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    The Book of Eli Trailer

    The arrival online of a trailer for a new Denzel movie is always cause for interest, as the great man is one of the most consistent Hollywood megastars when it comes to delivering.

    Here we have the trailer for "The Book of Eli," a post apocalyptic western with Denzel as the guardian of said book, traversing the wastelands that look like a cross between a Leone western and Mad Max.

    Denzel is in full on badass mode here in a role that sees him doing his own fight scenes that you can get a glimpse of in the trailer. The Hughes brothers were keen to point out that Denzel, unlike most non-Asian actors, was able to pull off full fight sequences in one take.

    The Book of Eli opens on January 15, 2010 and you can see the trailer below.



    'Ninja Assassin' Trailer Slices Its Way Online

    Ahhhhh, Ninjas! Who doesn't love em? The mythology surrounding the Ninja, one in which fact and fiction have blurred together, is enticing to just about any fan of the action genre.

    Now, those chaps (or is one of them now a woman?) behind "The Matrix" (we'll forget the sequels) have decided to make a brand new Ninja movie. Unlike most Ninja movies of the past though, this one actually has a budget.

    Just like on the excellent "V for Vendetta," The Wachowskis are producers while James McTeigue steps into the director's chair.

    The trailer doesn't give a whole lot up in terms of story. It basically is centered on the lead character (played by Korean pop hunk Rain) and how he became a Ninja, before launching into a load of awesome-looking action shots. The Wachowskis' trademark style is evident and man does this look like a cool 90 minute action blast!

    "Ninja Assassin" opens Nov. 24 and you can check the trailer out below:



    'Losers' Poster is a Winner

    It is turning out to be a great weekend to be a superhero fan, especially if you prefer DC Comics.

    Here is the teaser poster for the upcoming comic book movie "The Losers" (via


    Comic-Con: Batman 3 Is A Go

    At least, that's what Commissioner Gordon (better known as the actor who plays him Gary Oldman) had to say regarding the status of Batman 3 at the Warner Brothers panel pimping Book of Eli:

    "I think the next Batman is next year. We start shooting next year. You didn't hear that from me."

    I know the immediate reaction from most will be to shit their pants in joy. And to be fair, said reaction is sympathetic considering just how great the first two films (Batman Begins and The Dark Knight) were.

    However if Oldman speaks the truth (and I have zero reason to doubt him right now), this could mean that Christopher Nolan is indeed leaving the franchise considering he's already up to his eyeballs filming Inception at the moment for release next summer and according to many accounts has had little-to-no time to think about a third Batman installment.

    That is unless by "next year," Oldman is referring to the closing months of 2010 - which would be after Nolan's sci-fi action epic hits cinemas. And I do remember rumblings that Nolan had been secretly working on the script with his brother Jonah and David Goyer at the beginning of this year (as per our pals at IESB!)


    Comic-Con: Wanted 2 Starts Filming in 8 Weeks

    When he isn't bullshitting people with Superman film "news," Mark Millar is busy with legit projects that will actually happen. Something that I'm sure is a surprise to many.

    Case in point: Last night, footage from the forthcoming Kick-Ass (based on Millar's comic-book series under the direction of Matthew Vaughn) premiered to enthusiastic reception from the audience.

    And soon afterwards, Superhero Hype! had a quick sitdown with Millar where the discussion went towards the status of Wanted 2. Although there's still no word about Angelina Jolie's possible return (despite the fact that she was clearly dead at the end of the first film), Millar confirms that the script is in fact finished. Production will start up in eight weeks - once again under the direction of Timur Bekmambetov and James McAvoy in the lead.

    In terms of what to expect, the sequel will involve an "international group of assassins" adapted from the latter issues of Millar's comic-book. Keep in mind, the film version of Wanted had little-to-no resemblance to the comic-version.

    Update: Has Mark Millar's well-documented bullshit struck again? Looks like it, folks. Director Timur Bekmambetov clarifies the matter to Superhero Hype! saying that pre-production on Wanted 2 will likely start up in eight weeks and not filming as Millar previously stated.


    Comic-Con: Pirates 4 Sets Sail for 2011

    Just about the only thing we've known for certain about Pirates of the Caribbean 4 was that would eventually happen. As God-awful as they were, the last two films made about $2 billion between and there's too much money for the Mouse to make from another go-around. Of course, what really made it certain was Johnny Depp signing on to play Captain Jack Sparrow once again.

    The most recent news-items (coming straight from producer Jerry Bruckheimer) was that the film had been delayed to 2012 while everyone is busy on other projects. Thus giving screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio more time to crack the story.

    Well, the good folks over at Coming Soon had an exclusive chat with Disney Head of Production Oren Aviv who says that is not exactly the case:

    "We're going to shoot 'Pirates 4' in April and May of next year. We are going to release it hopefully in 2011 is the plan."

    Keep in mind, that Aviv is involved with the day-to-day process of getting these films underway. So one should take what he says seriously.

    With the recent surprises at the Con on its first full day (Depp made an unexpected appearance at the Disney panel showing off Alice in Wonderland footage with his director/BFF Tim Burton), could we be in store for more Pirates 4 news over the course of this weekend?


    Check Out 'Chuck'

    One of my favorite hobbies is watching TV shows on DVD.

    It's fun to watch the ones I have already seen before, but what I really love to do is watch a show that has been on for a while, that I never saw, and just watch season after season all at once.

    I have done this with "Scrubs," "The OC," "Dark Angel," "Mad Men" and "That '70s Show," among others and I always really enjoy it.

    One of the shows I have on my list to do this with before too long is "Chuck." The show looks like fun and I'm looking forward to sitting down and running through the episodes released so far.

    Anyway, the show's makers are giving out the poster at the right at the Comic-Con and I absolutely love it.

    If you are a fan of the show, I know you are drooling already. Just don't spoil the show for me. I have a lot of catching up to do.


    Veil Lifting From 'Avatar'


    In an age where everyone must know everything they can about a movie immediately, it can be very difficult to maintain any mystery about a project.

    Considering how long James Cameron has been gestating "Avatar," it is amazing how tight he has kept security around the project - especially considering the movie is less than half a year away from hitting theatres.

    Well, the veil is being lifted and we can expect to see more very soon.

    Here is the official desciption of the movie (due in theaters Dec. 18):
    Avatar is the story of an ex-Marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms. As an Avatar, a human mind in an alien body, he finds himself torn between two worlds, in a desperate fight for his own survival and that of the indigenous people.

    More than ten years in the making, Avatar marks Cameron's return to feature directing since helming 1997's Titanic, the highest grossing film of all time and winner of eleven Oscars® including Best Picture. WETA Digital, renowned for its work in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and King Kong, will incorporate new intuitive CGI technologies to transform the environments and characters into photorealistic 3D imagery that will transport the audience into the alien world rich with imaginative vistas, creatures and characters.

    Written and directed by Cameron, "Avatar" stars Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver.

    A web site featuring some music (and not much else, at this point) has sprung up at There are many ways in which one can sign up to receive updates about the movie.

    And most significantly, today at Comic-Con, a lucky group of people got to witness 25 minutes of footage.

    Luckily for everyone else, a chance to see footage from the movie will arrive Aug. 21, or as Cameron has dubbed it: "Avatar Day."

    On that day, Twentieth Century Fox will debut the film's trailer. Even better, select cinemas and IMAX theaters will screen extended footage from the film. The  trailer will be launched worldwide, on that day only, in a variety of formats, including: IMAX 3-D; IMAX 2-D; digital 3-D; digital 2-D; 35mm 2-D; and online online. Details on locations and tickets for this are expected to be announced soon.

    To complete the "Avatar Day" experience, the trailer for James Cameron's "Avatar: The Game" and Mattel's line of action figures will show up that day as well.

    (For those who can't wait, our friends at Screen Rant can describe the footage shown at Comic Con to you. But I have to warn you: it will make waiting until "Avatar Day" just that much more difficult.)


    Brandon Routh Talks Superman Sequel Momentum 

    As published on our sister site

    Sometimes it seems just like it was yesterday, but 'Superman Returns' flew into theaters over three years ago. The film didn't pull in the box office that Warner Bros expected as indicated by Alan Horn, "I thought it was a very successful movie, but I think it should have done $500 million worldwide." Superman's return to the big screen couldn't be looked at as a complete success nor could it be looked at as a complete failure leaving the character in a state of flux over at the "The Brothers Warner".

    Brandon Routh has been very vocal about his desire to strap on the red boots again but after announcing that his contract expired the chances of this happening seemed to be as realistic as "Otisburg". Then the judicial system decided to throw a curveball at Warner Bros. while ruling in their favor in the case of Joanne Siegel and Laura Siegel Larson vs. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., Time Warner Inc. and DC Comics Inc. The ruling featured the one sentence that created a wave of speculation across some of the movie related website and forums; If, however, by 2011, no filming has commenced on a Superman sequel, plaintiffs could bring an accounting action at that time to recoup the damages then realized for the Superman film agreement's failure to contain a reversion clause."

    Would WB/DC now be forced to make a Superman film instead of continuing to drag their feet? Some assumed that the best course of action would be just to rehire Routh which would help speed up the process. Today at the SDCC "Dead of Night Panel" (via IGN Movies) Routh chimed in when asked about a possible follow up to "Superman Returns",

    The Superman Returns leading man said that there appears to be new momentum on the project and that he and Sam are both interested in returning for the sequel if it happens.

    Routh also talked Superman with MTV about his many comic book related roles and he was asked how he would feel if somebody else threw the cape on their shoulders.

    "That's a tough question to ask, but I trust that everything goes as planned and I'd love to return to the character," said Routh. "I love the character and loved working with Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures and I'd be happy to come back."

    Just when you thought it was safe Routh has spun the earth around yet again. What do you think? Is this more spin or is Routh destined to display that \S/ on his chest yet again one way or another?


    Comic-Con: Who Sequelized Roger Rabbit?

    For those in my age-group (I'm 25), one would usually first think of Steven Spielberg or George Lucas when it comes to whose films you grew up watching - repeatedly, I might add. One name who shouldn't be pushed to the sidelines is Robert Zemeckis, director of films like Back to the Future (and its two sequels), Forest Gump and Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

    Upon showing off new 3D footage for the forthcoming release of A Christmas Carol this November, Zemeckis fielded questions from the audience. One such question arose about the possibility for a Roger Rabbit follow-up to which the director coyly replied, "I can neither confirm nor deny."

    And after some not-so-friendly reaction (i.e. booing), Zemeckis did slightly elaborate on said matter, “If that ever does happen, the 2D characters from the original movie will remain 2D. They will not be dimensionalized. Not to say there wont be 3D."

    Weird thing is if there was in fact nothing going on the property at this time, he could have easily just shot everyone down right then and there. Not to mention, Disney is bankrolling big bucks behind the sequel to Tron - a film that was actually a box-office flop during its theatrical release back in the summer of 1982. So it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility that the Mouse could also make a Roger Rabbit sequel.

    Thanks to the good folks over at IGN Movies for the report.