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    Trio of new Trailers!

    Three new trailers for three very different types of movie have arrived online, leading the way is a trailer for 'Daybreakers', a movie that has been made a fair while, in fact last reports on it were in late 2007. Looking at the trailer it's not hard to see why the studio have perhaps struggled to decide how to market it, with it's unusual blend of vampire and sci fi apocalyptic movie looking quite original in it's presentation.


    Next we have a trailer for Ashton Kutcher's new movie 'Spread', a film I'd not actually heard of until I saw this trailer and judging from it 'Spread' is a mildly indie rom com with Kutcher trying out a new voice to separate himself from his usual character.

    And last but not least we have the trailer for 'Amelia', the biopic of female pilot Amelia Earhart starring Hilary Swank and Richard Gere. Sure to be dubbed "Oscar bait" by many, whatever else it certainly is a lavish looking movie with some glorious shots and cinematography.



    Don't Be Late ... Check Out Alice's Web Site

    For those interested in Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland,"
    the movie's new web site has debuted online at

    According to the site, the movie will debut March 5, 2010, and it will be available in Disney Digital 3-D in select cities) and in IMAX 3-D.

    Interactively, the site offers viewers the opportunity to register for any updates to the movie.

    Oddly enough, however, the site does not offer any of the many images that were released earlier in the week. Instead, the site features a solitary shot of a hat (shown above right).

    On the down side, the site also has a ticking sound that does not stop unless you locate the little "sound" button that is slightly out of the way. And trust me, you will want to find that button. 


    35TH Annual Saturn Awards Winners


    Science Fiction Film:
    "Iron Man"

    Fantasy Film:
    "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"

    Horror Film:

    "Hellboy II: The Golden Army"

    Action/Adventure/Thriller Film:
    "The Dark Knight"


    Robert Downey, Jr. ("Iron Man")

    Angelina Jolie ("Changeling")

    Supporting Actor:
    Heath Ledger ("The Dark Knight")

    Supporting Actress:

    Tilda Swinton ("The Curious Case of Benjamin Button")

    Performance by a Younger Actor:
    Jaden Christopher Smith ("The Day the Earth Stood Still")

    Jon Favreau ("Iron Man")

    Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan ("The Dark Knight")

    Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard ("The Dark Knight")


    Mary Zophres ("Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull")

    Greg Cannom ("The Curious Case of Benjamin Button")

    Special Effects:

    Nick Davis, Chris Corbould, Timothy Webber, Paul J. Franklin ("The Dark Knight")

    International Film:
    "Let the Right One In"

    Animated Film:

    Television Series:

    Syndicated/Cable Television Series:
    "Battlestar Galactica"

    Presentation on Television:
    "The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice"

    Actor on Television:
    Edward James Olmos ("Battlestar Galactica")

    Actress on Television:
    Mary McDonnell ("Battlestar Galactica")

    Supporting Actor on Television:
    Adrian Pasdar ("Heroes")

    Supporting Actress on Televison:
    Jennifer Carpenter ("Dexter")

    Guest Starring Role on Television:
    Jimmy Smits ("Dexter")

    DVD Release:
    Jack Brooks:"Monster Slayer"

    DVD Special Edition Release:
    Stephen King’s The Mist" - 2 disc Special Edition

    DVD Classic Film Release:
    "Psycho" - Universal Legacy Series

    DVD Collection:
    "The Godfather: The Coppola Restoration"

    Series on DVD:

    Retro Series on DVD:
    "The Invaders"

    The Life Career Award:
    Lance Henriksen

    The Lifetime Achievement Award:
    Leonard Nimoy

    The Visionary Award:
    Jeffrey Katzenberg


    Possible Sequels To ‘Hitman’ & ‘300’

    LBF (Low Budget Film) + SBO (Solid Box Office) = Success

    Seems obvious doesn’t it? You would think that it would be to the studios that are making the film world go round. Sometimes giant talking robots or costumed web slingers get in the way and budgets soar to heights never thought possible. There are arguments to be heard on both sides of the aisle but sticking to formula isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Fox Studios and Warner Bros. Pictures must share the same sentiment as they prepare sequels to high octane “Hitman” and the sword and sandaler “300”.

    Fox’s “Hitman” pulled in $39,687,694 domestically and almost $100 million worldwide against a $30 million budget and screenwriter Kyle Ward has been chosen to deliver more of the same. According to Variety the film will pull plot points from Eidos’ 2010 release “Hitman 5”. Timothy Olyphant is expected to return a the Kojackian gun wielding Agent 47, who is attempting to revive is career as an assassin after a mental and physical breakdown.

    Zack Snyder gushed over a possible sequel to WB’s “300” during an interview with the folks over at Coming Soon. The Brothers Warner are hoping for a repeat of the $210,614,939 domestic take with a paltry $65 million budget. According to Snyder, Frank Miller is working on the comic book which Snyder will develop the film from.

    I think we would use the same technology... I don't want it to look too Star Wars-ian... Just from what [Miller] told me, it would be bigger as far as landscape and terrain. We're going to see Athens and the Aegean and other places. There would be an opportunity for bigger visions, though I'd hope for the same aesthetic. The tech we used for '300' was not a revolution. It's basically what the weatherman has. Look, instead of Accuweather it's Sparta... It's going to be the same way, but on crazier steroids."


    Trailer for 'The Box'

    Richard Kelly shot to fame, at least in the movie community, with his acclaimed 2001 curio 'Donnie Darko'. He followed that with the pretty much panned 'Southland Tales' and now finds himself with his most commercial offering to date with 'The Box', starring Hollywood megastar Cameron Diaz.

    The trailer gives off a Hitchcock filtered through the Twilight Zone vibe and the central concept certainly has an intriguing element to it, whether Kelly can tie that together into a satisfying thriller or drop too far off into weird territory remains to be seen.

    'The Box' opens October 30th and you can check out the trailer below.



    New 'Sherlock Holmes' Images

    Latino Review has a batch of new images from the fortchoming 'Sherlock Holmes'. They feature Holmes, Watson and the villain played by Mark Strong as well as Irene Adler played by Rachel McAdams. The shots showcase the action side of this version as well as evoking the atmoshphere of the classic books.

    Ive posted 4 of the images below and you can check the rest out at the link.

    'Sherlock Holmes' opens on Christmas Day.


    Can a Cowboy and a Bunch of 'Losers' Make DC, Warner Bros. Into Winners?

    Jonah Hex

    Many people will tell you that the big boom of Marvel Comics movies started with the success of Bryan Singer's first X-Men movie in 2000. To these people, I say thee, nay!

    It all started two years prior with Blade, which was a little-known commodity at the time. Blade is half-human, half-vampire. Known as the Daywalker, he has all their powers and none of the weaknesses.

    As a movie, Bladeappealed to more than just the hardcore comic geeks who, in fact, knew he was a comic book character. His appeal crossed to another genre, that of vampire lore.

    Vampires are a proven entity, and something we as viewers continually ask for -- as evidenced by the decades upon decades of movies such as Nosferatu, Dracula and Interview With a Vampire, Buffy and Angel on TV, and dozens of others that are too numerous to list.

    The fascination we have with Vampires, combined with the star power of Wesley Snipes and Kris Kristofferson, helped build a "C-lister" into an overnight sensation who spawned a three-movie franchise (that raked in the cash) and a television series.

    And, believe it or not, the similarities between Blade and Jonah Hex go beyond them being C-list comic characters who got the nod for a movie.

    So, what do a Civil War-era Cowboy with a scarred face and a vampire-hunting, super-powered martial artist have in common? Well, both are not your typical always-do-the-right-thing heroes. They are definitely antiheroes; which, judging by comic sales and movie-going audiences, is what we want. Plus, like Blade before him, Hex appeals to a wider audience.

    Only this time, it's not vampire mythology, but fans of the Western -- the audience who enjoys Clint Eastwood as The Man with No Name, the ones who turned out to see Appaloosa and 3:10 to Yuma.

    And like Blade, Jonah Hex features "A-list" talent. Where Bladehad Snipes and Kristofferson, Hexbrings Josh Brolin in the lead role and the uber-talented John Malkovich as the antagonist. Add the sizzling hot Megan Fox to them and you've got yourself a pretty good start for a potentially-lucrative franchise of characters that people supposedly don't care about


    On to The Losers, another "no-name" property from DC Comics that is being made into a movie by director Sylvain White (who, from what I've heard, will surprise people the same way Jon Favreau did with Iron Man).

    Now, I know MANY of you will say the X-Men had WAY more name recognition than The Losers, but did they really? I mean sure, if you mentioned the X-Men prior to the live-action franchise, people could tell you it was a comic or a cartoon, but could those people actually name any of the X-Men for you?

    Nowadays, I'm sure most everyone could name at least two to three X-Men.

    And I'd say Wolverine alone is close to on par with Spider-Man in popularity, as evidenced by his nearly $400 million dollar gross between domestic and world wide box office.

    But what what do The Losers have in common with the X-Men? In movie terms, minus the powers, they are fairly similar. Both are teams of diverse individuals with interesting and unique personalities, operating in secret so the government doesn't try to stop them from completing their missions. They do it for VERY different reasons, but both go up against a villain who, if they make one wrong move, they're in deep trouble and they know it.

    The X-men had an edge as nothing like that had been seen on film before, but The Losers can be a whole team of Jason Bournes and Jack Bauers. C'mon, how cool does that sound?

    The success of Blade and the X-Men is what finally brought the one we'd ALL been waiting to see on the big screen: Spider-Man. And when that succeeded, thenthey brought out the Hulk, Daredevil, Elektra, Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four, Iron Man and even a Sci-Fi movie original of Man-Thing!

    Were they all great? No, but they did get made. And after starting a little lower on the name recognition scale, we are eagerly anticipating the upcoming Thor, Captain America, and Marvel's holy grail, The Avengers.

    So for those asking why they are making movies of Jonah Hex and The Losers before The Flash or Wonder Woman or Aquaman, I say just be patient.

    The Marvel boom didn't start with Spidey and Captain America and work its way down to middle and lower tier characters -- it started with a "C-lister" named Blade.

    MY belief is that Jonah Hex and The Losers can provide the same kick start for the DC Movie Universe.


    Oscars Expand Best Picture Nominees List


    The Academy of motion pictures arts and sciences have decided that they want more people to watch the Oscars so they doubled the amount of pictures that are allowed to be nominated. This clears the way for the whiney fanboys to have their "The Dark Knight" type flicks to compete with films not about an Adult male in a rubber costume.

    This is a pretty stupid move in my opinion as there are bearly five movies good enough to nominate for best picture in the first place. Then again the Oscars haven't exactly been about quality for a long time so why not?

    Look for the new and "improved" Oscars next year on March 7th.


    Cinema Expo 2009 - Posters

    Film1 has gotten hold of a bunch of promotional posters unveiled at the Cinema Expo by Paramount, these may not end up being the posters you see in your local cineplex but provide an early trade guide to where the likely marketing theme is heading. Below is the excellent poster for Martin Scorcese's 'Shutter Island' and at the link you will find posters for the likes of 'Iron Man 2' and 'The Last Airbender'.



    Sandra Bullock Fights Off A 'Hangover'


    Weekend Actuals (June 19th-June 21st)

    1 The Proposal $33,627,598
    2 The Hangover $26,753,473
    3 Up $23,492,677
    4 Year One $19,610,304
    5 The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 $12,034,899
    6 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian $7,807,185
    7 Star Trek $5,511,434 $2,389
    8 Land of the Lost $4,358,945
    9 Imagine That $3,290,227
    10 Terminator Salvation $3,284,230