Josh Pence Steps Out of Armie Hammer's Shadow & Into Liam Neeson's for The Dark Knight Rises

Irony's a bitch.
For all the praise Armie Hammer (rightfully, I'd add) got for his dual turn as the Winklevoss twins in The Social Network, it felt like it was almost glided over how another actor by the name of Josh Pence was used on his stand-in during takes. Then through the magic of effects-wizardry, they'd be spliced together and good old Armie's face got slapped on Josh's body and eureka we have two giant-sized Wasps bitching about suing Jesse Eisenberg's ass off.
So while Hammer is off working with the Clint Eastwoods and err...Tarsem Singhs of the world, what is Pence to do next? In an odd sense of irony and in a project that trumps his Social Network co-star, he's been added to the cast of future #1 money-maker of 2012 The Dark Knight Rises reports Heat Vision.
But here's where said irony kicks in, he'll be playing the young Ra's Al Ghaul (played by Liam Neeson in the first installment Batman Begins) in flashback sequences. So this guy's big break from not being "the other guy" and being trumped is playing a younger version of an on-screen villain previously played by a well-established, and now beloved frankly, actor? Will Neeson have his face and voice digitally glued over his face too?
Like I said, irony's a bitch.
Reader Comments (2)
Cool bit of news. Don't know his work. But can't wait to see what his scenes have for the story.
Blossom, actually should nothing to do with the season. A lot of time in his life is confused, find a better reason to let himself not to want to some other people think unimportant matters.
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