The Book of Eli Trailer

The arrival online of a trailer for a new Denzel movie is always cause for interest, as the great man is one of the most consistent Hollywood megastars when it comes to delivering.
Here we have the trailer for "The Book of Eli," a post apocalyptic western with Denzel as the guardian of said book, traversing the wastelands that look like a cross between a Leone western and Mad Max.
Denzel is in full on badass mode here in a role that sees him doing his own fight scenes that you can get a glimpse of in the trailer. The Hughes brothers were keen to point out that Denzel, unlike most non-Asian actors, was able to pull off full fight sequences in one take.
The Book of Eli opens on January 15, 2010 and you can see the trailer below.
Reader Comments (3)
Interesting ...
It looks like Blade + Mad Max and Denzel is always good. Count me in.
Seems cool, and Denzel is usually enough for me to go see a movie.