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    Somebody Else Still Thinks The Crow is Viable

    From this very moment until the end of all creation, The Crow will always be associated with the death of Brandon Lee.

    Why filmmakers, studio heads, executives, etc. keep pushing as hard as they have with this property over the years, I'll never understand. After their first attempt to sequelize flopped hard (1996's The Crow: City of Angels), you'd think these well-paid, educated decision-makers would understand.

    Pull someone off the street and ask them what they know about The Crow and I guarantee you'll get an answer to the affect of "Yeah isn't that the movie that guy died while they were making it?" That's name-brand awareness you don't want, people!

    Relativity Media (hot with Limitless cash in their pockets) are the latest suckers to take a crack at the whip, reports Variety with 28 Weeks Later director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo at the helm. No writer or actors are attached for the moment, but the intention will be to use Eric Draven (the character Lee played in the original '94 film) as the protagonist for this planned reboot.

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