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    Cars 2 Goes Viral

    Following on the heels of the 1980s-style toy commercial for Losto Huggin' Bear that showed up on YouTube a few months before the release of Toy Story 3 last year, Disney-Pixar is at it again with a new viral video for Cars 2.  This video, disguised as one of those cheesy local car dealership ads (complete with a guy promising "a lion of a deal" while dressed in a tiger costume) has an added bonus:  buried in one frame of the video is a link that will take you to an exclusive clip from Cars 2

    See if you can find it:


    Still stumped?  The link buried in the video is, which takes you to this unlisted YouTube video:

    Pretty clever move from Pixar, considering the whole Mission Impossible theme of the new Cars movie.

    Cars 2 opens in theaters on June 24.

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