Wonders Never Cease

Wonder Woman is perhaps the most iconic comic book character yet to receive the silver screen treatment. Fellow fans who don't follow the film adaptations as closely as I do often ask, "When is Wonder Woman coming out?" That same question has been asked to me numerous times -- by non comic book fans, too. So, there is definitely an audience waiting to see the world's greatest superheroine come to life.
However, what is talked about most of all is: "Who should play Wonder Woman?" Suggestions have ranged from former American Idol runner-up Katharine McPhee, to Beyonce, to Anne Hathaway. And the past few months have seen a new name enter the equation and rapidly rise in popularity: Bridget Regan, the 27-year-old star of Legend of the Seeker. The 5'8, blue-eyed beauty's resume includes Law and Order: Criminal Intent, The Black Donnollys and a cameo in the Sex and the City movie. But her true claim to fame has come from Legend of the Seeker, where she portrays the confessor, Kahlan Amnell.
As Kahlan, Regan portrays a character with many similar personality traits to the Amazonian Princess. Her character is a strong, confident, smart, loving and beautiful woman who wants nothing more than peace, even if she has to fight to the death for it. Sound familiar? It should.
I am a long time supporter of Ms. Regan's. TMT's own Sean Gerski (be sure to read his excellent interview with Marc Guggenheim just below this article) repeatedly asked me to write an article on her as not to be "scooped" in her "discovery" as a new-found fan favorite. Unfortunately, www.sfuniverse.comand MTV's Splash Page beat me to the punch with articles on her forum fame, and the hopes of her fans that she, at the very least, gets a screen test once a director is chosen.
Manip by DannyDreg
Friend to the site, and personal friend of mine, Dan Scaglione recently reached out to her representation, TMT Entertainment Group. He was able to find out that they are WELL AWARE of the online petition, and were interested to learn that within a 24-hour period, it went from 225 signatures, to 370. As I write, the current amount of signatures is 422. When Dan asked if Bridget herself knew of the fan support and petition, he was met with a standard reply of "It is our policy not to comment on what our clients may, or may not be aware of." One would wager that if her management is aware, it is more than likely that she is, too.
Dan also put in a call to Silver Pictures, which owns the rights to the "Wonder Woman" movie. This call was met with the perfunctorily response of "Wonder Woman is still in development and nowhere near casting."
If you're like I was several months ago, and have only seen stills of Bridget Regan, you're likely to think, "Sure, she's pretty, but nowhere near pretty enough for Wonder Woman," In my experience, and I'm sure more than a handful of others could attest, stills don't capture just how stunningly beautiful she is. Perhaps the clips I've linked throughout this article (just click the names of shows to see her) will help you see what her supporters see.
One more of her kicking tail, just to show she is capable of action sequences.
There are also a great variety of links on YouTube to see Bridget on talk shows such as The View and Jimmy Kimmel -- to see how she looks in "real life," Though my bet is if you do decide to check her out on those shows, the first thought to come to your mind will be the ZZ Top song "She's Got Legs."
If you'd like to sign the petition, here is a link.
Reader Comments (3)
Hey, I'm glad to see it's finally up! I guess wonders will never cease. ;)
Great write-up, Mike! Bridget truly is WONDERful. I hope our girl gets considered for the part.
I will not look for Viagra Online ever again if she gets to play Wonder Woman, she might just make a good choice to get Linda Carter out of our heads for a long while.