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    Catch Nearly Five Minutes of 'Green Lantern: First Flight'

    As the news that Ryan Reynolds has locked down the role of Hal Jordan in the live action Green Lantern movie dominates the press (including this site), it's worth remembering that there is an animated Green Lantern movie on the horizon.

    Here, courtesy of MTV, is the beginning of the animated movie (which is due to hit DVD and Blu-Ray on July 28):

    As MTV would say: Well, readers, what do you think?

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    Reader Comments (5)

    Wow that is a cool clip. It sure makes me want to go get the DVD when it comes out.

    So it's an origin animated fic, good because I know very little of Green Lantern. Wonder if the movie will be as well. Hmmmm Interesting.

    Thanks Sean

    07-17-2009 | Unregistered CommenterVanna

    Very cool now I need to see the entire thing. lol

    07-18-2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

    This looks pretty good. I plan to buy it on DVD.

    07-18-2009 | Unregistered CommenterDon

    I love GL - but, ONE (pretty big) continuity issue: WHY was Abbin Sur (alien who crashes) IN a "space ship"?!?

    I mean - have we E-V-E-R seen a Green Lantern in a space ship?

    For cryin' out loud, their ring lets them fly through space!

    07-19-2009 | Unregistered CommenterJim Gordon

    The animation looks fantastic.

    07-19-2009 | Unregistered Commenterstar

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