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    Oz, the Great & Powerful Skirt Chaser

    From what Pajiba supplied, I could easily imagine Robert Downey Jr. in this role. On the other hand, the character gives off a Don Draper vibe.

    The site has received plot details on the forthcoming Sam Raimi-directed "re-imagining" Oz, the Great & Powerful that will most likely star Downey as the title character:

    "The Wizard — a snake-oil salesman posing as a magician — enter Oz via a hot-air balloon, which he uses to escape an angry husband who has found out that Oz slept with his wife. There, Oz — a fast-talking huckster who wears a velveteen frock coat (yes, I can see that) — falls in love with Glinda (the Good Witch), and the two combine forces to Fight the Evil Witches Evanora and Theodora. Theodora starts out as a good witch, but after Oz jilts her sexual advances, Evanora — the truly evil witch — convinces Theodora to become an evil witch with her and help her to rule all of Oz. Both Evanora and Theodora are described as incredibly attractive, seductive women, and Theodora likes to wear black, thigh-high boots. What is this? Oz porn?"

    My thoughts exactly, Mr. Rowles. By that same token, this actually makes me want to see this now. Knowing me, I'd still see Oz even if it didn't sound like an episode of Mad Men.

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