Guillermo Del Toro Wants The "Fangirl" Audience: Tom Hiddleston Will Visit CRIMSON PEAK

Variety got the news that Tumblr-heart throb second only to Cumberbatch himself, Tom Hiddleston, most well known as Thor's treacherous and misunderstood brother, Loki, in Thor, The Avengers, and the upcoming Thor: The Dark World will be replacing Sherlock in Guillermo Del Toro's haunted-house epic, Crimson Peak (assuming the film ever gets made; but whatever).
Benedict Cumberbatch (Star Trek Into Darkness) dipped out of the film just weeks ago, to supposedly visit a galaxy far, far away; and now Legendary has hit up Loki to be terrorized alongside Oscar-nominee (Zero Dark Thirty) Jessica Chastain, and biker boy robot-pilot Charlie Hunnam, as well as Chastain's Lawless co-star, Mia Masikowska.
The film is expected to begin shooting in February 2014 on a script by Del Toro, Matthew Robbins, and Lucinda Coxon.
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