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    'The Walking Dead' Drops Writing Staff for Season 2

    The Walking Dead writing team is well...dead.  TOLDJA! is reporting that showrunner Frank Darabont has dropped the entire writing staff that worked on the excellent first season in possible favor of using freelancers for the entire second season.  Apart of that now jobless writing team was Darabont's go-to writer and executive producer, Charles "Chic" Eglee.

    What's important to note here, in case anyone is freaking out that the second season (which is scheduled to premeire next Halloween) won't be as good as the first, is that Darabont had his hand in every episode's script for the first season.  He wrote the first two episodes (along with directing the first), while also co-writing and rewriting the remaining four.  I believe along as Darabont is heavily involved, this great AMC show will be to the highest quality for years to come.

    One other important bit of information to be mentioned, the second season is scheduled to be a full 13 episodes compared to the first season's 6.  Maybe this will be a plus as Darabont is now given more of a canvas to work with (opposed to the tightly worked inaugural season).

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