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    K&O Update On Scripting Star Trek Sequel

    They're due to hand in their script right before Christmas. But screenwriters/producers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci gave an update on the writing status for the Star Trek sequel to Hero Complex.

    A lot of what's said has been said before and it's done in the usual non-committal/not-too-terribly-descriptive fashion. It's a J.J. Abrams joint. Of course, everyone's going to be hush-hush.

    Briefly, the story has been "broken," using The Empire Strikes Back for comparison (co-writer/producer Damon Lindelof harkened it to The Dark Knight a few months back). But it doesn't appear we can expect a big "To Be Continued..." cliff-hanger at the end. But shit will still hit the fan for Kirk, Spock and the gang.

    Again, a bit towards the non-newsy side, but it's reassuring they know what they're doing. Of course, didn't walking out of the first film two years back already prove that?

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