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    Entries by John DiNicola (489)


    'Dumb and Dumber To' Set to Open November 14th, 2014

    In a move that should surprise no one, Universal Studios has set a prime November 14th, 2014 for Dumb and Dumb To, the long-awaited sequel to one of the most popular comedy's of all-time (I write that in all seriousness).

    The follow-up film that will open three weeks short of the original's 20th anniversary - December 6th, 1994 - marks the return of Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels as everyone's favorite dumb-duo, Harry and Lloyd, along with Peter and Bobby Farrelly back in the director's chairs.

    The film follows a short but vague synopsis (see below) but expect some kind of trailer released before the holiday season's out announcing the return of modern stupidity:

    Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels reprise their signature roles as Lloyd and Harry in the sequel to the smash hit that took the physical comedy and kicked it in the nuts: Dumb and Dumber To.  The original film’s directors, Peter and Bobby Farrelly, take Lloyd and Harry on a road trip to find a child Harry never knew he had and the responsibility neither should ever, ever be given.

    Source:  Universal Studios


    Warner Bros. Wants Javier Bardem For 'Pan' Villain, Blackbeard

    Earlier this week it was announced director Joe Wright (Pride & Prejudice, Atonement, Hanna) was in-talks to helm Warner Bros. new take on the Peter Pan story, Pan.

    Now, we get word that Oscar winner Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men, Skyfall) has been offered the lead villian role of Blackbeard, captain of the evil pirates who face-off against Peter Pan, the orphan boy taken to Neverland and raised among the natives.

    Even though we've seen the Peter Pan myth played out numerous times over the years - the most recent being 2003's Peter Pan, the best in my opinion being 1991's Hook - it can't hurt when you get a talented director like Wright to take on the project along with a great actor like Bardem as the antagonist.

    We'll keep you posted on this project.

    Source:  Deadline


    Watch The Hollywood Reporter's 'Directors Roundtable'

    This is actually the first year I've come upon what is seemingly an annual thing The Hollywood Reporter does around awards season.

    They get a group of six individual's from the year's awards run (actors, actresses, directors, etc.) and have them sit down to discuss all things related to their field.

    I watched their 'Actor Roundtable' a couple weeks back - which included Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, Jake Gyllenhaal, Josh Brolin, Michael B. Jordan and Forest Whitaker - and it couldn't have been more insightful and interesting to watch these guys discuss their line of work.  From auditioning, to bad films made, to working with certain directors; it was worth an hour to watch.

    Now we have the 'Directors Roundtable' which includes Paul Greengrass, Steve McQueen, Alfonso Cauron, David O. Russell, Lee Daniels and - obviously the odd man out in the group - Ben Stiller (who actually discusses how he's always wanted to be a director more so an actor and is what he wants to focus on now).

    You can view the video below which is just under and hour long but, like the 'Actors' one, is definitely worth the time if you're a film fan.

    Check it out:


    'Independence Day 2' Now Set to Open July 1st, 2016

    Something tells me this is further proof that Will Smith will be back.

    20th Century Fox has pushed its release of Independence Day 2 back one year - from July 3rd, 2015 to July 1st, 2016 - almost exactly 20 years to the day of the original's release, July 3rd, 1996.

    For a sequel that will be set 20 years after the original, this definitely makes the most sense.

    The duo that brought us the first film - director/writer Roland Emmerich, co-writer Dean Devlin - have been working on the project with White House Down writer/producer James Vanderbilt.  I still have yet to see WHD so please, someone tell me if this is a good or bad thing.

    It's also been reported by Emmerich himself that there are two scripts written, one with Will Smith, one without.  I'm willing to bet the one that includes him would basically push the film back a year so this release date change certainly helps that case.

    Now Emmerich and co. have over 2 1/2 years (along with everything they've already done since this past summer) to bring us a worthy and successful follow-up to one of the most popular action films of the last quarter century.

    Let's just hope they live up to expectations, or else they're going to piss a lot of people off.

    Source:  Variety


    Two New Names Emerge for Nightwing Role in 'Batman/Superman' Film

    Just yesterday, we reported Adam Driver (HBO's Girls) was the frontrunner for the Dick Grayson AKA Nightwing role in the still untitled, Batman/Superman film.  It was said that Driver was thought to be a serious contender but that two other unknown names were still being considered as well.

    This morning, we seemingly have clarification of who those two names are:

    Penn Badgley and Erza Miller.

    Let's start with Badgley.

    His most famous stint was on the CW's Gossip Girl (which he doesn't seem exactly proud of) along with 2009's remake of The Stepfather.  He's been getting good buzz for his work in the drama pic, Greetings from Tim Buckley, so it seems he's trying to get better, quality work in Hollywood.  In terms of looks, he definitely fits the Nightwing profile:  dark hair, 5'10'' (Badgley's listed at 5'9'' actually), as well as being only 27 years-old.  If picked, not a bad choice, but not a great one either.

    Which brings me to the second name mentioned above, Erza Miller.

    I took notice of this guy in last year's The Perks of Being a Wallflower and the dude definitely has extreme acting talent.  He also got critical raves for the previous year's We Need to Talk About Kevin, where he played an emotionally troubled teen.  He just turned 21 years-old, which might play against him, but he's 5'11'' and definitely has the physical potential to fulfill the role.  The other knock against him might be his lack of voice presence, which still sounds more like a teenager than a man.

    If I had to rank 'em, I'd say Miller, Driver, Badgley, with Driver still being the likely choice even though I think Miller would be great in the role.

    Who do you think should play Nightwing?

    Sound off below.

    Source:  Superhero Movie News 


    Confirmed Actors/Actresses Testing for Sarah Connor & Kyle Reese in 'Terminator', Tom Hardy Eyed for John Connor

    Well it looks like that story that came out a few days back was pretty much right on the money.

    Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones), Brie Larson (21 Jump Street), and Margot Robbie (The Wolf of Wall Street) are indeed testing for the role of Sarah Connor in the Terminator reboot, to be directed by Alan Taylor (Thor: The Dark World) and to be released summer 2015.

    However, the names that came up in regards to the male actors testing for the role of John Connor were sort of half right.

    Garrett Hedlund (Tron: Legacy) is indeed screen testing, yet not for John Connor, but the role of Kyle Reese.  Boyd Holbrook (The Host) is reportedly not involved at all, but new names of Taylor Kitsch (Battleship) and Nicholas Hoult (Jack the Giant Slayer) are coming in as well.

    Along with this, it's said director Taylor has his eye on none other than Tom Hardy to portray the role of John Connor, even though no meeting has taken place yet.

    The plot of this reboot is also starting to take shape with the confirmation of Arnold Schwarzenegger returning to his signature role, playing the T-800 sent back to protect Sarah Connor over a time-spanning story as she grows up.

    How this is all suppose to work with Arnold pushing 70 I have no idea.

    I'm still under the belief that somehow the makers behind this flick - Annapurna Pictures, Skydance Productions, Paramount - want this film to mirror what Star Trek did in 2009 by reinventing a franchise but keeping the original storyline apart of it too.  Basically, expect some type of appearance by both Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn as the older versions of their characters, respectively.

    We should know soon who has been casted as the film is expected to start filming early next year.

    Source:  Heath Vision , Justin Kroll Twitter


    Guess Who The Frontrunner for Nightwing Is in 'Batman vs. Superman'? This Guy.

    That's right.

    That 29 year-old odd looking character you see there is Adam Driver (I've posted a more flattering picture below).  He's an Emmy nominated actor on HBO's Girls while also having appeared in feature films such as Clint Eastwood's J. Edgar as well as Steven Speilberg's Lincoln.

    He is reportedly the frontrunner - along with two other other unknown actors - for the role of Dick Grayson aka Nightwing (formerly Robin), in Zack Snyder's Man of Steel follow-up, the tentatively titled Batman vs. Superman.

    Driver would portray the estranged partner of Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne/Batman, who is apparently going to be a more tired, weary hero, pushing mid to late 40s.

    I have to say I actually like this guy in the role if only because he's an outside-the-box choice who is known more for his acting talents than his physical looks (though at 6'3'', the dude ain't no slouch).

    We'll keep you posted on further developments as we can expect by the new year to have official casting, both for this role and the reported appearance of Wonder Woman as well.

    Source:  The Wrap


    Possible Actors Up for Sarah and John Connor in 'Terminator 5'

    There's a lot going on right now on the film side of the internet; a BIG Batman/Superman movie scoop is apparently coming, along with plenty of high-profile actors/actresses being announced for new projects (oh, and Will Smith is doing a publicity stunt about cheating with his co-star for attention).

    But the piece of news that I came across today that I wanted to report on is the apparent first bit of casting in regards to the new Terminator fillm (anything Terminator related I read, even though the past two films raped my childhood).

    Word comes today from a website I've never heard of - so I stress this with a grain of salt - that they know who's being eyed for both the roles of Sarah and John Connor in the planned Terminator 5 for summer 2015.

    Sadly, neither of those names are Linda Hamilton or Edward Furlong.

    The report states that Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones), Brie Larson (21 Jump Street), and Margot Robbie (The Wolf of Wall Street, my Will Smith reference above) are up for the role of Sarah Connor, while Boyd Holbrook(?) (The Host) and Garrett Hedlund (Tron: Legacy) are being eyed for the role of John Connor.

    Before I get to my thoughts on this, let me at least state what this 'solid' rumor seems to confirm:

    Terminator 5 will be a franchise reboot, a la what Star Trek did back in 2009.  Honor the original, but do a whole new thing, and when you're working with time travel, anything is possible.

    Now onto the supposed casting...I don't get it, at all.

    Not that any of those actors/actresses mentioned above are bad choices, but I just don't understand why are they casting a Sarah and John Connor with actors who are close to the same age, it's a mother and her son.

    The only way I see this working is if the plot somehow involves John going back in time to save his mom when she's the same age as him which makes no friggin sense in any way, but I guess that's the speculation you get when absolutely nothing has been let out about the plot of this movie.

    Hopefully, we get some official news about this project soon enough because that July 1st, 2015 release date will be here before you know it.

    Source:  Schmoes Know


    Gerard Butler Eyeing 'Kane & Lynch', Vin Diesel Might Join Him

    When it comes to video game adaptations, my knowledge pretty much stops at Mortal Kombat and that God-awful Street Fighter movie starring Jean-Claude Van Damme (seriously, did anyone read the script before doing that movie?  Was there even a script?).  Anyway...

    Word comes today that Nu Image/Millenium Films are reviving their on again, off again video game movie adaptation of Kane & Lynch, which follows Kane, a death row inmate, and Lynch, a schizophrenic killer, who team up to retrieve a stolen fortune.

    Gerard Butler is said to be in-talks for the role of Kane while an offer has apparently been sent out to Vin Diesel for the role of Lynch.

    Now I'm not at all familar with the game, but doesn't it seem as if the guy suffering from schizophrenia should be played by the 'actor' (Butler) and the prison inmate by the 'brawn' (Diesel) and not the other way around?

    F. Gary Gray - the man who directed Butler in 2007's fantastic Law Abiding Citizen - is aboard the project to direct.  He was actually attached to helm the film years back but obviously things didn't work out then, hopefully they do now at least.

    An on-screen team up of Gerard Butler and Vin Diesel actually sounds pretty cool, unless of course Diesel feels his 'talents' are better served doing another five Fast & Furious movies (you never know).

    Source:  Heat Vision


    Jake Gyllenhaal in Talks to Star in Boxing Drama 'Southpaw'

    Following two fantastic performances in both last year's End of Watch and this year's Prisoners, Jake Gyllenhaal is close to signing on for the boxing drama, Southpaw.

    The film, which was to originally star rapper Eminem in the title role, tells the story of a left-handed prizefighter who after being hit by tragedy, must earn back both his career and the respect of his young daughter.

    Antoine Fuqua (Training Day) is set to direct with Kurt Sutter (Sons of Anarchy) having written the script.

    The project was originally set up over at Dreamworks, then after going through the hands of both Sony and MGM, the Weinstein Comapny rescued it.  Eminem was going to play the 'father fighting for redemption' to parallel his real-life story, but the rapper decided to drop out even though director Fuqua stayed on-board.

    Gyllenhaal - whose getting early Oscar buzz for his work in Prisoners - seems to finally be hitting the phase for more mature, dramatic roles as he's currently filming the crime thriller, Nightcrawler, playing a underground journalist (explaining is recent gaunt appearance).

    Southpaw is set to start shooting next year so expect more news on the project in the coming months.

    Source:  The Wrap