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    Universal Taking in Joseph Kosinski's 'Horizons' with Tom Cruise

    This is exactly the reason people worry about Marvel Studios being bought by Disney.

    Tron: Legacy director Joseph Kosinksi has found a new home for his sci-fi project, Horizons, which was originally set up over at The Mouse House:

    Universal Studios.

    Heat Vision reports that the studio is in negotiations to pick up the project with none other than Tom Cruise attached to star.

    Seems the reason the project left Disney in the first place was that they were hesitant about making a PG-13 actioner.  You know them over there, they want everything "kid friendly."  Poor Avengers.

    Anyway, Horizons is said to take place in the future and revolve around a soldier who's assigned to patrol a deserted planet and meets a mysterious traveler.  I assume Cruise will be playing the soldier.  Bad ass.

    The film is scheduled to start filming in October.

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