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    Emilia Clarke Cast as Sarah Connor in 'Terminator' Reboot

    Though it was reported on yesterday, I wanted to give my own thoughts on Emilia Clarke landing the role of Sarah Connor in the new Terminator reboot..

    We had heard earlier this week that it was down to Clarke and Brie Larson (Short Term 12, 21 Jump Street) for what's certainly the lead character in the July 1st, 2015 release, but were just waiting on who would be selected (director Alan Taylor seemingly won out as he wanted his Game of Thrones alum, while the studio, Paramount Pictures, wanted Larson).

    While many are a bit critical of the casting - some of the project all together - in stating that Larson is the better actress (worthy Oscar buzz for this year's Short Term 12), it's important to remember that the better actress - which mind you, is completely subjective - may not necessarily be the best choice for a role.  The director is the one whose vision is being put up on screen as well as the idea of the kind of performance he wants out of a actor/actress.  If Taylor feels Clarke gives him the best shot at attaining what he wants, they I'm all for it.  If anything, it shows the studio is confident in what Taylor is doing and willing to go with what he feels is best.  (Not to mention, Clarke has an Emmy nomination herself so she ain't exactly no slouch.)

    Clarke - who is certainly an absolutely beautiful actress - will have to pull off the role as made famous by Linda Hamilton in The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day.  Remember, Sarah Connor in the original film was an innocent, weak girl who turned herself into a tough, strong woman.  Clarke definitely has that 'innocent' look down, and I'm sure with any kind of training Hamilton went through herself, can achieve that 'badass' interpretation of the character that made her most recognizable.

    One last note, it's ironic enough that Jason Clarke - no relation to Emilia - will be playing John Connor, an obviously older man (sans time travel) than his 20-something mother.

    Now the hunt is on for the new Kyle Reese as the team behind the flick seemingly wanted both a casted John and Sarah Connor for the auditioning actors to work with to see who fits best.

    We shall see.

    What do you think of the new Terminator project so far?

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