On this week's edition of Movie Moan, Phil, Jamie and Ed are once again joined by their pal Lou as the group review Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince. Shockingly, Jamie didn't like it (!?!) and Phil did. Listen to an epic battle of film criticism between two friends who loved the previous Potter installments. Who will be left standing?
Among the other topics for discussion include Moon (which Phil checked out this weekend right after Half-Blood Prince), whether or not we'll be hearing casting announcements of The Hobbit at this week's San Diego Comic-Con, Bridget Jones 3 (cut to: Phil being dragged kicking and screaming to the theater), Darren Aronofsky possibly being off the Robocop reboot and G.I. Joe spoilers.
With their lead actor now set in the form of Ryan Reynolds and an animated DVD about to hit shelves July 28th, the onslaught of Green Lantern news continues. Empire Online has posted an article (which you can check out right here) detailing the who, what, where, when and why of the comics and forthcoming Martin Campbell directed film. Interestingly, one thing in particular stood out to me within said article regarding the part of love interest Carol Ferris:
Rose Byrne (Knowing, 28 Weeks Later) is hottest tipped for the role, and word is that she's director Martin Campell's (Casino Royale, GoldenEye) favourite too.
If that sounds familiar, it's because I also heard that news-item and told you good folks about it a little over two months ago here. Now to be fair, nothing is set in stone and it's not out of the realm of possibility that Byrne has come and gone off the filmmakers' radar.
But if it turns out that it's Rose Byrne whose smooching Ryan Reynolds' Hal Jordan come summer 2011, remember where you heard it first, folks.
As the news that Ryan Reynolds has locked down the role of Hal Jordan in the live action Green Lantern movie dominates the press (including this site), it's worth remembering that there is an animated Green Lantern movie on the horizon.
Here, courtesy of MTV, is the beginning of the animated movie (which is due to hit DVD and Blu-Ray on July 28):
As MTV would say: Well, readers, what do you think?
As a DVD freak, one of my favourite special features are the deleted scenes. It is also one of my biggest pet peeves with the major studios who, quite often and with some strategy to hold back for an 'even more special/ultimate' edition or an extended cut, decide not to include them on the initial DVD/Blu-Ray release.
Cases in point would be the alternate ending to 'Quantum of Solace', the Krypton spaceship opening from 'Superman Returns', the tons of deleted scenes from Lord of the Rings that didn't even make it into the extended versions but we know exist, THE DELETED SCENES FROM THE ORIGINAL STAR WARS TRILOOOOOOOOOOGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahem, the list goes on and on. Anyway, another film which might have fallen pray to that ugly tradition is 'Star Trek' (ie. the only summer blockbuster I actually care about purchasing on DVD so far). We loved the film. We analysed the trailers frame by frame in high definition quicktime to catch sight of any deleted material. We read the novelization. We read the online articles about what was cut and hoped we get to see them soon.
Well the good folks at comingsoon.net have been provided the full specs for the DVD and Blu-Ray release of 'Star Trek' coming, at least to US shores on November 17 (waaaaaaaaaaah, why so long, waaaaaaaaah) and Paramount haven't let us down. From the look of things, we're getting all the deleted scenes from the film. No double dipping, no extended cut (it doesn't need one I think we would all agree). Included in both the two disc DVD edition and Blu-Ray edition will be:-
Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary o Spock Birth o Klingons Take Over Narada o Young Kirk, Johnny and Uncle Frank o Amanda and Sarek Argue After Spock Fights o Prison Interrogation and Breakout o Sarek Gets Amanda o Dorm Room and Kobayashi Maru (original version) o Kirk Apologizes to the Green Girl o Sarek Sees Spock
The titles of the deleted scenes may not be very snazzy but they certainly tell you what to expect. I want to see those Klingon bastards, find out what Nero was doing for all that time he was waiting for Spock and more Winona Ryder.
When Ryan Reynolds accepted the proposal from Warner Bros. and chose to take their ring, many -- if not most people -- assumed the fact that playing Green Lantern would mean the end of Reynolds' involvement in a Deadpool movie.
Now, Deadpool received some pretty lousy treatment in "X-men Origins: Wolverine," but fans of the character were confident (or at least hopeful) that Reynolds, himself a Deadpool fan, could make things right.
However, the left field plucking of Reynolds to play a character in the DC Universe (Green Lantern) left many wondering what that meant for his character in the Marvel Universe (Deadpool).
Apparently, Reynolds is not ruling out a return to Deadpool, telling Entertainment Weekly: "There's no rule that you can't play two different characters in two different comic book universes."
In fact, he added that he might not be done, saying, "There are so many interesting comic book characters out there. I would love to do others."
Personally, I would be shocked to see Reynolds play Deadpool in a solo movie for a vast number of reasons, but at least Deadpool fans still have some hope.
Worth noting: The image of Ryan Reynolds above is a brilliant photo manipulation by Australian graphic designer JMC. For more of his work, go here.
-Bloody-Disgusting has received word (via their sources) that Robert De Niro, Michelle Rodriguez and Jonah Hill have joined the cast of the Robert Rodriguez co-directed/Danny Trejo starring Machete. Filming is expected to start up pretty soon. But knowing how Rodriguez works, I wouldn't be surprised if it's already under-way with said cast-members among other yet-to-be-announced actors.
-"And I would have been able to make Jack Ryan if it hadn't been for that pesky web-slinger!" That's not exactly what Sam Raimi said, obviously. Movie Hole nabbed an exclusive interview with the director where he reveals what ultimately went down and his love for the Baldwin/Ford installments. Come on, Sam. No Affleck love?!?
-Jesus is headed to Mars. And by that, I'm not referring to our Lord. But the actor who portrayed him in Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ Willem Dafoe who has joined the cast of John Carter of Mars for Pixar. The Body of Evidence star (see? I can reference obscure terrible films too!) will play the leader of the alien Thark race.
Sure, next week's San Diego Comic Con will have Avatar footage being unveiled (and depending on its reception, cancer could be brought to an end soon after) and a first-look at Iron Man 2. But Peter Jackson will make his first physical appearance at the Con. That's right, folks. You can actually touch PJ next week...and will then be quickly escorted off by one of his muscles.
Jackson will be there to pimp District 9 (which he produced for his would-be Halo protege Neill Blomkamp) as well as join James Cameron in the Entertainment Weekly: The Visionaries panel which may or may not turn into the geek version of a dick-measuring contest.
Then of course, there's The Hobbit which Jackson will produce and write with its director Guillermo del Toro. A panel will take place for the film, and the "buzz" is that the actor set to play Bilbo Baggins might be announced. Hero Complex reports on a number of would-be candidates.
Current Doctor Who David Tennant (who himself will soon to stepping down from the role) will also be making his freshman apperance at the Con...and he's been mentioned for the role. Could be something, could be nothing. But it's certainly worth pointing out.
Also brought up are Harry Potter himself Daniel Radcliffe (Who are we all kidding? That won't happen!) and Wanted star James McAvoy whose name has been brought up more than anyone else for Bilbo, correct me if I'm wrong.
The thing we all have to keep in mind is the possibly that the actor whose ultimately cast (regardless of whether or not its announced next week) could be someone who hasn't been brought up previously. Case in point: Ryan Reynolds for Green Lantern.
Update: Empire Online straight up asked Peter Jackson about said rumors of casting announcments next week and the Lord of the Rings director shot them down saying, "No, we won’t be announcing Bilbo for a little while. We’re starting to think about casting, but we’re knee-deep in the script right now. And when we do go to actors, they’re probably going to ask to see a script, so we’re powering ahead with getting the first draft done."
Model. Actress. Writer. Twenty-four year old stunner Julia Voth is a woman of many talents. She is a star on the rise, and I was was recently afforded the opportunity to speak with and interview her. She is smart, classy, and witty not to mention jaw droppingly gorgeous. Below, we discuss everything from how she got her start in the business, to the differences between filming movies and television series, to a certain star spangled superheroine.
Now, I'm sure you're all much more interested in what Julia has to say than what I do. So here without further ado, my interview with Julia:
How did you get your start in modeling, was that something you wanted to do even when you were a young girl or did it just kind of happen?
Performing was always something I knew I wanted to do, even from a young age. I basically grew up in front of my dad’s video camera. And when the opportunity arose to go to Japan and work as a model it seemed like a perfect fit.
Was it while modeling that you thought about trying your hand at acting or is that something you always wanted to pursue?
For a while modeling was great. I got to travel and meet amazing people around the world. But I got to a point where creatively it wasn’t enough. I needed something more to stimulate my mind. For me it was a natural progression to acting. As I learned and studied acting I found I approached modeling very much as an actor would a part. I created a character in my mind to portray whatever it was a designer or photographer wanted. And now that I am here in LA doing it, I know this is where I am meant to be.
What was your reaction when your agent handed you the script for Bitch Slap?
When I first read the title I was a little skeptical. But I read to about the 20th page when I called my agent back and told him to do whatever it took to get me in to read for Trixie. I knew I had to be part of this project and I knew she was the one I needed to play.
What was it about the part of Trixie that appealed to you, and how did you feel when you knew you got the part?
On the outside Trixie is a sweet, naïve, down-on-her-luck stripper, with a heart of gold. I saw a lot of me in her, well besides the stripping stuff. But what I liked most was the journey she goes on and the arch that she has in the film. She ends up being totally different from how she began. And that was very fun to play.
I get the vibe everyone had a blast and had lots of fun on set, would that be accurate?
Absolutely, it was so much fun on set. You can be working on the most amazing project but if the people are negative it can bring the whole thing down. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by amazing people who believed in me and trusted me to take Trixie where she needed to go. Rick Jacobson and Eric Gruendemann (our director and executive producer), had the confidence all of us to be the ambassadors of the film.
What was it like shooting your love scenes for Bitch Slap?
Bitch Slap was full of firsts for me including my first time onscreen kiss. I had two scenes and each time it was a closed set, I felt very comfortable about it. Everyone on set was so respectful of what we were doing. Each scene was a very important and appropriate part of why Trixie is the way she is. (And besides that, I’d rather kiss a pretty girl than an ugly guy any day.)
Was the shooting in the desert difficult?
Shooting in the desert was very challenging. Both Erin and I were wearing 4-inch heels, which never came off, not even in the fight scenes. In the mornings it was SO cold. I am Canadian so I am used to the cold, but it’s a lot different when you are wearing nothing more then a little gold dress. Then everyday when 4 o/c hit, the winds would pick up to 40mph and we’d be doing our close-ups with sand and dirt and glycerin and lip-gloss all over our faces. It definitely pushed us mentally and physically. Not only did I prove to myself I could do it, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
America Olivo your Bitch Slap costar recently did a layout in Playboy Magazine. Were you and Erin Cummings approached as well, and is that something you'd ever consider?
Yes! She was the June Cover Girl! I am so proud of her and she looked beautiful! The female body is beautiful and being a model and now actress, showing some skin is not something I am uncomfortable with. But it's not for me at this point in my career, it’s not to say I would never consider it in the future, but not right now. I also think it is so much sexier when a woman is dressed and there is something left to the imagination. It’s the unknown, and to me that’s hot.
In a previous interview, you said there needs to be more female action heroes. As comic book movies are all the rage right now, have you auditioned for any?
No, I haven’t had an opportunity to... not yet.
Would a role like Wonder Woman be something that interests you?
Are you kidding I’d LOVE to play Wonder Woman. Growing up she was my favorite.
In addition to movies and commercials, you've also been part of video games. You're the model for Jill Valentine in Resident Evil games. How did that come about? Were you a fan or were you aware of the game series popularity beforehand?
I was modeling in Japan when I auditioned for it. There where thousands of girls up for the part. I was so honored when they offered me the job. She isan iconic character, who is beautiful and strong. I still feel a strong connection to her.
You have two upcoming projects. The Anniversary, and Love Hurts, what can you tell us about them?
'Love Hurts‘ is a romantic comedy starring Jenna Elfman and Carrie Ann Moss as Amanda, and I play Young Amanda 20 years ago. Barra Grant wrote and directed it. It’s very funny and very sweet. Then I did 'The Anniversary’ a film by John Campea. It’s a romantic comedy about love and loss. I am the main character's love interest. It really is a fall-out-of-your-seat-laugh-out-loud kind of movie. And I just finished a show for MTV called ‘The Phone.’ Produced by Justin Timberlake ‘The Phone’ mixed the worlds of reality and scripted television and put them head to head in an intense race against time. I played a scripted secret agent, which was a lot of fun.
Love Hurts you have many highly successful actresses as your costars, did you learn a lot or get any advice from them?
You can learn a lot from an actress by just watching them work. I’ve seen the final product and they are all amazing. I feel very lucky to have been surrounded by so many talented actors so far in my career.
What type of actress do you see yourself as? Mostly action, drama, comedy? And, which actresses do you look up to?
I look up to actresses like Anne Hathaway, Scarlet Johansson, and Rachael McAdams. They are all extremely talented actresses who have range in their choices of films. I would love to have the opportunity to try all kinds of genres.
Are there any specific actresses or directors you'd love to work with?
Coen Brothers, Bill Condon (Dream Girls), Scott Charles Stewart are a few directors I’d love to work with.
Having worked on both movie sets, and TV series (MTV's The Phone) how would you compare the two, and is there one you like more than the other?
Movie and television sets are so different it’s hard to pick one. And I think as an actress it is important to work both muscles. I see myself more in movies as my career progresses, there is magic in movies, but I would never limit myself to just one or the other.
In addition to modeling and acting, you're also writing a book of what you've referred to as "dark poetry". When will that be released, and could you perhaps share a poem with us?
Yes I am, but I’m still in the process of writing it. I am hoping it will be completed by the end of the year, but I’m not sharing anything until it is totally done. But what I can tell you is this is the most organic, raw and real work I’ve ever done. It’s dark and unapologetic. And I am very proud of it.
Do you have any advice for the young girls out there who want to get into modeling and/or acting?
I think when it comes to anything in life you need to have an unshakable faith in yourself. Especially in this business there are so many people who will tear you down, you need to learn how to let it roll off your shoulders and get back up and keep going.
As you're from Saskatchewan, Canada, and while I've never been, I've always wanted to visit. When I do get the chance to go, what are the places to go and things I need to make sure to do?
Well if you like nature then Saskatchewan is a great place to go. It is called the land of the living skies for a reason. Every night, winter or summer, you can see the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets. And in the winter on any clear night you can see the northern lights. They are so beautiful I will brave any freezing temperature to stand outside and watch them. Saskatoon (our biggest city) in the summer is alive with festivals and people enjoying the weather. There is a calm the people have. It’s so refreshing to be at home and to have people ask you how you are, not what you can do for them, it’s just that simple.
Well, there you have it folks. If I was a betting man, and let's face it, I am I'd say Julia Voth is a name to be remebered and her star will only shine brighter as her career progresses. If you want to learn more about Julia, be sure to checkout www.JuliaVoth.com she can also be found on her official myspace here
For any of you not entirely sure what exactly "Bitch Slap" is about, check out the trailer below
Ahhh now this is more like it, after a bloated summer of average blockbusters that never lived up to the promise set up by Star Trek, we come to the time of year where the trailers start to arrive for the indie flicks and fall/winter thrillers, the films that fill their run time with characters, story and dialogue b/c they can't afford to blow up Egypt for 30 minutes.
One such potential gem is Drew Barrymore's directorial debut "Whip it!" starring the mega talented Ellen Page. This trailer gives a pretty good outline of the basic premise and the humour that will be on offer, to me this looks like it will be a funny and warm hearted movie filled with entertaining characters.
For Page it flips her most famous role Juno on it's head, here she is portraying an outcast "Same as Juno" you may yell, but Juno was an outcast by choice, she was comfotable with who she was and excelled at being an outcast. Here Page is playing a character low on confidence, minus the acidic wit and simply looking to find a way to be comfortable with herself.
"Whip It!" opens on October 9th and you can check out the trailer below.
Entertainment Weekly has revealed the first looks of Scarlett Johannson as the Black Widow character in Iron Man 2. For the uninformed, The Black Widow is a russian superspy and assassin by the name of Natalia Romanov (her name is often angelicized to Natasha). In the comics, she starts out as an enemy, of Iron Man's, then turns love interest, and finally superhero.
According to EW, Scarlett's role in the film will have her posing as Tony's assistant with a secret identity of her own, as former assistant, Pepper Potts (played by Gwyneth Platrow), has been promoted.
Ever since the news broke that Scarlett would bring the role of Black Widow to life, there had been some doubts among the fanboy community whether or not she'd be able to pull off the look. Well, as the pic to the left proves, she sure as hell can.
And, seeing as how Scarlett is rumored to have signed the same 9 picture deal as Samuel L Jackson for Marvel Studios, you can bet her shapely ass, Scarlett and Black Widow will be part of the proposed Avengers movie, too.
As if you couldn't tell, i absolutely love both Scarlett as the choice for the role, and the incredibly accurate comic to life version of her costume. Iron Man 2 opens May 7, 2010.
Oh, and I am sure Hi res version of the shot will be sure to hit the net soon, at which point, I will update this article.
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