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    Comic-Con: Tron Sequel Finally Has A Decent Title


     Jamie can't believe they're making it and I can't wait to see it but the sequel to the 1982 Disney classic 'Tron' is headed our way and has gone through several permutations of title along the way.

    When the concept footage was first unveiled to the public at last year's Comic-Con (I believe it was last year), the film was called 'Tron 2' but the powers that be decided that wasn't hip/trendy/confusing enough so the title actually read as 'TR2N'.

    Not long after that, the title was changed to simply 'Tron' which is so stupid it defies description.

    Thankfully, just today at Disney's Comic-Con panel, they announced the new (hopefully final) title as 'Tron: Legacy'.  That'll do for me though I will never understand why studios are so against numbering their sequels normally.  At least this film is going to be a sequel and not a reboot.  I'm sick of bloody reboots.

    Thanks to Cinema Blend for the report.

    'Tron: Legacy' hits theatres in 2011....................end of line.


    'Dead of Night' Poster Debuts at Comic-Con

    Of all of the movies on the horizon, there is no movie to which I am looking more forward than "Dead of Night," starring Brandon Routh.

    At left is a look at the teaser poster from Comic-Con.

    If you will notice, there is a web site listed at the bottom of the poster. Take a look at the site:

    And for a refresher on the movie, my previous interview with Plantinum Studios Vice President Dan Forcey is here.


    'Nightmare' Poster & Release Date Change

    IGN has the new "A Nightmare On Elm Street" one sheet which gives us another shrouded view of the new Freddy. In other 'Nightmare' news, Box Office Mojo is reporting that the slasher has been pushed back from a 4/16/10 release to a new 4/30/10 slot. "Jonah Hex as been moved forward two months from 8/6/10 to 6/18/10, see chart below.

    The Factory Warner Bros. 1/28/11 10/22/10
    Jonah Hex Warner Bros. 6/18/10 8/6/10
    A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Warner Bros. (New Line) 4/30/10 4/16/10
    I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell Freestyle Releasing 10/16/09 New

    New "Iron Man 2" Images has gotten hold of some nice new high res images from the highly anticipated sequel. In the first image we see RDJ as Tony Stark in his racing attire from the much talked about Monaco GP sequence. In the second pic we see Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanov (Black Widow) in some sort of secretary type scenario, minus her leather combat suit and guns. There are a few more images at the link above.


    Jonah Hex Banner!

    Recently TMT's Sean Gerski stated that with the amount of news coming out of the San Diego Comic Con, the news articles, in all likelihood will be shorter.  He was right.  Revealed at the Con, is the banner for "Jonah Hex".  I could delve into the multitude of reasons it appeals to me, instead however, I'll let the image speak for itself.



    Official "Whiteout" Trailer

    A few weeks ago our very own Sean got the drop on what appeared to be a leaked promo trailer for the graphic novel adaption "Whiteout," starring Kate Beckinsale.

    Well tonight IGN have gotten hold of the first "Official" trailer, and while much of the opening is the same, this official trailer delves more into the murder mystery aspect and showcases more of Beckinsale's (Check the shower clip fellas ) character - US Marshal Carrie Stetko.

    I loved the books, the remote setting, the freezing conditions and the mysterious goings on all create a great atmosphere, an atrmosphere clearly captured in the trailer and evoking John Carpneter's classic "The Thing." The trailer also gives us a better look at the action, and whilst there is a bit of clunky CGI the action looks generally decent, even though it is more of a thriller than an action film.

    Whiteout is released on September 11th and you can check the trailer out below.




    Kevin Spacey Gets Asked About Lex Luthor 'Regularly'

    Kevin Spacey says he gets asked about a sequel to Superman Returns on Twitter "regularly." He is understating it. Every time he goes on Twitter, quite a few people ask him about it.

    Of course, his answer to the question has been the same for a while now. He would love to do it, especially if Bryan Singer is directing, and he is contractually obligated to do it.

    With the court system doing everything it can to get Warner Bros. to make a sequel, the question remains as to whether he will get the chance.


    'Shutter Island' Poster

    Oh, I cannot wait for this movie!

    The book is an exceptional thriller and the trailer for this adaption was everything I hoped it would be and more. Scorsese and DiCaprio have a great track record together and my hope is this will be their best yet.

    The poster matches the trailer in its perfection, totally evoking the atmosphere of the book and the stylings of those old noir-esque thrillers.

    "Shutter Island" opens Oct. 2 and you can check out the poster below.



    Take a Gander Through the Looking Glass

    And now here is the teaser trailer for Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland" via

    If you thought the pictures were weird and creepy ... then the trailer obviously won't change you mind. The whole thing still looks creepy as all get out, but I am definitely intrigued. 


    Here is the 'Sherlock Holmes' Trailer in HD

    With all of the news that is going to be released this week, don't be surprised if our news stories are shorter than normal for the next few days.

    Anyway, here is the trailer for Guy Ritchie's upcoming "Sherlock Holmes" movie, starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law.

    But honestly, is there anyone who doesn't plan to see this movie?