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    Entries by John DiNicola (489)


    Emilia Clarke Cast as Sarah Connor in 'Terminator' Reboot

    Though it was reported on yesterday, I wanted to give my own thoughts on Emilia Clarke landing the role of Sarah Connor in the new Terminator reboot..

    We had heard earlier this week that it was down to Clarke and Brie Larson (Short Term 12, 21 Jump Street) for what's certainly the lead character in the July 1st, 2015 release, but were just waiting on who would be selected (director Alan Taylor seemingly won out as he wanted his Game of Thrones alum, while the studio, Paramount Pictures, wanted Larson).

    While many are a bit critical of the casting - some of the project all together - in stating that Larson is the better actress (worthy Oscar buzz for this year's Short Term 12), it's important to remember that the better actress - which mind you, is completely subjective - may not necessarily be the best choice for a role.  The director is the one whose vision is being put up on screen as well as the idea of the kind of performance he wants out of a actor/actress.  If Taylor feels Clarke gives him the best shot at attaining what he wants, they I'm all for it.  If anything, it shows the studio is confident in what Taylor is doing and willing to go with what he feels is best.  (Not to mention, Clarke has an Emmy nomination herself so she ain't exactly no slouch.)

    Clarke - who is certainly an absolutely beautiful actress - will have to pull off the role as made famous by Linda Hamilton in The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day.  Remember, Sarah Connor in the original film was an innocent, weak girl who turned herself into a tough, strong woman.  Clarke definitely has that 'innocent' look down, and I'm sure with any kind of training Hamilton went through herself, can achieve that 'badass' interpretation of the character that made her most recognizable.

    One last note, it's ironic enough that Jason Clarke - no relation to Emilia - will be playing John Connor, an obviously older man (sans time travel) than his 20-something mother.

    Now the hunt is on for the new Kyle Reese as the team behind the flick seemingly wanted both a casted John and Sarah Connor for the auditioning actors to work with to see who fits best.

    We shall see.

    What do you think of the new Terminator project so far?

    Sound off below.


    Jason Clarke in Talks to Play John Connor in 'Terminator' Reboot; Sarah Connor Role Awaiting Decision

    Jason Clarke (Zero Dark Thirty, White House Down) is being eyed to play John Connor in the new Terminator reboot for Paramount, Annapurna Pictures, and Skydance Productions.

    Though Tom Hardy was rumored to be the top choice, the filmmakers have still landed a fantastic actor for the role.  I've heard nothing but great things about Clarke from all the good movies he's done that I haven't seen (I know, I should) and he fits that rugged, seen-some-shit look they were going for with Hardy in mind for John Connor.  Great choice.

    Along with this, it seems director Alan Taylor and Paramount are at odds over who to cast as Sarah Connor.

    If you recall a few days back, it was reported Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones, no relation to Jason) and Brie Larson (Short Term 12, 21 Jump Street) were the two finalists for the role.  Well, it seems they both went in to re-test this week and are now on a holding contract until the 15th.

    Taylor wants his Game of Thrones girl, Clarke, while the studio wants Larson, who they feel is an up and coming star.  Personally, I like Larson better as she seems to be the more talented actress (Oscar buzz for Short Term 12) as well as having that innocent, girl next door look Linda Hamilton had back in the original.  Clarke looks like 'if Sarah Connor were the hottest girl in school and nobody noticed'.

    A decision is expected soon.

    Finally, word is that the plot will revolve around a pivotal moment from the 1984 classic that changes the Terminator timeline.  I have no idea what that 'moment' might be, but seeing as if they are still yet to cast Kyle Reese, I wonder if he'll live instead of dying.

    We shall see.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger will return to his signature role as well (though it's not known how much screentime he'll actually have).

    Source:  The Wrap


    'Fast & Furious 7' Production Team Working to Keep Paul Walker in the Film

    In a fantastic write-up done by The Hollywood Reporter, word comes that Universal Studios and the makers behind the Fast & Furious franchise are indeed working to rewrite the film in order to keep the late Paul Walker's scenes included and give his character of Brian O'Conner a fitting send-off.

    The article goes into lengthy detail about what's been going on behind the scenes including having the cast & crew put 'on-hold' even though they can only legally be for so long, bringing in franchise writer Chris Morgan to rework the film's script so they can salvage what footage Paul Walker had shot, and eying a January production restart date in hopes the film can be finished up.

    The studio and filmmakers behind the 7th installment of the popular car racing/heist franchise are facing an unprecedented crisis in having one of its lead actors and series staples die tragically only halfway through production.  Much has been discussed about how the film would be completed and sources say that while the 'ideal' option is to give Paul Walker his swan song and work his character's exit into the film, the studio is realistic that if it can't be done 'right', they will have to put in the largest insurance claim in Hollywood history ($150 million) and restart production on the project.

    I for one hope - like I'm sure many other do too - that the filmmakers can come up with a fitting way to use what footage Paul Walker had shot and rework the film in order to complete its planned story.

    I will state this though.

    There's been a a few who have said the best route would be to recast Paul Walker's character of Brian O'Conner and use another actor for not only this film, but future installments as well to complete the planned story arc they had in mind.  


    Not only is that an insult to Paul Walker - who played that character for well over a decade and is recognized for around the world - but to even think the cast & crew involved would go along with that idea is ridiculous.

    That was his character.  No other actor should play him, nor do I think any actor would dare to try and step in those shoes knowing they would be set-up to fail.  It is why I think even with the tragedy that occurred, they will kill off Brian O'Conner.  To have his character 'live-on' in the series wouldn't make much sense considering it leaves it open for him to return at some point, which obviously, will never happen.

    What I think is the best idea (along with what I feel will happen) is they will have Lucas Black's character of Sean Boswell step into Brian place in the series.  They will rewrite the script and have him in-place of scenes Brian was suppose to be in.

    He's familiar to fans of the franchise - along with some figuring they were looking to 'pass the torch' onto his character anyway - so this just goes along with that sentiment.

    What do you think should happen?

    Sound off below.

    Source:  The Hollywood Reporter


    'Jack Reacher' Sequel Moving Forward

    While it seemed a bit up in the air for some time, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions are indeed moving forward with a sequel to last year's Jack Reacher starring Tom Cruise, based on the popular Lee Child's book series.

    When the film opened last holiday season, it was a modest success, grossing just over $80 million domestically; however, given Cruise's vintage star power still overseas, the film took in close to $140 million internationally, totalling about $220 million worldwide.  The film cost a mere $60 million to produce.

    Based on those profits - as well as the good reception the film has received in the home video market - a follow-up is now seemingly a go.

    The film is set to be based on Never Go Back, which was just published this past fall.

    The main premise of the story revolves around Reacher returning to his old military base in Virginia to take an former female friend to dinner.  Once there, he learns she has been arrested while himself being charged with beating a man and fathering a child with another woman.  Soon enough, Reacher gets to the bottom of what's going on in his typical Reacher-esque style.

    Christopher McQuarrie - who both adapted and directed the first film - is wanted back to helm the flick but is too busy prepping Mission: Impossible 5 (also with Cruise) to take on scripting duties.  The project is currently out to writers to get the ball rolling (though I bet McQuarrie will take a pass at the screenplay once complete).

    I rather enjoyed the first film and thought it played pretty true to the book it was based, One Shot (still the only Jack Reacher one I've read).

    Hopefully they can get this one moving fast so we don't have to wait three more years for it's release (though with M:I 5 shooting first and dated for Christmas 2015, I'd say a 2016 release is pretty likely).

    Source:  Deadline


    Ben Affleck Talks Batman

    Sitting down recently for Playboy's 60th anniversary issue (I know, a little weird writing that but hey, it's where the interview came from), Ben Affleck talked all things his career including (of course) his surprise casting as Bruce Wayne/Batman which was met with overwhelmingly negative buzz from the Internet.

    Affleck stated that originally, he turned the offer down, until Warner Bros. urged him to meet with director Zack Syner to see what he had planned.  After going in to see what the filmmaker had cooked up, the actor-director-writer-producer was instantly on-board:

    “The stuff was incredible.  It was a unique take on Batman that was still consistent with the mythology. It made me excited.  All of a sudden I had a reading of the character.  When people see it, it will make more sense than it does now or even than it did to me initially."

    In terms of how his portrayal of the character will differ from what Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale did:

    “The idea for the new Batman is to redefine him in a way that doesn’t compete with the Bale and Chris Nolan Batman but still exists within the Batman canon.  It will be an older and wiser version, particularly as he relates to Henry Cavill’s Superman character.”

    Finally, Affleck did bring up his first try at the superhero genre in 2003's Daredevil, stating not only is that film the biggest regret of his career but also, if he felt he would be making the same mistake again, he wouldn't be taking on Batman:

    “It just kills me.  I love that story, that character, and the fact that it got fucked up the way it did stays with me.  Maybe that’s part of the motivation to do Batman.  If I thought the result would be another Daredevil, I’d be out there picketing myself.  Why would I make the movie if I didn’t think it was going to be good and that I could be good in it?”

    Well said there Ben, and a damn good point.

    I happen to think Affleck is going to kick ass in the role and will make a lot of people both surprised and taken aback by his portrayal of the character.

    Filming for the flick begins spring of next year.

    Source:  DEADLINE


    Just Who Might Be Villain in 'Batman vs. Superman'? Well It's Not Lex...Sort Of

    With today's news of Gal Gadot being cast as Wonder Woman in the still untitled Batman vs. Superman movie, speculation can now turn to who will be the main antagonist in the film.

    It's already been reported in that same announcement from Variety that Warner Bros. is looking at 300: Rise of an Empire and Zero Dark Thirty actor Callan Mulvey for the villain role but no word as to whom it is.  Well, according to our sources here at ThinkMcFlyThink, the villian role Mulvey is being considered for is none other than...Metallo.

    That's right, the man with the sheilded metal body and Kryptonite for a heart is said to be the main baddie in Batman vs. Superman.

    But that's not all.

    According to our sources as well, Mulvey was also at one point considered for...Lex Luthor.

    Now I don't know if this means Lex was originally the main villain and is now out of the film after rewrites (as some have speculated) or if WB decided to go with someone else for the role. but we can tell you that Mulvey was indeed looked at for the part.

    Mulvey's name seems to make sense for the studio as they like to stay in-house and work with people they're familar with (a la Ben Affleck).

    So what do you all think?  Is Mulvey a good candidate for Metallo, or even Lex for that matter?  Or would you like to see someone else play either role?

    Sound off below.


    Oscar Issac Joins 'A Most Violent Year'


    Oscar Issac - currently in the conversation for an 'Oscar' himself for his lead role in the Coen brothers' Inside Llewyn Davis - is set to join J.C. Chandor's A Most Violent Year, replacing an already Oscar winner in Javier Bardem (also ironically worked with Coen brothers too).

    Chandor - himself also in the Oscar conversation for his directorial effort with Robert Redford in All Is Lost - announced last night that Issac would be replacing Bardem in the period-drama set in 1981, statistically the most violent year on record in America.

    Acting opposite two-time Academy Award nominee Jessica Chastain, Issac would play an Hispanic man who comes to America with dreams of making it big, going on to become a successful businessman.

    Bardem had been attached to the project for months and was working on the script with Chandor, but ultimately, left due to creative differences.

    I say no loss there as I think Issac has the potential to be just as great, if not better than Bardem himself.

    Shooting is scheduled to begin in New York the end of next month.

    Source:  The Hollywood Reporter


    In Memory of Paul Walker (1973 - 2013)

    If you hadn't heard by now, Fast & Furious franchise star Paul Walker was killed yesterday in a tragic car accident.  Walker was coming from a charity event for those devastated by the tsunami in the Philippines and went for a quick drive in his friend's Porsche as a passenger.

    Little is known about how the accident occured, but if you've seen either photos or video from the crash, the vehicle seemingly lost control and slammed into a tree.  While first responders tried to extinguish the fire and pull both an unconscious Walker and his friend from the wreckage, they were unable to in time.

    Over the past 24 hours, much has come out about the late 40 year-old actor in terms of his generosity and kindness as a human being.  Many - especially his Fast & Furious co-stars - described him as a down-to-earth, likable, easy going man who was full of life and always treated everyone with respect.

    I for one can cite Paul Walker's relevance in terms of my generation, growing up in the late 90s and 2000s.

    Yeah, he was the guy next to Vin Diesel who starred in 2001's The Fast and the Furious, but he was also in Pleasantville, Varsity Blues, The Skulls and the very underrated Joyride.  Films that may not mean much to someone whose in their teenage years now or currently in the 30s to 40s, but to people like myself who were growing up when these movies came out, a guy like Walker resonates with you.

    But of course, how can you not bring up the Fast & Furious franchise.

    Walker had appeared in every film except the 3rd, and while some might say it was Vin Diesel who turned the franchise around, I think many fans will tell you Walker's character of Brian O'Conner was the undeniable heart and soul.  Throughout the series, he was always the one who started off on one side of the tracks only to end up on the other.  No other character can say the same.

    A lot's been speculated about what will happen to the currently in-production Fast & Furious 7, due out next July, and was only halfway through filming.  Walker certainly hadn't finished filming his scenes - and it's likely major rewrites must now take place - but that concern can be worried about another day.

    For now, let's just come to terms with the fact that Paul Walker - an actor who has resonated with many for 15 plus years now - is gone.

    Condolences to his family and friends.


    Nicholas Stoller to Rewrite 'Uptown Saturday Night' Remake Starring Will Smith and Denzel Washington

    Nicholas Stoller - director/writer of both Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Get Him to the Greek - has been brought in by Warner Bros. to rewrite their remake of the 1970s Bill Cosby/Richard Pryor comedy, Uptown Saturday Night.

    Both Will Smith and Denzel Washington are attached to star as two friends who sneak out to visit a high-class but illegal club in which trouble ensues.  I assume this all happens on a Saturday night sans the title of the movie.

    Not only that though, Adam McKay (Anchorman films, The Other Guys, Step Brothers) is set to direct and wants this to be his next film.  The script needs the approval of both Smith and Washington to get the greenlight with an eye of starting production next summer.

    The project has been in-development for years with the two superstars on-board but have never been able to get their schedules or the script right.

    Hopefully this new rewrite brings the resolution they're looking for as a film starring Smith and Washington that's directed by a guy like McKay has HIT written all over it.

    Source:  Variety


    Warner Bros. Sets 'Mad Max: Fury Road' for May 15th, 2015

    You know that Mad Max film that was shot back in the summer of 2012 starring Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron?  The one George Miller - whose directed every film in the series - is helming and that recently went back to do reshoots?  It's finally got a release date...a year and a half from now.

    Warner Bros. has set a 3D summer release of May 15th, 2015 for Mad Max: Fury Road, a great release date for a film hoping to attract old fans and bring in new ones for a franchise over 35 years-old.

    What I don't understand for the life of me is why a film that completed it's principal photography last year is getting a release almost two years from now?

    I've heard of films setting a release date early and completing principal filming way ahead of time to complete all the special effects (Man of Steel had roughly a year and a half of post-production) but this is definitely something I've never seen before, especially for a summer release.

    By the time Mad Max: Fury Road comes out, it will have been almost three years since the film started filming, and about two and a half years since it finished.  That's A LOT of time to edit a film and make sure everything's fine tuned.  I have never seen any of the Mad Max movies (thought I should, and now I've got plenty of time), but I'm willing to bet if this next one ain't the best in the series with all the time given to put it together, that's a damn shame for all the filmmakers involved.

    We'll keep you posted on this project as I'm sure WB will release some kind of footage soon.  It's not like they've got nothing to work with.

    Source:  Warner Bros. Pictures