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    Watch The Hollywood Reporter's 'Directors Roundtable'

    This is actually the first year I've come upon what is seemingly an annual thing The Hollywood Reporter does around awards season.

    They get a group of six individual's from the year's awards run (actors, actresses, directors, etc.) and have them sit down to discuss all things related to their field.

    I watched their 'Actor Roundtable' a couple weeks back - which included Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, Jake Gyllenhaal, Josh Brolin, Michael B. Jordan and Forest Whitaker - and it couldn't have been more insightful and interesting to watch these guys discuss their line of work.  From auditioning, to bad films made, to working with certain directors; it was worth an hour to watch.

    Now we have the 'Directors Roundtable' which includes Paul Greengrass, Steve McQueen, Alfonso Cauron, David O. Russell, Lee Daniels and - obviously the odd man out in the group - Ben Stiller (who actually discusses how he's always wanted to be a director more so an actor and is what he wants to focus on now).

    You can view the video below which is just under and hour long but, like the 'Actors' one, is definitely worth the time if you're a film fan.

    Check it out:

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