Leonardo DiCaprio Might Bring You Back To THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU

Jesus, this Leonardo DiCaprio guy is going places! It appears since he'll be throwing everything into the Oscar-pot for the hotly anticipated The Wolf of Wallstreet this fall, he might as well do some more crazy stuff like his Viking movie, and maybe another adaption of the H.G. Wells' classic, "The Island of Dr. Moreau".
Deadline reports Warner Bros and Appian Way will team up with "Hemlock Grove", The Emmy-nomated Netflix horror series, writers Lee Shipman and Brian McGreevy to bring the adaption to life.
The intention is to make it a sci-fi film with a topical ecological message. Appian Way will produce with Mad Hatter Entertainment’s Michael Connolly.
No word yet on if DiCaprio plans to star, or who might direct; but I'm sure word will come soon.
The Island of Dr. Moreau was last adapted in 1996 with Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer, and was first brought to the screen in 1932 with The Island of Lost Souls starring Bela Lugosi and Charles Laughton.
You can check the trailer for the 1996 film, narrated by Optimus Prime himself.
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