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    No Joker In Dark Knight Rises - No Shit!

    Oh sure, common sense, and just plain decency, suggested we wouldn't be seeing the Joker in The Dark Knight Rises. But didn't Christopher Nolan state the obvious awhile ago? Yes, he did.

    Did that stop Internet rumor-mongering from continuing? Absolutely not, and it reached full-retard levels yesterday as "insiders" stated Nolan & Co. planned to "resurrect" the late Heath Ledger himself (via outtakes and good old fashion CG) for the third Batman film. No, we won't link to the hit-whoring, bullshit-spreading fucktards who started this non-sense.

    It should go without saying how bogus this is. Yes, it should, but here we are. Our colleagues (in this case, Movie Hole and Heat Vision) had to waste their time just to confirm what we all know.

    No Heath Ledger, no Joker, no CG shenanigans for The Dark Knight Rises. No shit.

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