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    "Sopranos" James Gandolfini Dead At 51

    Variety reports that James Gandolfini died at the age of 51 in Italy of a heart-attack.

    Three-time Emmy winner James Gandolfini has died in Italy at the age of 51 of a possible heart attack. According to HBO, he was on vacation at the time.  

    Gandolfini, most famous for playing Tony Soprano on HBO's critically lauded "The Sopranos", is survived by his wife and daughter. 

    Gandolfini recently appeared in the 2012 Oscar-nominated drama about the manhunt for Osama Bin-laden, Zero Dark Thirty. 

    Gandolfini's last filmed role is the 2014 crime-drama Animal Rescue starring Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, and written by Boston-centered Dennis Lehane (Shutter Island, Gone Baby Gone, Mystic River).


    Universal Picks Fifty Shades of Grey Director

    Fifty Shades of Grey has a director. No it's not Joe Wright. Or anyone else you, dear film nerd, are familiar with.

    Sam Taylor-Johnson got the assignment. She directed Nowhere Boy, the biopic on the teenage John Lennon none of you saw. Her real claim to fame, sadly, has dick to do with any work accomplishments, but her marriage to onscreen Lennon Aaron Johnson.

    That's a "big deal" because he's twenty years younger and, for some reason that gets frowned upon when the woman in the relationship is older. Totally fine if it’s the other way around, of course. Alright, alright, I'm stepping off the soapbox.

    For all the press of who Universal would settle on, it's a surprise choice. Given the subject matter, banking on the book's popularity and less on who directs, let alone who stars, makes the most sense economically.

    Source: The Hollywood Reporter


    Peter Wont Be Hitting The Jackpot in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2; MJ Cut from Film

    From CBM, In an interview with Entertainment Weekly for her upcoming Twilight film, Divergent, actress Shailene Woodley revealed that her scenes, which had been filmed way back in the Fall, were cut from Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in favor of saving MJ for The Amazing Spider-Man 3.

    "Of course I’m bummed. But I am a firm believer in everything happening for a specific reason…Based on the proposed plot, I completely understand the need for holding off on introducing [Mary Jane] until the next film."

    Well. I can ONLY imagine what they're trying to put all the time into with TASM 2. Could it be a certain death?

    That being said, I'm both glad and upset by this. The film is shaping up to have a plethora of characters; and MJ would be one more fresh-face to explain.

    On the other hand, it'd be nice seeing this girl before things go south for Peter and he latches to MJ as an emotional crutch in The Amazing Spider-Man 3.

    TASM 2 hits May 2, 2014, with TASM 3 on June 10, 2016.


    "Man Of Steel" Review - A Fan's Take

    The perspective of the fans is just as important as those of critics or the general public, especially when pertaining to comic book related films. When I found out loyal THINKMCFLYTHINK.COM reader and Superman fan Adam Davis was going to provide his thoughts and write a review after seeing Man Of Steel I immediately wanted it to be published on the site.

    ~Peter Georgiou

    “We’re approaching this as if there are no other Superman movies.”
    ~~Zack Snyder~~

    With that rule in place, Man of Steel is off and running.  Director Zack Snyder paints with a large brush, deftly handling all aspects of one of the most well known origin stories and updating it for today’s ever demanding and critical audiences. Beginning with the birth of Kal-El, who will grow to become mankind’s savior, the film does a great job of showing Superman fans  a scope and scale they never thought possible.

    Watching it for the second time earlier today, I realized just how happy this film makes me.  I can’t remember when I first saw the original Superman, it’s one of those movies that has always been a part of my life.  Christopher Reeve has not only been my Superman, but a role model in the strongest sense of the word.  As I grew older, I began to not only realize the flaws the four original movies have, but also the fact that Reeve himself elevated the material.

    That realization helped me come to terms with the idea of a rebooted Superman franchise.  Seeing Spider-Man and Batman experience huge success on the big screen over the last decade or so drove home the fact that it was time for the king to reclaim his throne. I’m sure that everyone reading this knows the story of the film, the hiring of Zack Snyder, the casting of Henry Cavill, Amy Adams and the rest of the cast.  There is also no reason to re-hash the plot.  What I wish to focus on instead is how the movie makes me feel.  It’s one thing to walk out of a movie thoroughly entertained, happy you spent the money.  It’s another to feel as though what you just spent the previous two and a half hours watching is the realization of a cinematic dream.

    While the beginning twenty minutes or so on Krypton is very sci-fi heavy, it never feels like it’s gone overboard with it’s complexity.  In my opinion, that has a great deal to do with Russell Crowe as Jor-El .  He grounds the film in believability from the very first frame and adds a new dimension to the character, played previously on the big screen by Marlon Brando.  Within the first few minutes on screen, it’s easy to feel his desperation and the love he feels for his newborn son.  The film needed an actor of his presence for the role and he handled it flawlessly. His interactions with Kal later on and especially his scene with Lois are among the best parts of the film.

    At it’s core, this is a movie about fathers and sons, destiny and choice and being comfortable in your own skin. Sure, the action is great, and it’s a sci-fi superhero film, but it’s really the heart of the piece that transcends the genre.  The early scenes deal with a young Clark who is trying to get a handle on his powers.  Whether it’s learning how to control his x-ray vision or his super hearing, they add a new layer that’s never been explored on the screen.  The autism overtones are very apparent, intentional or not, and it made me consider for the first time, just how hard life would be for young Clark Kent.

    This is driven home in an exemplary way by Kevin Costner’s heart-wrenching turn as Jonathan Kent.  When all is said and done, he may be my favorite character in the film.  He has one goal, to keep his son safe and that goal colors every decision he makes.  The scene where he shows Clark the ship he was found in contains a line that encapsulates all that Pa Kent stands for.  When Clark asks if he can just continue to pretend to be his son, Jonathan replies “You ARE my son” and his voice cracks as he pulls Clark close.  It was at this point that any fear I had going into the film melted away.  They had me by the heart and the movie never let go.

    I’ll be honest.  When Zack Snyder was announced as director, I was scared.  I’ve never enjoyed any of his previous work, and I even considered walking out of Watchmen.  I thought that he was the absolute worst choice for a job as important as Superman.  This was a property that deserved to be handled with care and reverence and I was afraid Snyder, with his constant slo-mo and overly masculine take on cinema would rip the heart out of the character.  I have never been more happy to be wrong in my life.  As perfect as Richard Donner was for the ’78 version of Superman, I feel Snyder is the perfect director for this take on the character.  It may seem to be hyperbole, especially from such a huge fan of the original, but there is nothing I would change when it comes to the style of the picture.

    Is the film perfect?  Not at all, but I feel as though I have reached a point in my life where I can no longer pick apart every detail of any film.  As I mentioned at the beginning, I never thought I’d get a Superman film of this magnitude.  I sat in the theater during the midnight showing and couldn’t get my head around what I was seeing.  In a sense, Man of Steel is the cinematic equivalent of Superman The Animated Series.

    I couldn’t imagine any actor taking up the cape in this story other than Henry Cavill.  He’s able to embody the strength and majesty of the character while also infusing the Last Son of Krypton with a tremendous human heart.  Reeve was  Superman for an entire generation and his performance will never be forgotten.  That said, I’d put Cavill’s take toe to toe with Reeve’s when it comes to being strong enough to carry the character on his shoulders.  Cavill is able to be incredibly caring and understanding but also strong and forceful.  He’s very serious but also balances the ability to allow his human side to shine through.  I immediately bought him in the role  and believed in every action he took. His immediate reaction to taking a life at the end of the film sells the moment as being one of horrible regret.  It’s handled with incredible care, he makes a choice which is the only one he feels he can make.  It doesn’t bother me that he doesn’t have everything figured out.  As humans, we are not perfect, and I expect him to learn and grow as the series progresses and I cannot wait to see more of him in the role.

    Amy Adams is truly my favorite Lois Lane.  It’s fantastic to see her as an actual headstrong reporter that stands for something.  I love that she is willing to give up her entire career to protect Clark.  As her reaction to Kal’s story of losing his father shows, there is a genuine feeling of empathy she has for him. I’m not sure what it is about Adams, she’s adorable, but I totally buy her as a tough, investigative reporter.  Much like with Cavill, I couldn’t imagine anyone but her in the role.

    I could go on and on about Michael Shannon’s General Zod and his multifaceted performance.  I love this movie with all my heart and Zod is one of the main reasons why.  From the beginning, it was easy to understand his motivations, even in the twisted way he approached it.  A hero is only as good as his villain and Shannon is just perfectly cast.  He always plays an odd, slightly off putting character and there is so much going on behind his eyes.  He is able to convey so much emotion with only his facial expressions.  It was nice to finally have a villain who I feel is worthy of Superman on screen and not another land grab real-estate scheme.

    It’s fantastic that Superman is back on top of the box office heap and I’m glad to see that audiences have responded in large numbers. The sequel cannot come soon enough for me and I hope to have a chance to talk more about the movie and this review in the future.


    PROMETHEUS Sequel Gets New Writer; Nerds Will Still Complain 

    It's been about a year ago since many an arm-chair war was fought with keyboards over Twitter and Facebook between those that loved Ridley Scott's Alien prequel, Prometheus and those that hated it. Well, it's about to be time to do it again.

    EW confirmed reports from Variety about Transcendence writer Jack Paglen now being attached to Prometheus 2 or Paradise as some are calling it (or the more aptly named sequel given the franchise history, Prometheuses).

    No news on when the project is set to film, or who is involved (Fassbender and Rapace are a shoe-in); but at least they can't blame Lindelof for this too.


    First Trailer for THE LEGO MOVIE Makes You Go "Wow, That's Nice"

    The trailer for WB's The Lego Movie hit earlier, and I haven't laughed this hard at a trailer in quite a while.

    The animation looks beautiful, and the movie looks like a legitimate good family time that doesn't insult intelligence like most "kids" movies released in recent memory.

    One thing is for sure, this will win an Oscar or two for animation alone.

    An ordinary LEGO minifigure, mistakenly thought to be the extraordinary MasterBuilder, is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil LEGO tyrant from gluing the universe together.

    The Lego Movie stars Liam Neeson, Chris Pratt, Morgan Freeman, Elizabeth Banks, Will Ferrell, Alison Bree, and Will Arnett. 


    Hope You Like Bioshock: Ken Levine to Write LOGAN'S RUN For WB


    Ken Levine, writer and creator of 2k's acclaimed 2007 Multiple Game of the Year winner, "Bioshock", and this year's "Bioshock: Infinite" has been tossed the script for Logan's Run, and been told "Please write this damn thing."

    Deadline reports that Levine is the latest in a long line of people since the 90s to be tapped for the project, which recently had Drive and Only God Forgives duo Ryan Gosling and Nicolas Winding-Refn attached to it.

    Levine began his career as a screenwriter and a playwright before he became one of the most influential figures in the video game industry. He’s making a rare appearance outside of video games because Logan’s Run has been such a passion project for him.

    No word yet on anyone else attached to it; but if Levine is behind that'll be faith enough to quell fears of a poorly written modern-day remake such as Total Recall and the nervous jitters of Robocop.


    9/11 Times A Thousand: MAN OF STEEL's Estimated Damage Toll 

    While it's apparent not everyone loved Zack Snyder's Man of Steel over the weekend, one thing is for certain:

    Shit got wrecked.

    You can't throw a stone without hitting a whiney article about "mah supur man destroyed 2 much stuff!!" or "not MUH COMICS" in regards to the massive amount of damage dealt to Smallville and Metropolis in the films big fight-scenes. Well, thanks to Buzzfeed and Watson Technical Consulting, you can now judge for yourself whetherthat's "not so bad" of a number or "holy shit".

    In a study done exclusively for BuzzFeed, scientist and longtime disaster expert Charles Watson worked with his team at Watson Technical Consulting to model and anticipate the damage done to Metropolis, both in the form of human casualties and monetary cost. They ran analyses of the World Engine ground zero in Central Manhattan and central Chicago, finding that the major damage would be a mile in diameter.

    WTC estimates that, in the days after the attack, the known damage would already be stunning: 129,000 known killed, over 250,000 missing (most of whom would have also died), and nearly a million injured.

    The impact, WTC writes, “seemed to be similar to an air burst from a 20kt nuclear explosion in terms of shock effects, but without the radiation or thermal effects.”

    In terms of the strictly physical damage done to the city, the initial estimate is $700 billion. To put that in context, 9/11’s physical damage cost $55 billion, with a further economic impact of $123 billion.

    Overall, WTC estimates that the damage would be $2 trillion.

    Damn. I guess besides iHops, 7-11's, Windows Phones, and Nikkon cameras the state of Kansas should invest in Superhero Insurance. 


    You'll Be Getting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 3 *AND* 4!


    I hope Andrew Garfield didn't plan to star in much else during his glorious "teenage" years.

    Sony has dropped the release dates for The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 4 according to Jeff Sneider of The Wrap via his Twitter.

    -The Amazing Spider-Man 3 is set for June 10, 2016 
    -The Amazing Spider-Man 4 is set for May 4, 2018. (holy shit). 

    This was later confirmed by Jeff Blake, Chairman of Worldwide Marketing and Distribution for Sony Pictures.

    Spider-Man is our most important, most successful, and most beloved franchise, so we’re thrilled that we are in a position to lock in these prime release dates over the next five years

    UPDATE: At press time, Sony said that they expect a release date for the reboot to be May 4, 2022; but nothing has been set in stone yet.


    Trailer for GATSBY Sequel, THE WOLF OF WALL STREET, Promises Leo and Monkeys


    The trailer for Martin Scorsese's upcoming film The Wolf of Wall Street showed up online today; and promises that Coach Taylor, Jay Gatsby, the kid who wasn't Channing Tatum in 21 Jump Street, Matthew McConoughey, and Rob Reiner will make you go "Man, I should be really be on Wall Street, it looks so easy!" just like 21 made you think Blackjack was simple and rewarding, and  The Italian Job made you go "that really wouldn't be that hard, we could get rich!"

    The Wolf of Wall Street opens November 15 and you might see it at the Oscars later that year and go "I totally called it, that Leo guy is GOING places."


    The Wolf of Wall Street stars DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort, a Long Island penny stockbroker who served 20 months in prison for refusing to cooperate in a massive 1990s securities fraud case that involved widespread corruption on Wall Street and in the corporate banking world, including mob infiltration.