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    You MIGHT Be Seeing This Cumberbatch Guy In Your New STAR WARS Film...


     Benedict Cumberbatch, who recently played an anime badguy playing a "tragic" villain in this summer's Star Trek Into Darkness decided he loves 'ol J.J. so much he might as well add a few more millions to his bank account by starring in 2015's highly anticipated Star Wars Episode VII.

    Film Chronicles claims that we might be seeing an official report on Benedict Cumberbatch, star of BBC's "Sherlock", pretty soon confirming him for an un-named role in the new Star Wars film, obviously any plot details are scarce, and casting details are even scarcer.

     How Cumberbatch fits into the new movie is entirely open to conjecture (seeing as we know zero plot details so far!) Casting calls suggest we may see three or four early twentysomething Solo / Skywalker offspring in the film, which seems to count Cumberbatch out at a wise thirty-seven years old. Would Abrams use him as a villain for the second time in a row, or might he make an infinitely more appealing and energetic new Jedi hero, perhaps keeping the peace with Luke Skywalker? I know I’d rather cheer for Cumberbatch than hiss at him. 

    The article then goes on to quote a Total Film interview with Cumberbatch:

    ‘I’ve already asked him (Abrams) if I can be a lightsaber and we’re in talks – about whirring sounds and the rates for the lights and everything [laughs].’

     He goes on to say he loves Han Solo, which might work given the fact we're maybe getting Solo's son:

    ‘I was much more connected to [Star Wars] as a kid, in the way that a lot of kids are because it’s immediate storytelling, very simple – a beautifully, outrageously simple narrative in a way – and a wonderful three-act melodrama, opera. And I loved them. I really, really loved those films and I always wanted to be Han Solo. Everything Harrison Ford did I just thought was the coolest thing ever’

    What would you guys think? Do you want to see this guy in your Star Wars stuff as a Sith Lord or maybe a wise mentor? His voice would work well for either; and no matter what he's cast as this comes on the eve of the inevitable flood of Tumblr gifs and posts about OMG TOTALLY HAWT Cumberbatch is.

    The star recently dipped out of Guillermo Del Toro's haunted house epic, Crimson Peak which starts filming around the same time as J.J. Abrams' Star Wars Episode VII.

    Personally, I think with a little CGI, Cumberbatch would make a great Alien side character...


    Reader Comments (4)

    We get it, you don't think women should be allowed to like Cumberbatch, sing a new tune already.

    09-3-2013 | Unregistered CommenterI SEE SPIDEY/Zak

    They can like him all he wants, I just think his tumblr army is obnoxious as hell. And how many articles have I mentioned this in?

    09-3-2013 | Registered CommenterCharles Gerian

    I think mentioning it twice is enough when I can almost feel the venom in your words. Overzealous fandom on a silly website that I do not frequent means nothing to me. The fact is this bitching about the Cumberbatch fanbase strikes me as more sexist garbage from male fanboys. They always get their panties in a twist when women find an actor attractive whom they do not approve of looks or talent wise. It was okay for fanboys to build up Megan Fox to a ridiculous degree but fangirls loving the actually talented Cumberbatch is annoying. And so what that he doesn't look cookie cutter attractive, cookie cutter attractive is boring 8 times out of ten.

    I understand not liking some fangirls crushing on Cumberbatch but taking it out on the actor that they like in such a juvenile way is pathetic and frankly beneath the standards of this website. You don't see me calling Nolan an ugly, weird looking bad director just because a huge chunk of his fanbase are assholes who cannot deal with any criticism of his films. I'll be brutally honest and say you might be a nice guy but I enjoy your articles the least on here because I find the extreme snark to be grating. I like snarky and blunt but you seem positively joyless.

    09-4-2013 | Unregistered CommenterI SEE SPIDEY/Zak

    I'm sexist because I don't like Tumblr or it's ridiculous fanbase and strange obsession with thins, not to mention their over sensitivity on issues like this? Alright.

    I, for the record, find Cumberbatch attractive, (mainly in Star Trek because his long hair in Sherlock looks goofy IMO) and am not opposed to him starring in films, especially not Star Wars. He has a unique look, and it was a jest at the ridiculous Photoshop I found of him. I agree with you on Nolan's fans though, and I respect the fact that you have taken offense to my silly picture of Cumberbatch. That being said, I thank you for your input and am sorry that you didn't find this amusing, I forget that not everyone has the same sense of humor I do.

    I'm also sorry you feel that way about my "joyless" writing. I'll try to ride a better line next time.

    09-6-2013 | Registered CommenterCharles Gerian

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