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    Fox Locks in Freshman Director for Deadpool

    Oh for the love of...

    I don't care what they claim out loud to the contrary. Warner Brothers isn't going to say, "Oh sure, Ryan Reynolds! Even though we just spent $200-$300 million for you to be Green Lantern for a bunch of movies and maybe even Justice League, sure you go right ahead and run over to Fox and do that Deadpool movie! We're totally fine with them jumping on our coattails in the event that Green Lantern is a mega hit and doing a rival comic-book tentpole with you! It's not like we still harbor ill-will over that whole 'Bryan Singer thing' and want to fuck over our competitors when and if we can!'"

    24 Frames says that Deadpool spin-off movie they've spoken of is for real and has a director. Not following in the tradition of recent bigger-name hires like Matthew Vaughn and Darren Aronofsky (even though the latter didn't work out as history proved), visual-effects artist Tim Miller will make his directorial debut here. That hiring follows a similar path as Wolverine helmer Gavin Hood. Translation: he's controllable as Hell.

    Fine, they're making Deadpool. But the only way Reynolds headlines is if Green Lantern either under-performs (resulting WB getting skittish towards the property) or outright bombs this June. If however it explodes like they hope, we'll hear some press-release talking about conflicting schedules and all that "official, everyone following the same narrative" bullshit.

    Reader Comments (1)

    I think they should just go with someone else in general. Ryan will already be well established as GL in the movie this summer. There are other choices out there that would be fine for the character anyway.

    04-11-2011 | Unregistered CommenterMatt Rapier

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