9/11 Times A Thousand: MAN OF STEEL's Estimated Damage Toll

While it's apparent not everyone loved Zack Snyder's Man of Steel over the weekend, one thing is for certain:
Shit got wrecked.
You can't throw a stone without hitting a whiney article about "mah supur man destroyed 2 much stuff!!" or "not MUH COMICS" in regards to the massive amount of damage dealt to Smallville and Metropolis in the films big fight-scenes. Well, thanks to Buzzfeed and Watson Technical Consulting, you can now judge for yourself whetherthat's "not so bad" of a number or "holy shit".
In a study done exclusively for BuzzFeed, scientist and longtime disaster expert Charles Watson worked with his team at Watson Technical Consulting to model and anticipate the damage done to Metropolis, both in the form of human casualties and monetary cost. They ran analyses of the World Engine ground zero in Central Manhattan and central Chicago, finding that the major damage would be a mile in diameter.
WTC estimates that, in the days after the attack, the known damage would already be stunning: 129,000 known killed, over 250,000 missing (most of whom would have also died), and nearly a million injured.
The impact, WTC writes, “seemed to be similar to an air burst from a 20kt nuclear explosion in terms of shock effects, but without the radiation or thermal effects.”
In terms of the strictly physical damage done to the city, the initial estimate is $700 billion. To put that in context, 9/11’s physical damage cost $55 billion, with a further economic impact of $123 billion.
Overall, WTC estimates that the damage would be $2 trillion.
Damn. I guess besides iHops, 7-11's, Windows Phones, and Nikkon cameras the state of Kansas should invest in Superhero Insurance.
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