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    People You’ve Never Heard of Before Join Dark Knight Rises

    Some miscellaneous Dark Knight Rises casting nuggets for ya because what movie-news site would we be if we didn't talk about Batman at every waking moment?!

    I kid, yes I'm looking forward to how Christopher Nolan wraps up his (so far, excellent) Batman series. But it's astounding to look at the stupidity of how some will run with any news-item related to Batman. Even if, and at times especially if, it sounds incredibly fake.

    We're not talking about the big reveal that Liam Neeson is returning as Ra's Al Ghaul (Honestly...aren't we all expecting it at this point?) or "change your life overnight" unknowns in lead roles like Henry Cavill or Chris Pine. But working-class character-actors most of you have never heard of before in supporting roles.

    The Tracking Board (via /film) say Daniel Sunjata (best known for his turn on FXs Rescue Me) is up for "an important character to the story." Elaborating on that, Variety states the part in question is "a courageous special forces operative."

    The trades also add Diego Klattenhoff (who's biggest profile job prior is NBCs defunct "Ya, Nurses!" drama Mercy) is up for "a rookie cop who is looking to make a difference" and Burn Gorman (from Torchwood) for an unspecified role.

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