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    'Jack Reacher' Sequel Moving Forward

    While it seemed a bit up in the air for some time, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions are indeed moving forward with a sequel to last year's Jack Reacher starring Tom Cruise, based on the popular Lee Child's book series.

    When the film opened last holiday season, it was a modest success, grossing just over $80 million domestically; however, given Cruise's vintage star power still overseas, the film took in close to $140 million internationally, totalling about $220 million worldwide.  The film cost a mere $60 million to produce.

    Based on those profits - as well as the good reception the film has received in the home video market - a follow-up is now seemingly a go.

    The film is set to be based on Never Go Back, which was just published this past fall.

    The main premise of the story revolves around Reacher returning to his old military base in Virginia to take an former female friend to dinner.  Once there, he learns she has been arrested while himself being charged with beating a man and fathering a child with another woman.  Soon enough, Reacher gets to the bottom of what's going on in his typical Reacher-esque style.

    Christopher McQuarrie - who both adapted and directed the first film - is wanted back to helm the flick but is too busy prepping Mission: Impossible 5 (also with Cruise) to take on scripting duties.  The project is currently out to writers to get the ball rolling (though I bet McQuarrie will take a pass at the screenplay once complete).

    I rather enjoyed the first film and thought it played pretty true to the book it was based, One Shot (still the only Jack Reacher one I've read).

    Hopefully they can get this one moving fast so we don't have to wait three more years for it's release (though with M:I 5 shooting first and dated for Christmas 2015, I'd say a 2016 release is pretty likely).

    Source:  Deadline

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