lives of the friends and enemies they encounter along the way."

    And "What Is Paul?" is the web site where those who are interested can find out more about the movie, which currently is in production.

    The movie's writers and stars -- Simon Pegg and Nick Frost -- aim to make the web site interactive, and in doing so, are offering everyone the opportunity to submit questions about the movie.

    In addition to Pegg and Frost, "Paul" features Bill Hader, Jason Bateman and Kristen Wiig. It is due in theaters next year.


    Anything But "Unstoppable"

    Considering all the offers that poured in after Star Trek was a certified box-office smash, it came as a surprise to many that Chris Pine opted to make Unstoppable (the fifth Denzel Washington/Tony Scott collaboration) as his follow-up.

    Although it wasn't 100% what I had in mind, it's certainly in the right direction. The guy now needs to show audiences he can play a character that isn't remotely Captain Kirk in something as far away from Trek as possible before beaming back up for the sequel. But it now appears he might not get that chance - at least with this film.

    The Hollywood Reporter reveals the production has hit a couple of snags on the way towards its scheduled Fall shoot. Chief among them, the studio (in this case 20th Century Fox) isn't nuts about the proposed budget. Not to mention, none of the key three principals (Washington, Scott and Pine) have actually hammered down deals.

    And it doesn't help matters that The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (the most recent Washington/Scott effort) hasn't been kicking ass and taking names at the box-office. Current gross: $53 million.

    Even if this project ultimately falls apart, it's a safe bet that Washington and Scott will work together again and that Pine will get to headline a film that doesn't involve the USS Enterprise.


    'Transformers' Rolls Out

    Weekend Actuals (June 26th-June 28th)

    1 Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen $108,966,307
    2 The Proposal $18,578,541
    3 The Hangover $17,022,166
    4 Up $13,061,737
    5 My Sister's Keeper $12,442,212
    6 Year One $6,022,444
    7 The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 $5,451,107
    8 Star Trek $3,711,968
    9 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian $3,643,522
    10 Away We Go $1,709,313


    Movie Moan - How Idiocracy Is a Chilling Portrayal of the Future

    On this week's edition of Movie Moan, Phil, Jamie and Ed reflect on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

    Or more speficially Michael Bay's inner-racist being displayed with $200 million at his disposal and how Mike Judge's brilliant Idiocracy accurately depicts what the world will become. That is to say we react to the film (which Jamie and Ed refuse to see leaving Phil as the only one in the group to properly "review" it) and its killer $201 million 5-day opening weekend. We weep for our youth...

    Also on docket is the "death and resurrection" of Jeff Goldblum as the group hypothesize how he may indeed be the real-life John Connor, the Ghostbusters video game being released and the "Will he or won't he?" news regarding Christopher Nolan's participation on Batman III. The guys give their reactions to the newly released trailers for The Last Airbender, The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard, The Stepfather, 2012 and how Silence of the Lambs compares to Back to the Future.

    All of that, plus the news of Avatar footage finally being displayed the world (but it alas didn't cause the blind to see or deaf to hear) and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Science's decision to extend the "Best Picture" race to now 10 films.

    Movie Moan - How Idiocracy Is a Chilling Portrayal of the Future


    Wonders Never Cease

    Wonder Woman is perhaps the most iconic comic book character yet to receive the silver screen treatment. Fellow fans who don't follow the film adaptations as closely as I do often ask, "When is Wonder Woman coming out?" That same question has been asked to me numerous times -- by non comic book fans, too. So, there is definitely an audience waiting to see the world's greatest superheroine come to life.

    However, what is talked about most of all is: "Who should play Wonder Woman?" Suggestions have ranged from former American Idol runner-up Katharine McPhee, to Beyonce, to Anne Hathaway. And the past few months have seen a new name enter the equation and rapidly rise in popularity: Bridget Regan, the 27-year-old star of Legend of the Seeker. The 5'8, blue-eyed beauty's resume includes Law and Order: Criminal Intent, The Black Donnollys and a cameo in the Sex and the City movie. But her true claim to fame has come from Legend of the Seeker, where she portrays the confessor, Kahlan Amnell.

    As Kahlan, Regan portrays a character with many similar personality traits to the Amazonian Princess. Her character is a strong, confident, smart, loving and beautiful woman who wants nothing more than peace, even if she has to fight to the death for it. Sound familiar? It should.

    I am a long time supporter of Ms. Regan's. TMT's own Sean Gerski (be sure to read his excellent interview with Marc Guggenheim just below this article) repeatedly asked me to write an article on her as not to be "scooped" in her "discovery" as a new-found fan favorite. Unfortunately, www.sfuniverse.comand MTV's Splash Page beat me to the punch with articles on her forum fame, and the hopes of her fans that she, at the very least, gets a screen test once a director is chosen.

    Manip by DannyDreg

    Friend to the site, and personal friend of mine, Dan Scaglione recently reached out to her representation, TMT Entertainment Group. He was able to find out that they are WELL AWARE of the online petition, and were interested to learn that within a 24-hour period, it went from 225 signatures, to 370. As I write, the current amount of signatures is 422. When Dan asked if Bridget herself knew of the fan support and petition, he was met with a standard reply of "It is our policy not to comment on what our clients may, or may not be aware of." One would wager that if her management is aware, it is more than likely that she is, too.

    Dan also put in a call to Silver Pictures, which owns the rights to the "Wonder Woman" movie. This call was met with the perfunctorily response of "Wonder Woman is still in development and nowhere near casting."

    If you're like I was several months ago, and have only seen stills of Bridget Regan, you're likely to think, "Sure, she's pretty, but nowhere near pretty enough for Wonder Woman," In my experience, and I'm sure more than a handful of others could attest, stills don't capture just how stunningly beautiful she is. Perhaps the clips I've linked throughout this article (just click the names of shows to see her) will help you see what her supporters see.

    One more of her kicking tail, just to show she is capable of action sequences.

    There are also a great variety of links on YouTube to see Bridget on talk shows such as The View and Jimmy Kimmel -- to see how she looks in "real life," Though my bet is if you do decide to check her out on those shows, the first thought to come to your mind will be the ZZ Top song "She's Got Legs."

    If you'd like to sign the petition, here is a link.


    An Exclusive Interview with Marc Guggenheim

    Movie writer. TV producer. Comic book creator. Video game writer.

    While this list may seem like a collection of dream jobs for many of us, it actually is the resume of former lawyer Marc Guggenheim.

    Since Guggenheim left the world of Boston law and turned to Hollywood, his biggest problem seemingly has been finding the time for all of the work sent his way.


    One of the items currently on Guggenheim's plate is his role as executive producer of the television series "Flash Forward," which is scheduled to debut this fall on ABC.

    The concept behind "Flash Forward" is that everyone on Earth blacks out for 2 minutes and 17 seconds. During the blackout, people experience visions of April 29, 2010, which is six months into the future at that point. When the "flash forward" is over, many people have died in accidents involving vehicles, aircraft or other devices that require human control.

    The plot is adapted from the 1999 book "Flashforward" by Robert J. Sawyer.

    "I like to use the phrase 'inspired by.' [The show's writers] took the storyline in a different direction than the novel," said Guggenheim. "If you read the book and find the concept intriguing, you will really enjoy what David (Goyer) and Brannon (Braga) did with it."

    One major change from the book to the television show involves how far into the future people see when they black out.

    "We've obviously changed it from 21 years to six months," said Guggenheim. "The real appeal when you are doing a television series is getting to see the payoff of when the future becomes the present. David and Brannon made the decision to have that payoff come in the first season."

    One aspect of the show that has people talking is the high caliber of its cast. "Flash Forward" features Joseph Fiennes, John Cho, Jack Davenport and Courtney B. Vance. That cast was one of the factors that intrigued Guggenheim.

    "I wish I could take credit for the cast," he said, "but I got involved after the cast was put together."

    According to Guggenheim, the show has the ability to sustain a high level of quality over a number of seasons.

    "We figure it can go seven years pretty comfortably," he said. "At a minimum, we figure we would need three seasons [to tell the story]."

    Guggenheim said he believes "Flash Forward" can achieve success on the level of "Lost."

    "I have a feeling people will start talking about 'Flash Foward' once they see it," he said. "I think that show will inspire that much interest."


    For Guggenheim, the beginning of "Flash Forward" arrives just as "Eli Stone" is ending.

    After 26 episodes over a two-year period, "Eli Stone" has been canceled by ABC. The final episodes of the show have begun airing in the U.S. at 10 p.m. on Saturday nights (the episodes previously aired in the U.K.).

    "We had an initial 13-episode order for Season Two," Guggenheim said. "We hoped for a back-nine order (to get up to 22 episodes), but we had written 13 without knowing whether we would get the other nine."

    However, he said, by the time the 13th episode of Season Two was actually filmed, the writing was on the wall.

    "Everyone went into production on Episode 13 knowing it was the end," he stated.

    Guggenheim said fans of the show will feel a sense of closure.

    "Do you get a sense that we brought the show in for a landing? Yeah, you do," he said.

    However, Guggenheim noted, there is a chance "Eli Stone" may live on in another format.

    "I've gotten super close on a couple of occasions to doing it as a comic book series," he said. "But it's something I'm taking a beat on, because I'm so busy with 'Flash Forward.'"

    And if it is possible to do it as a comic book series, Guggenheim said he already is off to an excellent start.

    "I have four more scripts that were written by 'Eli Stone' writers," he said. "Episodes 14 through 17 have been written. And I want to do something with them."

    But Guggenheim also noted he won't do it "just to do it."

    "I'm only going to do it if I can do it right," he said. "My ego could not tolerate 'Eli' failing in two different mediums."

    Guggenheim then laughed and clarified that he meant the show was a "failure" on television only in terms of the ratings.

    "I have absolutely no regrets. I'm really proud of the series. I am as proud of it as I am anything I have ever done," he said. "And I know there is a rabid fan base for the show. I would rather have the fans who are passionate than a kajillion people who watch the show, but don't really care."

    Shows such as "Flash Forward" and "Eli Stone" feature twists, an element toward which Guggenheim said he finds himself attracted.

    "I favor shows that are outside the box. I'm very excited about 'Flash Forward'," he said. "But it always comes down to, 'Is this a quality show?' And, 'Does it tell a good story?"


    Another field through which Guggenheim has discovered he can tell a good story is the world of video games.

    "I love writing video games," he said. "I enjoy working with video game developers."

    The games for which Guggenheim has written or co-written the stories for include "Call of Duty 3," "Perfect Dark Zero" and, most recently, "X-Men Origins: Wolverine."

    "It's an exciting technology to be working on," he said. "The technology is at the place where you can tell big, cinematic stories. The potential is just so huge."

    Guggenheim said he would love to do more games, but added that they are "very time consuming."

    "When I can, I work them into my schedule," he said. "When I've done it, it's usually during a hiatus."


    Guggenheim also continues to write comic books, something he enjoys doing.

    His upcoming work includes the "Who Is Ben Reilly?" arc in Amazing Spider-Man. In the past, he has created stories for characters such as The Flash, Aquaman, The Punisher and Wolverine.

    And, oddly enough, Guggenheim was slated to work with Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman, on a comic book series called "Nowhere Man."

    "Unfortunately, Virgin Comics went under and we just don't have a home for it," Guggenheim said. "I've talked to Hugh Jackman's people and we're looking at things to do down the road. But, unless things get resolved, I don't think it will be 'Nowhere Man.'"

    Conversely, Guggenheim noted, things are looking very good for another comic book series of his called "'Resurrection."

    "I'm doing a comic for Oni Press that's been optioned for a movie at Universal [Studios]," he said.
    Guggenheim called the comic book's concept "really cool."

    "In 'Independence Day' and 'War of the Worlds' and basically every alien invasion movie you've ever seen, people win and the aliens get kicked off the planet. You don't see what happens next," he said. "With 'Resurrection,' the aliens leave, then our story begins."


    Speaking of movies, Guggenheim knows that no matter how many shows, video games, comic books or other movies he does, the topic of the "Green Lantern" movie he co-wrote with Greg Berlanti and Michael Green is the topic most likely to come up. Yet, it also is the topic he is most hesitant to talk about.

    "'Green Lantern' continues to move forward," he said. "But I can't say any more about it. I've signed a blood oath of secrecy."

    Guggenheim said he is aware fans are concerned that the lead role has yet to be cast, but he said they have nothing to worry about.

    "I understand where the fans are coming from," he said. "I understand that people are passionate, but everything will work out."

    Guggenheim said he doesn't go on Internet message boards to see what people are writing about "Green Lantern," but he does get an e-mail notice when new stories are written about the movie.

    "I haven't gone on the boards, but I do have a Google alert," he said. "So if something gets written (about "Green Lantern") and Google captures it, I see it."

    And through reading the stories, Guggenheim said he has noticed a common thread.

    "I can say don't believe all the rumors," he said. "In fact, I haven't read a single thing that is accurate."

    However, Guggenheim also tried to downplay his role in the process by saying he is "just the writer."

    "In fact," he said. "I have the Google alert so I can find out who is cast along with all of you."


    Columbia take 'Uncharted' Course

    Video Game adaptions are notoriously tricky, so far most have not been much better than average with many falling well below average. So it's with mixed emotions that fans will greet the news from The Hollywood Reporter that Columbia have optioned the rights to make a movie from PS3 mega hit 'Uncharted: Drakes Fortune'.

    The studio is developing the action-adventure video game for a feature film, setting Kyle Ward to pen the adaptation that would be produced by Avi Arad, Charles Roven, Ari Arad and Alex Gartner.

    The story follows a descendent of explorer Sir Francis Drake, a treasure hunter named Nate Drake who believes he has learned the whereabouts of El Dorado, the fabled South American golden city, from a cursed golden statue. The search becomes competitive when a rival hunter joins the fray, then is racheted up several notches when creatures -- actually mutated descendants of Spaniards and Nazis -- begin attacking those hoping to learn the treasure's true secrets.

    The game, from Sony Computer Entertainment, sold 1 million copies in the first 10 weeks of its release at the end of 2007.

    Coincidently I just bought the game in the PS3 Platinum range the other day and the sequel 'Uncharted II: Among Thieves' is due out later this year. The game's vibe is bound to draw comparisons with movies such as the Indy films, 'Romancing The Stone' and 'The Mummy' and may just be the most movie friendly material yet attempted in the videogame to movie adaption stakes.

    To give you idea of what to expect Ive put the trailers from both games below.